posted by Automatik
lol....glad it's not just me. I have absurdly long arms. I've been getting shit for it my whole life.
I got 225 for 8 in my glory days. Shoulder problems then surgery ruined benching for me.
My favorite bench press story is from my sophomore year of HS when we were testing in the summer before football two a days started.
One of the stations...bench press. I knew I wasn't good, and to be honest I don't think I had ever benched a barbell before at that time (was doing some DB Bench Press).
The coach was standing there spotting (thankfully) and I unracked that 135lbs and it immediately came crushing down on my chest! Had to take 5-10 minutes and come back and do 95lbs....what a great moment for me lol.
I vowed to make improvements in the bench press but just have never been very good. Even at my peak I was only getting ~210-215 for 3/4 reps. I can squat, deadlift, clean, etc pretty well - but bench press....ugh, no thanks.