Dog issue

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GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Feb 28, 2010 2:39am
Game. Set. Match. Thanks for playing.
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Feb 28, 2010 9:10am
Definitely looking better today..she's acting very strong the vet said. She ate a little bit this morning finally. That's what they have been waiting for. Electrolytes, white & red blood cells, and her temperature are all normal. We are supposed to call back around noon. If she has puked the food back up...she's coming home. They think she will do better at home than in an unfamiliar setting. So...looks like everything is going to be OK now.
Posts: 646
Feb 28, 2010 12:31pm
Great, good news !!
Posts: 213
Feb 28, 2010 6:19pm
Does anyone know any good, outdoor public places where I can walk my dog and it can shit all over the place and I won't have to clean it when I leave?
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Feb 28, 2010 6:25pm
I'd imagine that would depend on where you lived.
Posts: 646
Feb 28, 2010 6:38pm
johngrizzly wrote: Does anyone know any good, outdoor public places where I can walk my dog and it can shit all over the place and I won't have to clean it when I leave?

Responsible dog owner ? :@
Posts: 802
Mar 1, 2010 3:01am
johngrizzly wrote: Does anyone know any good, outdoor public places where I can walk my dog and it can shit all over the place and I won't have to clean it when I leave?
Try your parents house:P
Posts: 802
Mar 1, 2010 3:06am
GoChiefs wrote: Definitely looking better today..she's acting very strong the vet said. She ate a little bit this morning finally. That's what they have been waiting for. Electrolytes, white & red blood cells, and her temperature are all normal. We are supposed to call back around noon. If she has puked the food back up...she's coming home. They think she will do better at home than in an unfamiliar setting. So...looks like everything is going to be OK now.
Good luck GoCheifs..Glad you caught that rotten illness in time:D. Hope she gets to come home soon:).
Posts: 330
Mar 1, 2010 3:16am
Had a husky for 14 years.. one of the funnest, sweetest dogs I've ever seen. Hope yours pulls through.
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Mar 1, 2010 9:38am
Definitely confident she's going to be OK..she does NOT like the medicine from the syringe...that's a pain in the ass to give to her. LOL Gotta fight with her about that..she's playing with some of her toys a little bit and walking around frequently...we have to keep her separated from the other dogs for about 3 we have her shut in one room. She'll see our other Husky and she'll go to the gate and start crying cause she wants to come out and play. She's not eating normally yet..but she is eating some..I can get a couple bits of food down her...she refuses to eat out of the bowl right now..I have to put the food in my hand and she'll eat it out of my hand. But oh long as it gets her to eat something. So all is looking good at this point. Thanks everyone!
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Mar 1, 2010 9:52am
Just to make you feel better on what you spent...

My gf got 3 job offers over the weekend and seeing what new graduate vets make with the amount of school debt they have.... consider what you spent the "deal of a lifetime" LOL!
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Mar 1, 2010 11:40am doesn't really bother me with the money now that I know she will probably be OK. If it saves was money well spent. I've seen the price break down and I known everything they had to do for won't say that they just robbed me or anything. They were good to her and treated us well..seemingly by not sounding like they were getting annoyed when the wife would call every hour to get updates. LOL As for the gf..BEST OF LUCK! Hope she finds something worthwhile.
Posts: 802
Mar 2, 2010 12:24am
GoCheifs, Really glad to hear she is doing good. You can still make her want more food by acting like your eating it out of your hand.

You know what? The money won't matter one day when you come home and your pup (name)? is the only one happy to see you walk through the door. Makes it all worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Mar 2, 2010 9:28am
She's acting really well today, her typical self, all hyper, and wanting to jump up on you.. We got her to start eating yesterday, although, she puked it back up. Back I think it was b/c I let her eat too much. She's holding her food down now and finally did some business outside. She's playing with toys now, too. So everything is still looking up. Seems everything is still going to be alright. She keeps whining when she sees Cherokee (our oldest Husky). I know she'll be glad when they can come in contact again!
Posts: 646
Mar 2, 2010 9:36am
Great news, keep us updated on her recovery.
coyotes22's avatar
Posts: 11,298
Mar 2, 2010 9:58am
Tell Dakota, Bailee says hi!!!! :D

Glad to hear she is doing better!!
Posts: 802
Mar 2, 2010 11:27pm
Glad to hear she is getting "HAPPY FEET"! Great news........
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Mar 3, 2010 10:02am
She's eating now and keeping it down..she can quit being 'confined' tomorrow and start interacting with the other dogs..she'll be thrilled with that! The only meds she has to take now are a couple more forcing liquid meds down her throat with the syringe. She did NOT like that.

Now we are concerned for the older Husky. She didn't eat at all yesterday..and this morning I tried to give her one of her treats..which any other time..she'd bite your damn finger off to get at it, and she wouldn't touch it. So she's not eating...and that's how this all started with Dakota. :(
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Mar 3, 2010 12:22pm
Welp..wife took the oldest one to the vet..she's got it too. :@ Here we go again....
september63's avatar
Posts: 5,789
Mar 3, 2010 12:47pm
Damn. In all seriousness now, why wait for the rest to get sick? Maybe just take them all to get checked. Or do you have to wait for a symptom to appear? Can parvo be fended off before a dog shows symptoms?
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Mar 3, 2010 1:19pm
There's nothing we can do unless they get it. They can test them to see if they have it..but it's not going to matter any unless they are showing signs.

It's still in the very early stage with instead of keeping her at the Vet..we are going to try to treat her at home. Of course they recommend she stay there...but with her being 6 years old, the Parvo being in the earliest stage, and she has already built up a strong immune system...we might be able to fight it at home. So we are trying that route..if she gets any worst..then we will take her to the Vet.

We have 3 dogs..the 2 Huskies, and a Yorkie. Both Huskies have now have had it...once they have it once...they can't get again. Like chickenpox is for get it once..and that's it. We were going to we were going to just take the Yorkie to my moms..but they said its probably too late to bother..she's already been exposed to it. If she's going to get sick..she's going to get sick. They want us to start giving the Yorkie the Tamiflu now too just in case.