posted by BoatShoesCall it the ConservaDerp version of affirmative action - no matter how little credentials a hot young woman of color might have - as long as she owns the libs and rails about the liberal welfare plantation show her the money!
This also still doesn't change the fact you can sub Candace for another black person with the same rhetoric, and that person would receive the same type of backlash from the left. Plenty of examples out there. See: every some what right leaning black person.
posted by jmogI am just waiting for the "Uncle Tom" comment from one of you libs, because we all know it's coming.
The new version of this is just to mock them endlessly or find one comment/action from their past to completely discredit them. Plenty examples outside of Candace Owens.
I gotta give the left credit, they have their identity playbook down. If racial topic is brought up, you have 0 credibility and have no say, because you aren't black. If you respond "ok, well here are (insert black person(s)) who agree with your exact take, then the next response is "LOL at using a token black person to support your agenda." Either that or they just mock the person endlessly.