posted by Curly J$3.14 in Austinville.
I voted for Cletus.
posted by Curly J$3.14 in Austinville.
I voted for Cletus.
Sexy. I mean, 60.
posted by justincredibleI voted for Cletus.
Power I?
48 here
This place is crawlin with teh millenials!
posted by justincredibleThere's a name I haven't seen in a while. What's up?
I’m still alive, just don’t make it around here as much. Twin toddlers will do that. I lurk here and there but any of the threads that go back to the beginnings always drag me back in.
posted by queencitybuckeyeA youthful 62.
My parents are in their early 60s and struggle just to use email. I’m honestly surprised you guys have figured out how to post on here.
posted by GOONx19My parents are in their early 60s and struggle just to use email. I’m honestly surprised you guys have figured out how to post on here.
Those of us who worked in the technology field invented things like the internet, the web, message boards, etc.
34, also joined JJ around 16.
I know Belly's 70+, but who's the other member that the septuagenarian?
33. I joined JJhuddle when I was 15.
posted by GOONx19My parents are in their early 60s and struggle just to use email. I’m honestly surprised you guys have figured out how to post on here.
Whippersnapper, I was exploring the wonders of the Apple IIc before you were a gleam in your daddy's pants, lol.
Like queencitybuckeye said, we codgers were young once, and we were excited when personal computers become a realistic thing. I started using them at work in 1983, began uploading monthly reports thru a phone line by 1986, was using VAX HR apps and email by 1987, and web-based apps by 1993. The more my work transitioned to email and on-line apps, the less I wanted to keep up and have the latest tech in my home.
However, you are permitted to laugh at my reluctance to download an app to my phone to use the no-coin parking meters in Millenialville (aka The Short North in Columbus).
How do I post a pic?
posted by Gardens35How do I post a pic?
Fuck we are getting old.... I'm 37
Some days I feel young, some days not so much.
34 in a month.
posted by SnotBubblesFuck we are getting old.... I'm 37
35 next week.
44 votes so far. Y'all should post more often. :)