Miller Lite and some Killians
Miller Lite and some Killians
Picked up some local stuff yesterday, a growler of NE IPA, a crowler of helles, and a crowler of a milkshake ipa. Had the helles earlier, will be cracking open the milkshake ipa with dinner.
^^^^^^ My stock of craftier beers is way low right now.
Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale and some Miller Lites
posted by birddog23Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale
That is some good stuff, right there.
First summer shandys of the year!
Woodford on the rock.
Working tonight. So, a sour apple Rockstar. And it’s not very good.
Gut, what are you drinking?
Made some frozen margs in the Margarittaville blender thing.
Bud Light, my preferred flip cup beer, and the first I've had in over three weeks.
posted by wildcats20Made some frozen margs in the Margarittaville blender thing.
I need one of those things. Vodka here
posted by iclfan2I need one of those things. Vodka here
We rarely use ours, but it’s nice to know we have it if we want to make something.
Had a couple ciders earlier today out of pure boredom. Back on the red wine now though. I’ve probably averaged a bottle of red wine a night over the last few weeks.
Which means I’m probably going to die of Rona soon. According to gut. Remember, he researched Bird flu for 2.5 weeks, so he knows.
Pabst Blue Ribbon- Drank it long before it became a Hipster drink.
Ten Penny Ale- Homestead brewing
Buckeye Lake Blonde -Buckeye Lake Brewing
Trying to help keep our local breweries in business
^^^^^^^^ Atta boy, cat_lover!
posted by cat_loverPabst Blue Ribbon- Drank it long before it became a Hipster drink.
Ten Penny Ale- Homestead brewing
Buckeye Lake Blonde -Buckeye Lake Brewing
Trying to help keep our local breweries in business
I could really go for some Dankhouse right now.
Typically Makers Mark, sometimes mixed with Gatorade zero.
This was my haul from Hoof Hearted two weeks ago. Picked up another flat of 4-packs last weekend from there.
Save some for everyone else.
Nice haul.
Thanks. That was a $400 pickup. :D Oof!
BTW, Urban Artifact is shipping beers. Free shipping on anything over $70.
posted by TedShecklerBTW, Urban Artifact is shipping beers. Free shipping on anything over $70.
Listermann's is also shipping. My two favorite Cincinnati breweries.
columbus ipa bluebull and titos bud light in rotation this week,
Tonight will be Woodford old fashioned’s. I’m all out of other whiskeys, so need to make a grocery run soon