As in all crises, the market adjusts, and you have winners and losers in the end. You have current businesses who's business will sore, and other businesses who will crash hard, and die out. Same with industry, not just business-specific. So, in your opinion, who or what are the winners and losers when this is said and done? No politics (plz try), and trying not to get personal (ie - people will die, they're the losers) if that makes sense.
- Zoom - It's a buzz word now, and it will be how business, school, etc. is conducted from this point forward. Zoom is where it's at right now, so when other players enter the game, they better be ready.
- At home meal services - We currently are doing Hello Fresh. What are some others?
- Brick and mortar Retail - Online shopping is very prevalent already, but I think this increases logistics of parcel services to get items to folks quicker, and folks will ditch retail