posted by friendfromlowry
Where did I ever bring up your vaccination status? I've barely said shit on this thread in months but idk every once in a while I have to step in remind you dont know what you're talking about. I wouldn't waste any time discussing your vaccination status, because you've been an insufferable dickhead about it since the beginning. Please reference the post where I brought up your vaccination status.
"45% Of aLl NeW cAseS aRE VacCinateD" You know how many of those are sick requiring lots of oxygen or in the ICU? None. This really isn't that hard to understand but people like you seem to struggle. (Everyone else here seems to grasp that concept except you. Maybe you should reflect on that). Every single sick patient in the ICU is unvaccinated. The vaccine is what makes getting the virus much easier to handle. I see this stuff every day in person, you read about it on Breitbart.
Can you offer any clarification on your contradicting views on medicine? If it's just going to be more nonsense about your T-cells - which, again, no one asked about - then I'll tell you to save it and let you get back to (checks notes) teaching 4th graders volleyball.
Every time you post, you vax shame me as if it’s leading to mass outbreaks. You think you are all knowing and any comment that goes against your narrow mindset is uninformed idiocy.
Your inability to understand the science of natural immunity is tragic and sad.