posted by Spock
Good points above.
My guess is that when its all said and done and the politics of this are over, we are dealing with something that looks like the Flu. Maybe instead of .1% mortality its gonna be .2 or .3%
THe Flu is solidly a top 10 killer every year and we dont flip out about it. THe Flu in some aspects is worse for young people then what Covid seems to be. over 70% of 1-29 year age group has been reported to be asymptomatic. The flu asymptomatic rate is around 20%.
Time to move on. CDC needs to get control of the stats on this and not the fear mongering media and the political figures like Fauci.
Maybe. It may seem like that is the case, but giving the rising cases and people in the hospital, it remains to be seen. If deaths do increase as cases have increased then that shows this is worse than the flu.
I don't think it is time to move on yet as the great question is still yet to be answered: What makes this thing no big deal for most and a a trip to the hospital for others? Until there is a vaccine and that question is answered, it is hard to say move on. You may be perfectly healthy, but for some reason if a person that us asymptomatic gives you the virus, it may be a death sentence.
It is kinda hard to fully reopen and move on until our public health officials figure that out. I also disagree with your shot at Fauci. Dude is not a political figure and always caveats his answers like a good scientist should.