posted by geeblock
I’m just saying if you want to actually stop black on black crime blocking people from bettering their lives by getting into better neighborhoods and better schools is the opposite. This is what caused the problem in the first place
When poor areas have some remodeling done and higher price homes, which by your definition would raise the level of the schools, the left decries it as gentrification and it’s a terrible thing.
When you build poor housing in a nicer area the right decries it as lowering the value of the area and schools.
Neither are 100% right or wrong in their stance. But they are both hypocritical in their solidarity.
I know if I live in a run down area (have been there) I wouldn’t mind if the houses around me get built up as it raises the value of my home. If I lived in a nicer area I wouldn’t want the opposite. I wouldn’t want section 8 housing right next to me. Not because of race, but due to killing my property value.