Health care -- who wins, the people or the socialists

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Posts: 2,849
Mar 4, 2010 9:27am
JoeA1010 wrote:
David St. Hubbins wrote: Someone wrote a good letter to the editor in the WSJ on Monday to this effect. Im paraphrasing, but he said socialism does not require direct ownership of the means of production, only control, whether through punitive taxes or brute regulation, focusing on equitable distribution of goods and services rather than profits.
I saw that letter. You are right, the point he made was, what's the difference whether we have literal government ownership or not when, in effect, the federal government controls an industry. Just look at Government Motors for one example.

I can't figure out why the left has a problem with socialism. They hate free markets and love massive government, so what's their issue?
Again, demonstrating your complete lack of knowledge of modern-day socialism, especially when you're probably the same one bitching about us becoming "more like Europe." Most of the groups there certainly don't "hate" the free market, and actually respect it in regards to economic policies. Yes, it isn't unfettered free market capitalism, but at the same time they certainly don't "hate" at all.
Posts: 191
Mar 4, 2010 4:15pm
^^Do any of you listen to the words of your leaders? Are you all that clueless to not understand that Obama, Pelosi, Reid and all of their union leader pals cannot stand free markets? Simply read their own words for crying out loud.

My gosh, does nobody here understand that free markets and capitalism are what generate wealth and not government mandates and regulation? How many more centuries of proof do we need?
Posts: 2,849
Mar 4, 2010 4:20pm
Can you provide quotes of them saying they hate the free market?

And the funny thing is that you probably consider yourself a conservative when, in fact, traditional conservative economics is completely against a free market without regulations.
Posts: 8,740
Mar 4, 2010 5:46pm
Ah yes, now this from the Progresive (Socialist) Caucus:

"Health care bill could include part-time workers

Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, and his Progressive Caucus are strongly urging the White House and Congressional leadership to dramatically change the definition of part-time workers in the final health care reform package.

The changes would be extremely harmful exceptionally onerous if they were to pass in the legislation. Miller seeks to align the final definition with a concept that was included in the House-passed bill.

The Progressive Caucus proposal would increase the number of employees firms would have to cover, narrow the small business exemption, increase the scope of businesses that would have to provide minimum coverage, and increase the portion of total fees imposed on employers."

The dictates and force into private enterprise by the radicals now in charge is stunning. We may as well shut down every business in America and ship it overseas; I would not blame any business owner at this point.

Change we can believe in.................
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Mar 4, 2010 6:19pm
I know that the last thing I'd ever want to do in this country is start a small business. Way to much hassle for not that much reward.