Have had beef tongue a couple times, didn't particularly care for it. Will not request.
Have had beef tongue a couple times, didn't particularly care for it. Will not request.
Friends recommend Fligner's market in Lorain. They butcher local farmers stuff. Picked up 30# chicken breast this weekend for $2.79 a pound. We have meat in small town IGAs close to us but it's like $5 a pound from Amish country. Decided to stock up and save some $$. Sam's club has been out of a lot of stuff for the last two weeks. Decided to go in on 1/2 a cow which will keep us good for the rest of the year..
posted by gut
Does anyone by chance order frozen lobster tails from anywhere?
I would never buy frozen. Here is a link to a supplier in New England; you will have fresh, LIVE, lobsters the next day. It is a quality product; I have enjoyed their lobster every time.