posted by geeblockI felt like most people liked bush but it could be recency affect since he seems more popular now.
How quickly we forget.....George Bush was one of the most vilified Presidents in history....especially after 9/11 and its aftermath happened. That and how he was deemed to be a racist simply because he followed protocol after Katrina and did not rush in the Federal government, but rather let it up to the Gov of Louisiana to ask for help before providing it.
posted by geeblockI do understand not all white people hated Obama simply because he was black but there certainly is a double standard to what is acceptable now than 4 years ago
Sure, there were some who hated BHO simply because he was black......however, I think that the majority felt like he was a lousy President who was elected because he could give a good speech. My hope in 2008 was that Herman Cain would be the Republican nominee. Then, all people would have to vote on the basis of their qualifications, rather then on he color of their skin. I did not vote for BHO in 2008 and expressly hoped that he would give me a reason to vote for him in 2012. Sadly, he did not.