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Senior Member

1,848 posts
Fri, Mar 29, 2019 2:57 PM
posted by geeblock

I felt like most people liked bush but it could be recency affect since he seems more popular now. 

How quickly we forget.....George Bush was one of the most vilified Presidents in history....especially after 9/11 and its aftermath happened.  That and how he was deemed to be a racist simply because he followed protocol after Katrina and did not rush in the Federal government, but rather let it up to the Gov of Louisiana to ask for help before providing it. 

posted by geeblock

I do understand not all white people hated Obama simply because he was black but there certainly is a double standard to what is acceptable now than 4 years ago 

Sure, there were some who hated BHO simply because he was black......however, I think that the majority felt like he was a lousy President who was elected because he could give a good speech.  My hope in 2008 was that Herman Cain would be the Republican nominee.  Then, all people would have to vote on the basis of their qualifications, rather then on he color of their skin.  I did not vote for BHO in 2008 and expressly hoped that he would give me a reason to vote for him in 2012.  Sadly, he did not.


Senior Member

10,366 posts
Fri, Mar 29, 2019 3:05 PM
posted by geeblock

I felt like most people liked bush but it could be recency affect since he seems more popular now. I didn’t really comment on the birther issue. The golf thing irritates me more as well as Michelle Obama getting slammed for sleeveless shirts when Melania has nude pics out there but is seen as more classy by some. I do understand not all white people hated Obama simply because he was black but there certainly is a double standard to what is acceptable now than 4 years ago 

I pay attention to the political realm of the world fairly well, and I have never seen a "who's more classy, Michelle or Melania?" discussion...not on TV, not on political radio (admittedly, I don't listen to guys like Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, et al). 

Those that complained about Obama's golf vs Trump's is utterly ridiculous, you are right about that. However, are you sure it's about race and not just about said people being partisan hacks? I see plenty on the left complaining about Trump's golfing that didn't when Obama was golfing, do they hate white people? I believe they are both just partisan hacks. Only way you aren't a partisan hack is if you either complained about them both golfing too much, or you said "I don't care, a POTUS is always actually working anyway" (me). 


Racism exists, obviously, but in today's climate people are so ready to jump on ANYTHING ANYONE says slightly negative about an African American as racist. No, maybe they just don't like that said person. I believe that was the case for MOST of the negative crap about Obama, people were partisan hacks, you know why I believe this? Most of those same people LOVE the idea of a Condoleeza Rice, Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West, etc Presidency. Shoot, most of those people LOVE Candace Owens.


Calling everyone who says something negative about a person a racist, or even now if someone doesn't fit in line with the liberal view point a racist, cheapens actual racism. We should fight actual racism together rather than looking for it as soon as someone doesn't like "so and so" and that person happens to be black.


Senior Member

22,817 posts
Fri, Mar 29, 2019 3:12 PM
posted by jmog

I pay attention to the political realm of the world fairly well, and I have never seen a "who's more classy, Michelle or Melania?" discussion...

The treatment of Michelle was disgusting, and often blatantly racist. Treatment of Melania has been pretty unfair, also, but not nearly equal.

And, really, if Trump wasn't so abhorrent a First Lady that did girl-girl photoshoots and married for money is way down the "classy" list.



3,458 posts
Fri, Mar 29, 2019 3:21 PM

Trump is the first president where I have seen people have to defend themselves as not racist for voting for him and I don’t think it has anything to do with him being a republican or the current state of our country or the media. I guess is what I’m trying to say. It is a direct result of his own doing imo 



Senior Member

14,851 posts
Fri, Mar 29, 2019 3:23 PM


To repeat, I am talking about personal hatred.  A lot of us disagreed with obama on nearly everything he did, but that does not mean we hated him at all.  With Trump, it is simply pure hatred, or some type of mind-altering malady that has completely engulfed the left. 



3,458 posts
Fri, Mar 29, 2019 3:26 PM
posted by QuakerOats


To repeat, I am talking about personal hatred.  A lot of us disagreed with obama on nearly everything he did, but that does not mean we hated him at all.  With Trump, it is simply pure hatred, or some type of mind-altering malady that has completely engulfed the left. 

Obama was hard to hate tho. Even if you disagreed with him he was funny and handled every situation with digni


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Fri, Mar 29, 2019 3:31 PM



I thought he was a good person and good father.  Although the more we continue to uncover about the coup attempt, which began on his watch, I am not so sure anymore.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Fri, Mar 29, 2019 4:22 PM
posted by QuakerOats

To repeat, I am talking about personal hatred.  A lot of us disagreed with obama on nearly everything he did, but that does not mean we hated him at all.  With Trump, it is simply pure hatred, or some type of mind-altering malady that has completely engulfed the left. 

I did see this in pockets of Republicans, but it wasn't even close to as widespread as it is with Trump.

