


67,719 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 1:35 PM

How clean of a person are you? Living quarters, work, car, yourself?

Fairly clean here. House above average clean inside but nothing where you need to remove your shoes or afraid not to feel welcome. Outside of house is pretty tidy for sure. Car is clean from trash but  I get behind armor all-ing and sweeping out. I’d guess average. Outside stays clean better than most.

My work office is tidy where I need it to be within my room and office but pretty dusty where I don’t go much. No damn regular ceiling and a very dusty situation. Janitor never does her job so I have to chip in way more than I should have to to keep nice.

Self...I’d say Joe Average or a touch above. Regular washing and clean clothes.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

13,431 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 2:07 PM

I’d say below average. My desk at work has shit everywhere, I’d leave shit in sink for a week. I’d say I’m more messy I guess than unclean. Mess just doesn’t bother me, but it kills my wife so our house is not a disaster.


Senior Member

8,936 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 2:13 PM

My person, very clean.

Workspace, clean and very organized.

House, I'd guess average.

Car, disaster.



67,719 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 2:17 PM
posted by iclfan2

I’d say below average. My desk at work has shit everywhere, I’d leave shit in sink for a week. I’d say I’m more messy I guess than unclean. Mess just doesn’t bother me, but it kills my wife so our house is not a disaster.

Yeah I grew up in a house where my mom swept and dusted every single day. We didn’t have a lot but my lord it was clean. When I was a teen she’d leave me a list to do all the time.....always had sweeping. I would just get the vacuum out and make the lines in the carpet...cause there wasn’t anything to sweep my wife always beats me to doing that.

I went through an entire childhood not knowing looney tunes has voices



67,719 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 2:34 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

My person, very clean.

Workspace, clean and very organized.

House, I'd guess average.

Car, disaster.

My son and I detail cars on the side in the summer. Lol at the crap we see from the neatest and most upstanding people.


Elderly Intellectual

10,016 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 3:25 PM

House spotless above average

Garage terrible in the winter, summer big difference

Work gets crazy at times with reports, promotion, stats on products, e mail print out, customer files and spread sheets...but by Friday it is cleaned up.

Company truck clean

My truck very bad in the winter much clearer inside and out in the summer


Elderly Intellectual

10,016 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 3:27 PM
posted by Belly35

House spotless above average

Garage terrible in the winter, summer big difference

Work gets crazy at times with reports, promotion, stats on products, e mail print out, customer files and spread sheets...but by Friday it is cleaned up.

Company truck clean

My truck very bad in the winter much clearer inside and out in the summer

I shower twice a day morning and night   to much info😁



Senior Member

6,059 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 4:30 PM

hygiene wise- I am sparkling

House- my part is clean but kids and pets make it messy

car- clean it weekly


1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 6:01 PM

My parents were very anal about keeping everything clean and organized and thus it was passed down to me.  My fiance living with me took it to another level.  She is the first person I have lived with (outside of my parents) where I am the one being told to clean up instead of me telling someone to do it.   

My car is a dump though.  I put 0 effort in cleaning it.  Once I moved to a city I gave up on keeping it tidy, because I don't have to use it as much.  My father still washes his cars every weekend though.  That shit drove me crazy when I was younger.  The forecast could show 100% rain for an entire week and he would still make me wash cars with him an hour before it was supposed to rain. 



67,719 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 6:20 PM
posted by like_that

My parents were very anal about keeping everything clean and organized and thus it was passed down to me.  My fiance living with me took it to another level.  She is the first person I have lived with (outside of my parents) where I am the one being told to clean up instead of me telling someone to do it.   

My car is a dump though.  I put 0 effort in cleaning it.  Once I moved to a city I gave up on keeping it tidy, because I don't have to use it as much.  My father still washes his cars every weekend though.  That shit drove me crazy when I was younger.  The forecast could show 100% rain for an entire week and he would still make me wash cars with him an hour before it was supposed to rain. 

The forecast is definitely a factor.

Though if people want to pay me I’ll clea regardless of weather.

Note for the lulz: my daughter is incredibly clean with everything except her car...trash pit! She thought she left her iPhone at convenient store counter, reported it stolen had it shut off forever. Six months later while cleaning out her car she found it under the seat 😐


12th Son of the Lama

27,363 posts
Sun, Feb 18, 2018 6:50 PM

I'm very tidy.  Clothes get either hung back up or in the hamper, every single day, regardless of time of day.  My laundry basket is never over flowing.  I pick MY shit up and put it where it belongs.

Wife and kids on the other hand?  SLOBS.


Tits McGee

7,233 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 7:57 AM

House - Average. We keep common areas (living, dining, kitchen, bathrooms) very clean, but my bedroom is always a mess. I've been that way my whole life. I hate folding and putting away laundry, so I don't do it. Drives my husband crazy. 

Person - Eh...below average, lol. I work from home, so I honestly don't shower every day. My body is used to it, so I'm not greasy or anything. My skin is actually super healthy and always has been. Even if I am showering daily, I only wash my hair twice a week. Dry shampoo is life. 

Car - Above average. I've always kept my car super clean. My husband's cars are garbage pails. I hate riding in them.


