Cops brutally beat black teen carrying a Mountain Dew bottle. Clean Version.

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sherm03's avatar
Posts: 7,349
Feb 20, 2010 1:34am
If...and that's a big if...the cops did not identify themselves and abused their power, then they deserve what's coming to them.

However, if they did ID themselves as officers, and the kid still ran...while I don't think he needed beat as bad as he got...I can at least understand where the cops are coming from. I still think they went overboard, but it's at least a little more of a reasonable ass beating.

The fact is, none of us were there. It doesn't matter what experiences you've had in the past, or what you've seen on TV. Nobody on this thread (or the other one) were there that night. Nobody can say the cops definitely identified themselves as officers. And nobody can say the cops definitely did NOT identify themselves as officers. We weren't there. We don't know what happened.

I find it very hard that three police officers would risk throwing away their careers just because of a racial issue. But it has happened in the past. And if that is the case...they deserve to get fired.

Either's an unfortunate incident. It's one that nobody should have to go through.
tcarrier32's avatar
Posts: 1,497
Feb 20, 2010 1:38am
some of you are pretty damn sheltered. none of you have any idea what you would do because you're lucky enough to never have been put in the situation where you feel threatened.
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 20, 2010 2:04am
Power trip. Racist? Lookin for a legal way to kill blacks? Join the police academy. At the very least you can help lock away some poor black crackhead for years and years while a rich white cokeheads case is thrown out.....

White America!!!!!
krazie45's avatar
Posts: 1,055
Feb 20, 2010 2:09am
If this is the case these cops need to to be suspended without pay if not outright fired. This is ridiculous and unacceptable. I only use the term pig when it is warranted, make no mistake about it....these cops are pigs.

This kid did NOTHING wrong. He had a pop bottle not a weapon, yet he was BRUTALLY beaten. These cops were out of line and there is NO way any sane or reasonable person could say otherwise.
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 20, 2010 2:29am
This is an obvious example of why cops suck, but all the white, never-been-fucked-with-by-a-cop honky's will defend them. Because? because cops hang around the same black neighborhoods, watching the same black guys break the law. And they're too stupid to realize not all blacks are the same. But they'll make themselves look like jackasses AGAIN. "Look at that black!!!! he must be carryin a gun. Cuz he's black!!!! Yeah you're right . He is black. I'll bet he has drugs. Lets tackle him before he rapes a white girl!!!!"

Guess what. I'm white. You know how many times I've broken the law???? I take time to break the law. I go outta my way!!! Just for a big FU to society and cops and the government. Know how many times I've been arrested??? ZERO!!!! Cops don't give two shits about me. I'm white, middle class, clean, educated.
krazie45's avatar
Posts: 1,055
Feb 20, 2010 2:49am
and before anyone jumps on my nuts on the "pigs" comment. I have full respect and admiration for police officers who fulfill their duty to protect and serve. However, some officers unfortunately abuse the power and responsibilities that they have been granted and those individuals are not cops, they are pigs. Some police officers also believe that because they carry a shiny badge and gun that they automatically gain respect. I'm sorry, but just like anyone else....respect is earned, not given. Those individuals are also not cops, they are pigs. The particular officers involved in this story, if the reported story is indeed true, are pigs plain and simple. Those who abuse their power never should've had it in the first place.
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 20, 2010 3:00am
Let's use Capone's logic. "Me Law Enforcement. Me good. Cop good. Black tried to shoot woman cop. Cop good. Black bad. Cops beat black kid. Me Cop. Cop good. Black bad."

See it all makes sense to the cop.....Me=good. Black=bad.
Mr. 300's avatar
Mr. 300
Posts: 3,090
Feb 20, 2010 5:00am
Where in the article does it say they never announced themselves???
hoops23's avatar
Posts: 15,696
Feb 20, 2010 6:30am
Mr. 300 wrote: Where in the article does it say they never announced themselves???
Where does it say it does?

Fact is, if this kid belonged to any of you, you'd be outraged. However, since it's some random person, I'm sure none of you care, but the fact is, these cops acted out of line.

