I'm 68 full head of hair, wife calls it more salt and pepper now. I think the wife found my first gray hair at the age of 45 or around that age...
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posted by GOONx19I’m hoping I make it to gray. I’m 27 and have noticed my hairline is slowly receding. Luckily no thinning elsewhere. The only bald guy in my family history is my dad’s dad.
This is me too. Except I’m 28 and I’m not aware of any genetic baldness.
Tomfoolery & shenanigans
Tomfoolery & shenanigans
I am probably 50/50 now.....so much gray. Honestly, it really doesn't bother me.
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I'm at about 10 percent gray. I'll be 33 on the 20th.
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30 years old, still full head of hair with no gray.
My beard has a tiny bit of gray when I haven't shaved for like a week.
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Junior Member
Don't worry about it. It's everyone else's problem.
Honorable Admin
Honorable Admin
justincredible wrote:At my last haircut I could really see the gray coming though in the hair on my cape. My barber caught me closely examining it and got a good chuckle. I asked my mom when my grandpa went completely gray (my hair is pretty much the same as his) and that was around 40. I'm 34 now, I imagine I'll be completely gray by 40, if not a little earlier.
Have you gone gray yet (I know the board is trending older these days)? If so, when did it happen?
Well, I'll be 42 this weekend and outside of a much grayer beard, nothing has really changed.
Woof. I can't believe it's almost been a decade since this post.
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Senior Member
justincredible wrote:
Well, I'll be 42 this weekend and outside of a much grayer beard, nothing has really changed.
Woof. I can't believe it's almost been a decade since this post.
My facial hair is probably 70% grey, my hair on my head is less than 20% grey.
I just turned 46.
My wife says I can't shave my beard and go clean shaving because it makes me look like I am in my 20s and she doesn't want to feel like a "pedophile" as she puts it.
So I said "fine, but you have to keep your hair long, no short pixie cuts" and she was fine with that.
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Senior Member
At 40, I'm blonde and blessed. Hardly any balding history in my family.
Buttttt, I do notice full on white hairs increasingly in my beard. Just rolling with it.
7 years later still minimal grey….a small area upfront as my hair gets towards the need to be cut
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Senior Member
Coming up on 50 and my beard is probably 5-10% grey. Actually looking much more white than gray. I really hope I don't end up with ghost-white hair like some.
Hairline not doing good, at all. Crown so thin looks like I have about a fist sized bald spot.
Son of the Sun
Son of the Sun
51, been basically gray/white for a time now thanks to my mom's genetics. She was starting to go gray/white in high school or some shit like that. Think I noticed my first gray hairs probably in my early/mid 20s and the number just kept going. And the male-pattern baldness started being a factor. So I shaved my head and that's the end of that! Well, except for the goatee/beard dealie.
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I still have all my hair.
Got my first gray in 7th grade. Thur HS and college steadily got more. Now it has since stopped for some reason. But the beard is bad. I cannot grow one it is so coarse and white. I look 55 with it vs my actual age of 38.
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Senior Member
BRF wrote:I still have all my hair.
I don't miss the daily maintenance of my hair. But I take a glance at my wife's shampoo bottle in the shower and remember the thick lather I could work up in my hair. That feeling is becoming a distant memory. 50% of what is left is gray. The beard when I grow it out i would say 80%.