posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieThat's not the same as "the KGB is coming to force you". It's handing out brochures and stupid crap like that. A waste of time, but hardly the assault the fear mongering makes it out to be.
Keep moving the goalposts.
posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieThat's not the same as "the KGB is coming to force you". It's handing out brochures and stupid crap like that. A waste of time, but hardly the assault the fear mongering makes it out to be.
Keep moving the goalposts.
posted by sportchamppsJon Rahm has to think Covid is ridiculous at this point. Missed out on 1.7 million in Columbus and now the Olympics testing positive twice in two months and he’s vaccinated.
At this point we need to move on and start treating this thing as the flu
posted by majorsparkThe government has more subtle means to get you to comply.
That answer doesn't mean anything. I would like for people to get vaccinated in order to reduce the mutation opportunity for Covid. Many of the unvaccinated people I talk to regularly are deep into Bill Gates-type conspiracy nonsense or have the most illiterate science comprehension imaginable. That said, it's their right to live in that kind of paranoia if they want. And as much as people want to act like our government is going to somehow force people to get vaccinated, it'll never happen.
posted by supermanKeep moving the goalposts.
I'm not "moving the goalposts". And for fuck's sake, quit repeating that stupid phrase - it is all over this site.
All I said is the government isn't going to force people to take the vaccine. That's exactly what's being suggested by people who keep warning about "them" coming to your door. If someone comes to your house, it'll be more Mormon missionary as opposed to Gestapo agent. One is wasting your time with a bunch of nonsense, the other is not part of our system no matter how much we want to pretend it is.
posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieThat's not the same as "the KGB is coming to force you". It's handing out brochures and stupid crap like that. A waste of time, but hardly the assault the fear mongering makes it out to be.
They'll take your guns, then give you the vax.
posted by Gardens35They'll take your guns, then give you the vax.
Pop the Bill Gates chip into your neck and swap your car with a Tesla too.
All the while disguised as a chubby lady with a clipboard and a brochure.
posted by Gardens35All the while disguised as a chubby lady with a clipboard and a brochure.
Almost certainly named Karen.
posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieI'm not "moving the goalposts". And for fuck's sake, quit repeating that stupid phrase - it is all over this site.
All I said is the government isn't going to force people to take the vaccine. That's exactly what's being suggested by people who keep warning about "them" coming to your door. If someone comes to your house, it'll be more Mormon missionary as opposed to Gestapo agent. One is wasting your time with a bunch of nonsense, the other is not part of our system no matter how much we want to pretend it is.
You said they weren't coming for to door. I gave you video evidence that it is their plan. You moved the goalpost. Sorry you can't comprehend what's happening.
Already announced last week that Mecklenburg County (Charlotte) already started door knocking. First county in the country to start.
Just a matter of time
Never seen so much butthurt over something that’s solved by simply not answering your doorbell.
posted by friendfromlowryNever seen so much butthurt over something that’s solved by simply not answering your doorbell.
The J-Dub church would have been run out of the country by now if people got that bitchy about their door-to-door work.
posted by supermanYou said they weren't coming for to door. I gave you video evidence that it is their plan. You moved the goalpost. Sorry you can't comprehend what's happening.
You know what I meant. No one is coming to force you to take a shot. Whether some heffer shows up to hand you leaflets telling you why the vaccine is good (or more likely sticks them in your mailbox), is anyone's guess. But you know exactly what I was saying.
Why do people use stupid business-speak phrases like "move the goalposts"? Just say what you mean, like "you changed the conditions".
posted by supermanYou said they weren't coming door to door. I gave you video evidence that it is their plan. You moved the goalpost. Sorry you can't comprehend what's happening.
posted by superman
They aren't coming to your door to force you to take a shot. That's the spirit of what's being discussed and what I was talking about. If you want to make it a gotcha on a technicality, have at it.
posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieThey aren't coming to your door to force you to take a shot. That's the spirit of what's being discussed and what I was talking about. If you want to make it a gotcha on a technicality, have at it.
You were wrong again. It's okay to admit it.
posted by supermanYou were wrong again. It's okay to admit it.
It's not necessary to boil the ocean here. Let's leverage the learnings, pivot and do some blue sky idea showering. No need to punch a puppy, but this, in and of itself, won't move the needle - it is what it is. We can still overcome the churn, give 110%, and laser lock the low hanging fruit. If you're still frustrated, you may simply be just shouting at the rain.
posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieIt's not necessary to boil the ocean here. Let's leverage the learnings, pivot and do some blue sky idea showering. No need to punch a puppy, but this, in and of itself, won't move the needle. It is what it is. We can still overcome the churn, give 110%, and laser lock the low hanging fruit. If you're still frustrated, you may simply be just shouting at the rain.
I voted
posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieThey aren't coming to your door to force you to take a shot. That's the spirit of what's being discussed and what I was talking about. If you want to make it a gotcha on a technicality, have at it.
Like having a conversation with jmog
posted by geeblockLike having a conversation with jmog
Except Superman left out the patronizing "C'mon, you're smarter than that." 😉
posted by geeblockLike having a conversation with jmog
So you’re saying you and him are wrong?
posted by Dr Winston O'BoogieExcept Superman left out the patronizing "C'mon, you're smarter than that." 😉
Maybe because you aren’t. Boom roasted.
posted by like_thatMaybe because you aren’t. Boom roasted.
posted by like_thatMaybe because you aren’t. Boom roasted.
You ain't wrong.