There are two scenarios

Scenario 1: The Cops rushed out the car (they weren't in uniform) and rush the kid.. Of course he's going to run.. The 3 cops catch up to him and obviously restrain him (I mean, they did beat the shit out of him) so if he's ALREADY restrained, why beat him up? I'm also sure that before they began the abuse, they frisked him to see if it was a gun he had...

Scenario 2: The cops rush out, announce themselves and the kid runs seeing 3 guys chase him in regular clothes (how can you trust anybody unless they showed true proof like a badge or something?)... Cops catch up to kid then repeat scenario 1 from this point on...

Now, there have been some cop killings in Pitt recently, correct? I haven't kept up with current events there, but is this one some of you guys are mentioning about a black guy shooting a cop? If so, then I can definitely see this assault (and that's what it is) as something of a race crime.

I just find it funny how people stick up for cops. At the end of the day, cops are still people. You can never rely on a person to always use sound judgement, whether he's a cop or not. There are plenty of terrible power abusing cops that act out of line on a daily basis.. Just as there are a TON of great police officers who wear their badge with honor..
rookie_j70's avatar
Posts: 677
Feb 20, 2010 6:34am
its cops like this that all cops a bad name
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Feb 20, 2010 9:34am
Who in the hell drinks Mountain Dew
You should have the shit kicked out of you for drinking Mountain Dew you know what that shit can do to your teeth....
iclfan2's avatar
Posts: 6,360
Feb 20, 2010 9:38am
Kid shouldn't have ran. But the cops shouldn't have beaten him after they caught him.
Posts: 226
Feb 20, 2010 10:46am
Strapping Young Lad wrote: Power trip. Racist? Lookin for a legal way to kill blacks? Join the police academy. At the very least you can help lock away some poor black crackhead for years and years while a rich white cokeheads case is thrown out.....

White America!!!!!
You're kidding right? You can't be THAT stupid.
skank's avatar
Posts: 6,543
Feb 20, 2010 10:49am
Ender Wiggin wrote: Yes because never ever make mistakes or lie? Nope never, they are always standards in what to look up to, youre clueless. They never get caught abusing their power or planting evidence.

[size=small]But we will play youre dumb game, what proof do you have that the undercover cops did id them selves? Because 3 people getting out of a car in regular close coming towards me isnt something that is normal. Also, seeing as they are cops, if they got out of the car, they wouldnt right away proclaim they are cops, theyd approach. Ill ask again, which you seem STILL unable to answer, if 3 REGULAR people started chasing you what would you do? And cops dont chase people, oh thats funny you just said they do. Crazy.

I think youre just being in idiotic person on purpose, no one is as stupid as you are, you are just spouting bullshit without listening to anyone else, youre not answer anyones question, youre basicall putting your fingers in your ears and say "noooooooo im right youre wrong!"

THE COPS DIDNT IDENTIFY THEMSELVES. So please tell me why you keep posting like a dumbass on the pretense that they were fulling uniformed cops in a squad car? Seriously.

Three undercover cops with guns should not have to get close enough to even have to swing one blow, escpecially if they feel the perp has a weapon. If they were afraid for their saftey, they could have drawn their weapon, announced themselves as police, and I'm sure the boy would have stopped. Also, I lived in Cleveland and here our undercover cars have lghts and sirens, they couldn't have blurped him and flashed their lights.

And I agree more people need to get beat, starting with you, one less simpleminded special needs person to deal with.

I look forward to you not answering my question again and ignoring things that are stated, and then making up your own scenarios then [/size]trying to pass them as fact.