I don't even like Trump, as a person or as a politician.  I think he's an adolescent man-boy whose policies have been about as bad as Obama's.  However, the level of sheer desperation with which people seem to hate him blows my mind.  And it doesn't actually say that much about him.  It tells me mostly about them: that they lack the ability to separate political convictions and personal character.  They seem to equate beliefs rooted in foundational worldviews and behavior rooted in personality.

posted by geeblock

Obama was hard to hate tho. Even if you disagreed with him he was funny and handled every situation with digni

I can agree with this.  Most of the presidents that have been around since I've grown up have at least seemed like good-natured people.  Obama, Clinton, and Carter all seem like they'd be easy with which to carry a conversation, and the same applies to Reagan and the Bushes.

I do think some of why we have so much vitriol toward Trump is because of his personality, though I would say that there has been a build toward the whole 'Trump supporters are racist' topic dating back to Obama's first election.  There were people saying even then that a vote for someone other than Obama was racist.  It wasn't a prevalent view yet, but it was starting.  It got louder during his second election.

We were going to end up with that narrative no matter who ended up on the Republican ticket in 2016 sans Carson.  That tire fire was happening either way.

Trump just pours gas on it.  He's abrasive.  He's sophomoric.  He's anything but diplomatic.  He's the stereotypical high school bully if high school bullies were in their 70s.

But we were going to be some degree of here anyway.



333 - I'm only half evil

9,881 posts
Sun, Mar 31, 2019 3:16 PM


Reads in part:

Twitter is considering labeling tweets that violate its rules but should remain on the platform because they're in the public interest.Vijaya Gadde, Twitter's head of legal, policy and trust made the announcement during an on-stage interview with the Washington Post on Wednesday.The social media company is trying to find a way of maintaining its standards while adding context to tweets from politicians and other figures that may be offensive but are important for public debate.

Gadde said Twitter is considering limiting the visibility of dehumanizing tweets. A user would have to click through in order to view the tweet.

Also the fact that CNN is still whimpering that Trump popularized a meme using their logo. I guess it dehumanized them  >.>

I swear, it's almost like people on the left WANT Trump to be voted in again.  


Senior Member

39,620 posts
Sun, Mar 31, 2019 5:10 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan


Reads in part:

Gadde said Twitter is considering limiting the visibility of dehumanizing tweets. A user would have to click through in order to view the tweet.

Also the fact that CNN is still whimpering that Trump popularized a meme using their logo. I guess it dehumanized them  >.>

I swear, it's almost like people on the left WANT Trump to be voted in again.  

Thoughts and prayers are with you in this troubling time. 


333 - I'm only half evil

9,881 posts
Sun, Apr 7, 2019 7:29 AM

Not going to post the pic, but Gillette has a new ad out, literally pushing for "fat acceptance". For those who have already seen the ad, you already know and won't click. For those who haven't seen it - the pic displays a morbidly obese woman on a beach. You've been warned.


Venus is committed to representing beautiful women of all shapes, sizes, and skin types because ALL types of beautiful skin deserve to be shown. We love Anna because she lives out loud and loves her skin no matter how the “rules” say she should display it

Now, I know that there are some cases out there where being overweight is beyond the control of normal means (diet, exercise, surgery, etc.). But propagating this as breaking the rules of society isn't exactly being honest. It goes against the guidelines of good health proven by medicine/science. 

This is coming in an age where people are protesting against fitness models being displayed on buses lol!



Senior Member

6,059 posts
Sun, Apr 7, 2019 8:26 AM

^^^Only 10% of the human genome carries markers to be larger than normal.  Just being a big person.  A smaller % develop thyroid and other issues that cause the pounds to pack on.  But our society is tipping at 65% overweight and obese to a point where its starting to effect everyone.





12th Son of the Lama

27,363 posts
Sun, Apr 7, 2019 10:53 AM
posted by Spock

^^^Only 10% of the human genome carries markers to be larger than normal.  Just being a big person.  A smaller % develop thyroid and other issues that cause the pounds to pack on.  But our society is tipping at 65% overweight and obese to a point where its starting to effect everyone.

How is it that you can be so dense on a daily basis, but sometimes post coherent stuff like this?



Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Sun, Apr 7, 2019 2:37 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Not going to post the pic, but Gillette has a new ad out, literally pushing for "fat acceptance". For those who have already seen the ad, you already know and won't click. For those who haven't seen it - the pic displays a morbidly obese woman on a beach. You've been warned.


Now, I know that there are some cases out there where being overweight is beyond the control of normal means (diet, exercise, surgery, etc.). But propagating this as breaking the rules of society isn't exactly being honest. It goes against the guidelines of good health proven by medicine/science. 

This is coming in an age where people are protesting against fitness models being displayed on buses lol!

I don't mind a delineation, so long as it's observed.

All body types can be beautiful.  That's fine.  Beauty is, at most, loosely rooted in biological needs from generations past and developed in a society over time.  That's about the most objective it can be.

Not all body types are healthy.  It's biological fact that being overweight increases the chances of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.  We have the numbers and the science behind them.  So long as we occupy this shared physical universe, that fact is virtually immutable.

So, I don't mind someone with an ad saying all bodies are beautiful in an effort to combat shaming someone's appearance.  But let's not toss the objectively empirical baby out with the subjectively aesthetic bathwater.



