posted by Spock
Read a little so you understand that the act of or expression of something in many forms can be characterized as "virtue signaling".
Virtue signaling rose in popularity as a pejorative term, denouncing empty acts of public commitment to unexceptional good causes. The term is characterized by the signaler's desire to show support for a cause without actually acting to support the cause in question. An important characteristic of virtue signaling is that there is little to no cost associated with the act; simple public vocalization in support of a cause has no cost to the signaler. In Bartholomew's original article, he describes virtue signaling as a public act with very little associated cost that is intended to inform others of one's socially acceptable alignment on an issue.[3] Geoffrey Miller describes virtue signaling as an innate act, and something that all humans do and cannot avoid.[12]
Okay, take the above definition ... the one you, yourself, just quoted ... and apply that here. What is anyone supporting? Feel free to use big-boy words if it helps.
posted by Automatik
1 person.
His poor students. 😞
Isn't it like 50-something? I mean, nobody in the US has died from it last I checked, but I had thought I'd heard the number was in the 50s, with all but 12 having been to China somewhat recently.