Absurdle 377 3/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Absurdle 377 3/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Antiwordle #341
8 guesses
Wordle 573 4/6*
All pars so far.
Wordle 574 4/6*
I’ve played a lot of these games but it sure feels like we’ve had this word before.
Wordle 574 4/6
posted by Ironman92I think you may be right.I’ve played a lot of these games but it sure feels like we’ve had this word before.
Absurdle 378 4/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Antiwordle #342
6 guesses
Wordle 575 5/6
Absurdle 379 4/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Antiwordle #343
6 guesses
Forgot to finish Saturday’s.
Wordle 575 2/6*
Back to shitty guessing
Wordle 575 5/6*
Me, too
Wordle 575 5/6*
posted by gutBack to shitty guessing
Wordle 575 5/6*
Outside of your first guess
I think it’s been a month since I’ve had a good first word (I just randomly pick a word, sometimes veering away from the prior day’s word)
Wordle 576 4/6*
Wordle 576 4/6*
Wordle 576 4/6
Absurdle 380 4/8 - https://absurdle.xyz
Antiwordle #344
10 guesses
That was close.
Wordle 576 6/6*
Wordle 577 3/6*
I could NOT think of any word after my 3rd guess. It took forever for having 3 letters in the right place
Wordle 577 4/6
Absurdle 381 3/8 - https://absurdle.xyz