posted by Fletch
I know you are being sarcastic but there has not been one drip of evidence to prove that those rioters (that looked a lot like Antifa in their back military outfits) were Maga. You levy the complaint, you are the one too have to prove it, not the trumpsters.
Also noticed a lot of backpack wearing millennials in the crowd. Maga?
The "not one drip of evidence" bit is kind of hilarious, considering that, with all the arrests that have happened, it's pretty easy to find out that people busted includes: a Proud Boys president/chapter leader/whatever, a few known QAnon adherents and a West Virginia Republican office-holder.
And the "you levy the complaint, you are the one who needs to prove it" bit is also kind of funny, considering this event happened because Trump levied a complaint and his attempts to prove it resulted in his legal team having a comically horrible win-loss record in the court system, leading to a bunch of yahoos throwing a fit because reality didn't meet their expectations.