I was expecting the link not to work; I was shocked to find a new website design.
Chief Shenanigans Officer
Chief Shenanigans Officer
When clicking on links, is there any chance we could have them open in a new window? So, a 'target="_blank"' on any link that takes you off ohiochatter.com?
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Yeah, I can add that.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Added thread subscriptions this morning. You will automatically be subscribed to a thread if you reply to it. You can subscribe manually with the button at the top of the thread. You can unsubscribe with the same button, it's just a toggle. All of your subscribed threads will show up under the new Subscribed Threads link in the main nav. The old Popular Threads link is now a button on the All Threads page.
Master of teh QQ
Master of teh QQ
WTF is this place? Apparently I hadn't checked in on the OC in a while.... haha
Verbal Kint
Senior Member
Verbal Kint
Senior Member
posted by SnotBubblesWTF is this place? Apparently I hadn't checked in on the OC in a while.... haha
Here is where you left off...
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Crap, thought I snotproofed this place.
Master of teh QQ
Master of teh QQ
posted by Verbal KintHere is where you left off...
Almost time for the 2018 contest! Someone else may need to take it over. :\
Master of teh QQ
Master of teh QQ
posted by justincredibleCrap, thought I snotproofed this place.
You didn't. Boom!
An exceptional poster.
An exceptional poster.
Are polls even possible here at the moment?
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
posted by GOONx19Are polls even possible here at the moment?
Not yet, but I've started building out the logic for this (on paper). It's not a terribly complicated piece of functionality, so I should have polls available before the new year.
Senior Member
Senior Member
posted by justincredibleNot yet, but I've started building out the logic for this (on paper). It's not a terribly complicated piece of functionality, so I should have polls available before the new year.
Didn't read through this entire thread. I like the new look and don't care about minor bugs.
Any data to share since the switch? New users? Traffic up or down? Also, when is my $12 due and where do I send it?
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
posted by TBone14Didn't read through this entire thread. I like the new look and don't care about minor bugs.
Any data to share since the switch? New users? Traffic up or down? Also, when is my $12 due and where do I send it?
I was planning on running a few queries at some point to see how posting rates compare. I'll probably wait until the end of the week, since it launched on a Friday, and query activity in the 3 weeks since launch and 3 weeks prior to launch. My initial reaction is that traffic is up, but I'm curious if the numbers back that up.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Did a bit of work on polling functionality last night, and doing some more on my lunch break now. It currently functions in so far as you can add a poll to a new thread, add up to 16 options to the poll, and choose whether it's multiple choice or single choice. Once it's no longer ugly I'll push the code, likely tonight. I know I'll want to add the ability to add an end date for the poll, which I can probably add quickly, so it might make it in with the initial code push. Otherwise that option will be added later.
12th Son of the Lama
12th Son of the Lama
Are posting numbers up or down since the switch?
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Looks to be a steady rate of posting before and after the switch. There were 3225 posts the 3 weeks before launch. There have been 3205 in the 3+ weeks since launch, though this weekend being the holidays has likely put a slight dent in those numbers.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
Repping and negging now updates the users rep score. If you've ever paid attention to your rep score you'll notice it's likely changed. I updated the formula used to determine that score to get rep scores to match the old site as close as possible. Then I looped through all previously left negs/reps since the switch and updated rep scores accordingly.
In ROY I Trust!!
In ROY I Trust!!
Does using the “add to server” or whatever it says for pictures bog down the site?
I typically upload from my phone and not a from a website, so it’s easier to do that.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
posted by wildcats20Does using the “add to server” or whatever it says for pictures bog down the site?
I typically upload from my phone and not a from a website, so it’s easier to do that.
It shouldn't, but I've heard that large files kill it so you might get an error. I'll be working on that over the next few days.
Verbal Kint
Senior Member
Verbal Kint
Senior Member
If I click on the last page button ">>", it jumps to page 12, and there is nothing there.
I'm sure that will change once I hit "post reply"
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
posted by Verbal KintIf I click on the last page button ">>", it jumps to page 12, and there is nothing there.
I'm sure that will change once I hit "post reply"
Yeah, that's a minor counting bug that I'll fix at some point. It's due to the fact that a thread post and a reply are different entities as far as the system is concerned, but when I build out the thread I combine them together.
12th Son of the Lama
12th Son of the Lama
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
posted by ernest_t_bassWednesday.
Indeed. Though, in my defense, I've been making updates at a much more rapid pace since the switch. That's not hard when I basically did nothing with the old software, but it's still something.
Master of teh QQ
Master of teh QQ
New site looks great. Keep up the good work.