Senior Member

6,059 posts
Sun, Apr 7, 2019 6:30 PM
posted by ernest_t_bass

How is it that you can be so dense on a daily basis, but sometimes post coherent stuff like this?

Its the internet.  I choose to be the village idiot.  In regards for health related topics.....i am not stupid



1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Mon, Apr 8, 2019 1:14 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Not going to post the pic, but Gillette has a new ad out, literally pushing for "fat acceptance". For those who have already seen the ad, you already know and won't click. For those who haven't seen it - the pic displays a morbidly obese woman on a beach. You've been warned.


Now, I know that there are some cases out there where being overweight is beyond the control of normal means (diet, exercise, surgery, etc.). But propagating this as breaking the rules of society isn't exactly being honest. It goes against the guidelines of good health proven by medicine/science. 

This is coming in an age where people are protesting against fitness models being displayed on buses lol!

So we are now supposed to glorify extremely unheatlhy diet habits AND be expected to pay for their healthcare?  

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

6,720 posts
Tue, Apr 9, 2019 3:11 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Not going to post the pic, but Gillette has a new ad out, literally pushing for "fat acceptance". For those who have already seen the ad, you already know and won't click. For those who haven't seen it - the pic displays a morbidly obese woman on a beach. You've been warned.


Now, I know that there are some cases out there where being overweight is beyond the control of normal means (diet, exercise, surgery, etc.). But propagating this as breaking the rules of society isn't exactly being honest. It goes against the guidelines of good health proven by medicine/science. 

This is coming in an age where people are protesting against fitness models being displayed on buses lol!

I think this type of ad is horrible.  It's not necessary to "shame" fat people - whatever that means.  At the same time, this obese person is extremely unhealthy.  In order to get that big, you would probably have to have the equivilent of an addiction to junk food.  So to me, it's not really any different than Budweiser featuring late-stage alcoholics in their ads and celebrating them for their "lifestyle choice".  


Elderly Intellectual

10,016 posts
Tue, Apr 9, 2019 3:22 PM

More DAV parking 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Tue, Apr 9, 2019 4:14 PM

Crooked neighbors.

Tried to call and file a claim through my insurance without me knowing it to fix their house.


Senior Member

14,851 posts
Tue, Apr 9, 2019 5:29 PM
posted by O-Trap

Crooked neighbors.

Tried to call and file a claim through my insurance without me knowing it to fix their house.



Holy smokes ……….they won’t be coming over for summer barbeques.


Better get out while you can.


333 - I'm only half evil

9,881 posts
Tue, Apr 9, 2019 6:31 PM
posted by O-Trap

Crooked neighbors.

Tried to call and file a claim through my insurance without me knowing it to fix their house.

Wait? How? Isn't that some sort of fraud ( did they pretend they were you is what I mean)? How would they know which insurance you had?


Chief Shenanigans Officer

18,868 posts
Tue, Apr 9, 2019 6:38 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Holy smokes ……….they won’t be coming over for summer barbeques.


Better get out while you can.

Nope.  I'm not moving.  But you're right.  We're not sharing a beer anytime soon.


posted by CenterBHSFan

Wait? How? Isn't that some sort of fraud ( did they pretend they were you is what I mean)? How would they know which insurance you had?

Fraud was my first though, too. Not sure if it is or not, but it's obviously shady. When it first happened, I asked about their homeowner's insurance, and when they said they didn't have any, I recommended USAA, since the wife is a vet.  Not that it would fix their current problem, but it would prevent future ones.

What a shady lady.




1st Team All-PWN

30,324 posts
Tue, Apr 9, 2019 6:54 PM
posted by O-Trap

Nope.  I'm not moving.  But you're right.  We're not sharing a beer anytime soon.


posted by CenterBHSFan

Wait? How? Isn't that some sort of fraud ( did they pretend they were you is what I mean)? How would they know which insurance you had?

Fraud was my first though, too. Not sure if it is or not, but it's obviously shady. When it first happened, I asked about their homeowner's insurance, and when they said they didn't have any, I recommended USAA, since the wife is a vet.  Not that it would fix their current problem, but it would prevent future ones.

What a shady lady.




Didn't you have a thread on this?


Senior Member

22,817 posts
Tue, Apr 9, 2019 8:00 PM
posted by O-Trap

Fraud was my first though, too. Not sure if it is or not, but it's obviously shady.

Well, if someone hits your car they give you their insurance and you contact them for repairs (unless it's a no-fault state).

Years ago, there was a leak in our building traced to a common wall between me and a neighbor.  They ended-up doing the repair from my unit, but it was actually the neighbor's pipe.  Her insurance covered it all, but I let my insurance company deal with hers.

Also, I'd prepare yourself to be sued.  There's no case, and you'd hope they won't find a lawyer who tries to shakedown your insurance, but they could also take you to small claims for up to $10k, frivolous as it may be.  Hopefully your insurance company would represent you, because I wouldn't call out a dumb judge not knowing or ignoring the law saying "well, it was your tree so you should pay".