Aging pets

justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 16, 2023 9:07 AM

He had another seizure last night. I just made the appointment for 5:45 today. It’s gonna be a rough one. 

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Mon, Jan 16, 2023 9:27 AM
posted by justincredible

He had another seizure last night. I just made the appointment for 5:45 today. It’s gonna be a rough one. 

So sorry to hear that. It's very tough.

queencitybuckeye Senior Member
8,068 posts 120 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 16, 2023 10:21 AM

Sorry for your loss

33,369 posts 133 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 16, 2023 10:38 AM

We have a 14 year old Shih Tzu-Bichon. He's solid still, but almost completely deaf and my self diagnosis of cataracts. Still personable, eats, shits regularly, etc. But I am not looking forward to the day. He was my wife's dog and I met him at age 4...he is VERY loyal, but I have worn him down to the point where I am a 1B to my wife's 1A. Makes me sad to even think about.

QuakerOats Senior Member
11,701 posts 66 reps Joined Nov 2009
Mon, Jan 16, 2023 10:52 AM
posted by justincredible

He had another seizure last night. I just made the appointment for 5:45 today. It’s gonna be a rough one. 

Difficult ...........sorry.

justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Jan 17, 2023 9:52 AM

Yesterday was a long, rough day. 

Rest easy, old buddy. 

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Tue, Jan 17, 2023 9:57 AM

Awww.....pretty dog.

Dr Winston O'Boogie Senior Member
3,345 posts 35 reps Joined Oct 2010
Tue, Jan 17, 2023 10:49 AM
posted by justincredible

Yesterday was a long, rough day. 

Rest easy, old buddy. 

He’s awesome.  Sorry for your loss.  Dogs are the absolute best - but damn, they just don’t live long enough  

Zunardo Senior Member
815 posts 15 reps Joined Nov 2010
Tue, Jan 17, 2023 3:59 PM
posted by justincredible

Yesterday was a long, rough day. 

My sincere condolences.  

I was thinking about your post yesterday.   Our 17 year-old grizzled pup got up from his bed in the middle of the day, looked around like he was lost, then peed in the bed without any whining or whimpering.  I've been taking him outside 4x a day already, had only been 3 hours since last time.  Made me wonder if I'm making that call in the next month or two.

justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Mar 28, 2023 9:28 AM

We decided to make the call on our other dog in poor health, he goes in for his final vet appointment on Friday evening. Kinda crazy we started the year with 3 dogs and at the end of the week we'll just have one. And unfortunately our 3rd and favorite dog is starting to really show signs she's breaking down. I don't think we'll make it thru the year with her.

birddog23 Senior Member
1,173 posts 8 reps Joined Aug 2010
Tue, Mar 28, 2023 12:46 PM

^^ Sorry to hear about that.

I never was much of a dog person growing up, but my family took in a Husky/Black Lab mix when I was about 21 or 22 years old and we had him for 4-5 years. When we they had to put him down - that was a really tough time for all of us.

Fast forward to now, I have a family of my own (wife and 2 kids) and we have Shih-Poo. I just did the quick math and when my kids are around 13 and 12 years old - we will be going through that process again. Not looking forward to that.

Big_Mirg_ZHS Recovering Pothead
2,121 posts 19 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Mar 28, 2023 3:13 PM

I have a 15yr old puggle and a 14 year old cat. This has been a hard thread to read. Condolences to you Justin. I remember those dogs. Pass my condolences to the wife. 

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Tue, Mar 28, 2023 4:00 PM

Sorry to hear this, Justin. It's really rough when you lose more than one. We lost 5 cats, in a very short period, during COVID. A few of them were older so it was expected but the others were unpleasant surprises. Our dog is 11 but is starting to show the aging signs. It's never easy.

Dr Winston O'Boogie Senior Member
3,345 posts 35 reps Joined Oct 2010
Tue, Mar 28, 2023 6:57 PM

Sorry man. They just don’t live long enough.

queencitybuckeye Senior Member
8,068 posts 120 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Mar 28, 2023 7:03 PM

Sad that the absolute last part of pet ownership is by far the worst thing about it. Sorry you're going through so much loss so close together.

Ironman92 Administrator
56,729 posts 166 reps Joined Nov 2009
Tue, Mar 28, 2023 8:49 PM

My dog is 10 1/2 and 3 recent vet visits….he’s ok I think but I can’t read through this thread.

My condolences to anyone that’s lost a pet.

justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Thu, Mar 30, 2023 9:23 AM

Thanks, everyone. I don't even really like this dog but this is still starting to hit me pretty hard. When you've had a dog for 15 years, even if he's been a shit head for a decade or so, the thought of them not being around anymore is tough.

BR1986FB Senior Member
27,923 posts 124 reps Joined Feb 2010
Thu, Mar 30, 2023 11:59 AM
posted by justincredible

Thanks, everyone. I don't even really like this dog but this is still starting to hit me pretty hard. When you've had a dog for 15 years, even if he's been a shit head for a decade or so, the thought of them not being around anymore is tough.

This is our dog exactly. He terrorizes the cats, playing head games with them like placing a bone in the middle of the room, hiding under a chair waiting for them to sniff it, then he attacks. Steals their food and even uses their litterbox. Never goes outside. He's a little asshole but he's our little asshole. My lady will be crushed when he goes as he's her boy.

justincredible Honorable Admin
37,969 posts 249 reps Joined Nov 2009
Fri, Mar 31, 2023 6:40 PM

And then there was one. Man that sucked, I better not have to do it again this year. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie Senior Member
3,345 posts 35 reps Joined Oct 2010
Sat, Apr 1, 2023 11:36 AM
posted by justincredible

And then there was one. Man that sucked, I better not have to do it again this year. 




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