posted by justincredible
Did a lot of reading over vacation. I read a book called Bandwidth by Eliot Peper. It was a quick, entertaining enough read. It's part of a trilogy, I'll likely read the next book at some point.
I also started in on The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. I'm a little over 62% in (625ish out of 1000 pages) and it's been fantastic. If you like fantasy, I highly recommend it.
I might have to look into the Sanderson stuff just to see how he is as a writer with his own properties, since I'm only familiar with him due to him finishing off Wheel of Time after Robert Jordan died. Speaking of hilariously long fantasy, Wheel of Time is 14 books long (with a 15th book that came out midway through the series being set as a prequel to introduce what two major characters were doing before the first book started) with all of them being between 700-1100 pages.
I've read a lot of fantasy and remember the "good ol' days" when guys like David Eddings would write 5-book series where each installment was about 300 pages. Between Wheel of Time, A Song of Ice and Fire and Malazan Book of the Fallen, I'm now so used to these books being 900 pages long with 500 important characters per book that I don't know if I can even still comprehend those shorter novels, lol.