12th Son of the Lama

27,363 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 8:02 AM
posted by Fab4Runner

I hate folding and putting away laundry, so I don't do it. Drives my husband crazy. 


Grow up.  Seriously.  You're a grown woman.  Take care of your shit.  Your husband is probably building up resentment because you refuse to do this simple task.

Speaking from direct experience... 



Tits McGee

7,233 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 8:14 AM
posted by ernest_t_bass

Grow up.  Seriously.  You're a grown woman.  Take care of your shit.  Your husband is probably building up resentment because you refuse to do this simple task.

Speaking from direct experience... 

Maybe. But he refuses to do simple tasks as well, and I'm not going to divorce him over it. 

We are remodeling two old closets soon, so that will certainly help. We live in a 90 year old house with minimal storage, and that's part of the problem.


Senior Member

30,978 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 8:16 AM

House is ok but I'm a psycho neat freak when it comes to two things: laundry & dishes. I cannot stand seeing piles of laundry lying around or a sink full of dirty dishes.

Vehicle is usally a mess. It's bad when the 4 year old grandkid is giving me crap about it.


Honorable Admin

46,061 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 8:36 AM

House - average to above average. I'm pretty messy, but my father-in-law was pretty anal about cleaning up and that rubbed off on my wife. 

Person - I have good hygeine most days, but some days I just don't give a shit. 

Car - My old car was pretty messy, but I've done a pretty good job of keeping my new car clean.


12th Son of the Lama

27,363 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 9:24 AM
posted by Fab4Runner

Maybe. But he refuses to do simple tasks as well, and I'm not going to divorce him over it. 

We are remodeling two old closets soon, so that will certainly help. We live in a 90 year old house with minimal storage, and that's part of the problem.

Sorry, I was talking to my wife... 

Seriously, though.  If your husband is as anal-retentive as I am, be careful of this shit leading to unnecessary resentment. 


Tits McGee

7,233 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 9:52 AM
posted by ernest_t_bass

Sorry, I was talking to my wife... 

Seriously, though.  If your husband is as anal-retentive as I am, be careful of this shit leading to unnecessary resentment. 

I'd guess he is not. He's one of the most laid back people you'd ever meet. He wishes I'd put more laundry away, but it's not the end of the world when I don't. 


Senior Member

8,936 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 10:12 AM
posted by Fab4Runner

I hate folding and putting away laundry, so I don't do it.

If my wife didn't fold the laundry, we'd have to buy new clothes every couple of weeks. If I didn't put it away, the piles in the baskets would reach the moon.


Senior Member

16,793 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 10:18 AM

Apartment is spotless always, work desk is a disaster most of the time.


Senior Member

15,318 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 11:16 AM

Cluttered desks are a sign of a creative mind. When I was teaching, my desk may have appeared to others to be cluttered, yet I knew exactly where everything was. 


paying it forward

26,651 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 11:48 AM

OCD clean, for everything...drove my wife and kids crazy for years, but now she just goes with the flow (the kids just laugh about it now)'s just who I am, because my parents sure weren't like that-lol.


1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 12:15 PM

Is anyone else OCD/anal about the dish washer?  That's probably the one thing I am more anal about than my fiance.  She just throws shit in there (all of my former roommates did this as well) without any method or organization.  It drives me crazy.  Also bonus to the dumbasses that put shit in the dishwasher when it doesn't belong in there (pots, pans, nice knives, etc).  I had a roommate almost run the dishwasher on my very nice chef's knife and for a split second I wanted to stab him.


Edit: also, if you put shit in the dishwasher you need to give it pre-rinse.  Fucking hate when people put dishes in the dishwasher when it has a shit ton of food on it still. 



Senior Member

30,978 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 12:19 PM
posted by like_that

Is anyone else OCD/anal about the dish washer?  That's probably the one thing I am more anal about than my fiance.  She just throws shit in there (all of my former roommates did this as well) without any method or organization.  It drives me crazy.  Also bonus to the dumbasses that put shit in the dishwasher when it doesn't belong in there (pots, pans, nice knives, etc).  I had a roommate almost run the dishwasher on my very nice chef's knife and for a split second I wanted to stab him.


Edit: also, if you put shit in the dishwasher you need to give it pre-rinse.  Fucking hate when people put dishes in the dishwasher when it has a shit ton of food on it still. 

Right here! Pisses me off so much when I have to rinse a ton of ranch dressing, or some other shit, off a plate, before it goes in the dishwasher. Just had to buy a new dishwasher recently and I think part of the reason the old one took a shit was because people weren't rinsing off plates, bowls, etc. It's a dishWASHER....not a garbage disposal.


Senior Member

16,793 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 12:47 PM

My roommates needed a lesson on dishwaser/sink etiquette when they moved it. I cook a lot and the space is small, so I keep that area very clean. I also have a lot of nice stuff that need to be hand washed only (knives, pots, pans, cutting boards etc). First week they moved in they just piled shit in the dish washer and I had to correct it immediately. They're cool about it now.


Senior Member

15,318 posts
Mon, Feb 19, 2018 1:27 PM

I'm with all of you on the dish washer business!