Wordle 612 5/6*
NYT average is 4.1 today, however the Analyst took a 5 today, also.
Wordle 612 5/6*
NYT average is 4.1 today, however the Analyst took a 5 today, also.
No way 4.1 is the average
posted by Ironman92No way 4.1 is the average
I just checked again and it hasn’t changed.
And I agree with you.
Took me forever as it's not a word I've ever used, and barely heard of. Finally realized that "oh, duh, it's another stupid word with a letter twice".
Wordle 612 3/6*
Absurdle 416 3/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
And my wife coming off an ace….got a 3 on this one 😐
Antiwordle #380
7 guesses
Wordle 613 X/6*
Double fail
Wordle 613 X/6*
Analysis: For my 5th guess I had three choices left. Loser.
NYT average is listed at 5.5
Wordle 613 6/6
a 5.5 average?!? I guess I can see how that happens.
Wordle 613 5/6*
Now I feel better
Absurdle 417 2/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Back to sucking
Antiwordle #381
5 guesses
My wife is now the best wordle player in the world…got a 1, 3 on tough word yesterday and 4 on today’s difficult word
100% have had this word before
Wordle 614 5/6
Wordle 614 3/6*
Feeling better today
Wordle 614 3/6*
Absurdle 418 5/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Antiwordle #382
4 guesses
Wordle 615 3/6*
I think a 3 is pretty good today but not sure it’s greatly possible to not get it in 4 or less
Wordle 615 3/6
Terrible start
Wordle 615 4/6*
NYT average is 4.2
posted by BRFTerrible start
Wordle 615 4/6*
NYT average is 4.2
It’s not easy I just wasn’t sure how many other words it could be after a few guesses
Absurdle 419 3/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Antiwordle #383
7 guesses