2022 NFL Season Thread

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Nov 27, 2022 7:30 PM

I don’t know what is real anymore on Twitter but

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Sun, Nov 27, 2022 7:51 PM
posted by justincredible

What an ending in JAX. 

WTF was up with the Jags mascot in a Speedo? He needed a Joe Exotic mullet for that shit.

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Sun, Nov 27, 2022 7:52 PM
posted by gut

OK, seriously, what did the NFL do to the k-balls?

NYJ kicker just booted one from 57 that would have been good from at least 67...in the rain.

I remember several years ago PIT kicker's range was maybe 52....he now might also have a 57, or close, at some point the last few years.

It's all sort of like a pitcher that throws 90 suddenly hitting 100 a few years later.

I think this might be cyclical because I remember Phil Dawson's time in Cleveland and, early in his career, he was hard pressed to hit from 52 yards. Then later he's banging out 55+ yarders, as he got old. Weird.

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Sun, Nov 27, 2022 7:56 PM
posted by Ironman92

Bengals @ Titans…..I say the winner is the best contender to knock off KC/Buffalo come playoff time.

I know Bengals missing some key pieces but I think they match up well with Tennessee

I don't think the Chiefs will get fooled by the Bengals again. Chiefs are the cream of the AFC, by a bit,, right now.

Buffalo has me scratching my head because I think it started before Allen got dinged up. Wasn't really impressed with him against Cleveland or Detroit. Like he regressed back to his rookie playing style.

I don't think Tennessee or Baltimore are really that good and definitely not contenders to rep the AFC, imo.

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Sun, Nov 27, 2022 7:59 PM
posted by Ironman92

I don’t know what is real anymore on Twitter but

BWAHAHAHAHA.....could've used some of that salt for my turkey.

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Nov 27, 2022 10:45 PM

Rodgers about as tough as they come but he’s hurting bad

gut Senior Member
18,369 posts 116 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Nov 27, 2022 10:54 PM
posted by BR1986FB

BWAHAHAHAHA.....could've used some of that salt for my turkey.

Suit yourself....I'm getting a Turducken for the family next year!

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Nov 27, 2022 11:08 PM

Christian Watson has that next year….whoa 

Jordan Love looks the part 

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Sun, Nov 27, 2022 11:20 PM

Big time kick

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Nov 28, 2022 9:35 PM

Tomlin has no clue how the clock and momentum works

Pittsburgh driving before half with 3 timeouts and get a 1st down inside the 30 with 1:28 left….immediate timeout??? Then get the ball down inside the 20 with 1:13, another timeout????? Then on 3rd and goal from the 8 guess what? Indy calls a timeout with 1:03 and now Indy has 50 seconds (with 2 timeouts) to get in FG range because Tomlin is dumb as crap with the clock.

Clock was in 100% for Steelers and no rush…but they were in a hurry up as it was working….let the GD clock run a little bit on those 2 plays and it’s 16-3 half, no question 

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Nov 28, 2022 9:38 PM

And because of Tomlin….and NOTHING else, I day has a long FG try to end half….and get ball coming out of 2nd half 

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Nov 28, 2022 9:39 PM

And now Tomlin, the time genius calls a timeout to freeze the kicker

Don’t t call the other two timeouts and there is no kicker

friendfromlowry Senior Member
7,778 posts 86 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Nov 28, 2022 11:14 PM

Matt Ryan is painful to watch. 

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Nov 28, 2022 11:18 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Matt Ryan is painful to watch. 

Colts were rough at home. Steelers secondary and special teams made this game tight.

mhs95_06 Senior Member
8,603 posts 13 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Nov 28, 2022 11:20 PM

If the QB scrambles, is not touched as he runs downfield and dives at the line to gain for a first down and he skids forward and the ball gets across the line to gain without being touched down, doesn't he get credit for a first down as Matt Ryan did on 2nd down just before they got stopped on 3rd and 3, then had an incomplete pass on 4th and 3?

gut Senior Member
18,369 posts 116 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Nov 28, 2022 11:23 PM
posted by mhs95_06

If the QB scrambles, is not touched as he runs downfield and dives at the line to gain for a first down and he skids forward and the ball gets across the line to gain without being touched down, doesn't he get credit for a first down as Matt Ryan did on 2nd down just before they got stopped on 3rd and 3, then had an incomplete pass on 4th and 3?

My question exactly.  And it happened more than once tonight.

I thought if a QB dove head first, he's down when touched just like any other player.  If he slides, then he gave himself up and down where the slide started.

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Nov 28, 2022 11:25 PM
posted by gut

My question exactly.  And it happened more than once tonight.

I thought if a QB dove head first, he's down when touched just like any other player.  If he slides, then he gave himself up and down where the slide started.

Yeah I saw it once each way tonight and saw it Saturday too

How can a secondary let Matt Ryan run for 20 yards down the middle? I despise not watching the ball by so many.

mhs95_06 Senior Member
8,603 posts 13 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Nov 28, 2022 11:34 PM
posted by Ironman92

Yeah I saw it once each way tonight and saw it Saturday too

How can a secondary let Matt Ryan run for 20 yards down the middle? I despise not watching the ball by so many.

They only reserve their spies for the best scramblers when they are in man to man defense and aren't supposed to be worried about the QB!

mhs95_06 Senior Member
8,603 posts 13 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Nov 28, 2022 11:43 PM

Just saw the replay and a trailing Steeler touch Ryan's foot when the ball was less than a yard from the line to gain, but why did they spot it making it 4th and 3?  Ryan said after the game he thought he was closer than the 3 yards and referenced some new rules on it.  What are the new rules?

queencitybuckeye Senior Member
8,068 posts 120 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Nov 29, 2022 6:59 AM

2018: (3) “A quarterback does not have to slide feet first to be considered to be giving himself up. Regardless whether the slide is feet first or head first, as long as he gives himself up, he should receive the protections afforded to him as a player in a defenceless posture.”



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