posted by SportsAndLadyI didn’t want to make a new username. Justin fucked with this account and it’s making me hit reload about 20 times before a page will load (Yes I had to refresh about 30 times to get this post on here)...I created a new username and it magically worked like normal. That new username appears to also be not working this morning.
Pretty cunty move by the most sensitive cunt on this planet (Justin). Bans someone who’s been postin on the site since it’s inception because I get passionate about cops killing people, and also because Justin gave the biggest pussy response to a question on the reds thread and I called him out.
Pretty weak sauce move, but hey if he wants me gone that’s cool but goodbye about 8% of the traffic on this site. Not only is he a sensitive vagina, but he also appears to be a terrible businessman.
Oh well, was a fun ride. Enjoyed the back and forth.