Absurdle 488 4/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Absurdle 488 4/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Antiwordle #452
7 guesses
Should have been a 3 - only 3 words left after 2nd guess. Couldn't come up with it.
Wordle 685 4/6*
Wordle 685 5/6*
Wordle 685 4/6
Absurdle 489 4/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Antiwordle #453
6 guesses
Wordle 685 4/6*
In hindsight, probably should have been a 2. But I think that's a decent birdie.
Wordle 686 3/6*
Wordle 686 2/6*
Wordle 686 4/6*
Wordle 686 3/6
Looks like I’m today’s loser. I found this one rather difficult. My last guess, turns out there were three words left and I got it. The average today is 3.8, so congrats to you all.
Got this one in 10 seconds.
Wordle 687 3/6*
My second guess narrowed it down to one.
First word was handy
Wordle 687 2/6
posted by Ironman92First word was handy
Wordle 687 2/6
Nice one!
Absurdle 491 4/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
I cannot do this game
Antiwordle #455
4 guesses
My fourth word was better
Wordle 688 5/6
Absurdle 492 3/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
I cannot do this game
Antiwordle #456
4 guesses
posted by Ironman92My fourth word was better
Wordle 688 5/6
Mine, too.
Wordle 688 5/6*
With two possible choices left, I chose wrong today.
Was thinking "I don't know this word". Just a stupid word.
Wordle 688 4/6*
Wordle 688 5/6*
Wordle 689 4/6