posted by gutBut I didn't even know how to play until my 4th guess
What process did you go through to get it to post like that? I tried two ways snd both just gave the link to my game
posted by gutBut I didn't even know how to play until my 4th guess
What process did you go through to get it to post like that? I tried two ways snd both just gave the link to my game
Absurdle 348 3/8 -
Bad start to the day
Wordle 545 5/6
Oh wow….might retire
Absurdle 349 2/8 -
Antiwordle #313
4 guesses
Wordle 545 4/6*
Wordle 545 3/6*
Wordle 545 3/6*
Never going to birdie again
Wordle 546 4/6
I rock this game
Absurdle 350 3/8 -
Antiwordle #314
8 guesses
Wordle 546 3/6*
Wordle 546 3/6*
Big comeback with second guess
Boring par today.
I could see a lot of birdies but also some bogeys
Wordle 547 3/6
Either this game is easy or I’m great
Absurdle 351 3/8 -
Antiwordle #315
9 guesses
Wordle 547 3/6*
Wordle 547 3/6*
posted by Ironman92I could see a lot of birdies but also some bogeys
Wordle 547 5/6*
3.6 average today - turrable!
Wordle 547 5/6*
Wordle 548 2/6*
Wordle 548 3/6*
I was like "average of 2.9, are you kidding me?!?!" Then I looked at the word again
Wordle 548 3/6*