You sarcastically say that the police have never abused their power or planted evidence, I can do the same thing, I guess there has never been a black teenager carrying a gun.... in a bad neighborhood.... at night.... running from the police. [/size]
skank's avatar
Posts: 6,543
Feb 20, 2010 10:50am
I didn't mean to enlarge the whole post, could a mod fix it please?
kritzell's avatar
Posts: 257
Feb 20, 2010 10:59am
Holy giant letters Batman! :)
Feb 20, 2010 1:27pm
there was an article a month ago on this.....the cops said they observed him trying not to be seen as he walked and that was "suspicious" and thats why they even were trying to talk to him in the first place....the kid said the cops were saying "where's the money" where's the drugs" the whole time.....and they ripped out two of his braids with part of his scalp.
MANAZE's avatar
Posts: 1,055
Feb 20, 2010 3:43pm
also the kid fell on ice. if he went face first that could have caused most of the damage. 1+1 will always equal 2 and running from the police will always end up in an ass beating. if you really think it is only black people that get it watch cops more.
tcarrier32's avatar
Posts: 1,497
Feb 20, 2010 4:04pm
so i guess the question is, if you were walking down the street and a few guys jumped out a car and started chasing you, would you run?

the answer is yes. they could be screaming that they were god and trying to take you to heaven, and you would still run.

and no manaze, running away from the cops does not warrant an ass beating, it warrants being taken to the ground. not punched and having hair ripped out. jesus man.
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Feb 20, 2010 4:08pm
with no evidence supporting either case, it's hard for me to pass judgement. I'd like to think the cops' story is true, in which case I can see using a taser to subdue him. the fists/knees were totally uncalled for in my opinion. here's where my mind wanders... none of the police seem to have any injuries, aside from possible a broken/bruised knuckle from this kids skull. THAT simple fact lead me to side with the kid in this case.

Lock those officers up.
Posts: 14,779
Feb 20, 2010 4:12pm
So this topic isn't racial, eh? Would this even posted if it was a white kid in a "white neighborhood"?
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Feb 20, 2010 4:16pm
WebFire wrote: So this topic isn't racial, eh? Would this even posted if it was a white kid in a "white neighborhood"?
The thread may have popped up, but it would not have been titled

"Cops brutally beat white teen carrying a Mountain Dew bottle".

And to Ender's response to me, no, my response was not a "copout" as you call it, you just aren't worth arguing with.
krazie45's avatar
Posts: 1,055
Feb 20, 2010 4:20pm
I wouldn't say it's a race issue, though it very well could've been fueled by race. I say it's an issue of 3 police officers who do not deserve the honor of being police officers.
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 20, 2010 4:21pm
Why don't the cops just do us all a favor and fuck off. We don't want your "protection" .... Who the fuck are they protecting us from?? the Evil Black community??? The only people who need protection are the blacks from the Cops, obviously. The evil-doers going 43mph in a 35??? I'm tired of hearing this "protect and serve" bullshit.

They spend all their time in the hood harrassing blacks or the state patrol harrassing white teenagers who aren't wearing their seat-belts. IMO we could do without them.

I wonder why there are more blacks in jail than whites. Is it b/c us white boys aren't out here in our white neighborhoods selling drugs, etc.??? I don't think so.....In fact I know so. It's b/c the Police State has told us that blacks are evil and the Police should spend all their time patroling black neighborhoods so they can harrass them for carrying Mt Dew Bottles.

Cops have become a joke. They ride around bored all day and harrassment is a way to pass the time. Give someone a gun and a badge and make it easy for them to break the laws they are protecting, and this is what you get.

The PD is no different from a street gang.
Little Danny's avatar
Little Danny
Posts: 4,288
Feb 20, 2010 4:28pm
krazie45 wrote: I wouldn't say it's a race issue, though it very well could've been fueled by race. I say it's an issue of 3 police officers who do not deserve the honor of being police officers.
This. If it is determined that the officers used excessive force; couldn't it just be that they used excessive force due to being bad cops, having poor training or just losing their cool? Why does it always have to be that cops hate black people?

The officers could have done the same thing if the suspect had blond hair and blue eyes. I usually do not agree with Manaze on a lot of things, but if you have no personal experience, watch an episode of cops. There is always some white dude in a wife beater refusing to cooperate and getting beat down.

Coming out and yelling that cops are evil without knowing the facts is the same as saying the kid deserved it because he was black.