posted by Ironman92It’s just getting started, this is FAR from over I’ll bet....and instead of getting to watch my favorite sport by the greatest in the world....this will dominate the talk....and that I do hate and care about. I wanna watch 2020 and not talk about 2017 and 2019 but it will likely be impossible.
Go Reds
Well, that’s exactly what I’m talking about and why I am so pissed. We are just getting past the PED crap and now this. Unless MLB makes the penalties for cheating severe enough so that it outweighs the monetary rewards for taking the risk, then cheating will just continue and poison the game. Just as Heretic posted above, there are huge $$$ awards for performance... hitting 30 points higher, knocking in 25 more runs, 10 dingers over the course of a season.... means a lot of money for your next contract. Unless the penalties outweigh the rewards, some players are going to take advantage.
The title should be vacated and the players on those teams should be subject to a similar penalty that is levied for PED use.