Fox News President Exchanges Barbs With Some Liberals

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believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Feb 4, 2010 6:51pm
^^^Uh huh
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 4, 2010 8:57pm
You do that too???? Cool. I thought it was just me....
fish82's avatar
Posts: 4,111
Feb 5, 2010 6:14am
Strapping Young Lad wrote: I watch Fox News all the time and I know a lot of ppl. of the same political veiws who tune in too. But the reason I do so is more or less to get a good chuckle at the ridiculous things they try to pass off as "fair and balanced". And then you can get another good laugh imagining all the sheeple out there who are taking Fox's nonsense as hard-hitting news coverage.

But then it makes me sad to think of all the problems that we'll be facing because of people accepting false info. as truth. One day it's going to bite humanity right on the ass, if it can get past the big head that's inserted in the ass.

But then I laugh again at the prospect that I may be alive long enough to see the destruction of mankind and they'll realize it was their own stupid ignorant fault. Then I go to sleep smiling.
Top-notch rendering, compadre.
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Feb 6, 2010 11:54am
Strapping Young Lad wrote: I watch Fox News all the time and I know a lot of ppl. of the same political veiws who tune in too. But the reason I do so is more or less to get a good chuckle at the ridiculous things they try to pass off as "fair and balanced". And then you can get another good laugh imagining all the sheeple out there who are taking Fox's nonsense as hard-hitting news coverage.

But then it makes me sad to think of all the problems that we'll be facing because of people accepting false info. as truth. One day it's going to bite humanity right on the ass, if it can get past the big head that's inserted in the ass.

But then I laugh again at the prospect that I may be alive long enough to see the destruction of mankind and they'll realize it was their own stupid ignorant fault. Then I go to sleep smiling.
The very classic liberal post that says, "I am so much smarter than all of you."

This condescension is one of the most basic reason I despise the left. They honestly believe they are smarter than anyone else, and know better how to run your life than you do. It is arrogance personified.
ptown_trojans_1's avatar
Posts: 7,632
Feb 6, 2010 12:29pm
I find the advent of solely left or right wing 24 hour news networks rather sad. News is not news anymore. There is rarely in indepth policy or analysis about the issues. Instead, we are treated to a 2-5 minute soundbite with emphasis on partisan attacks and trying to score political points.

I don't watch the networks and feel that I am better informed because of it. I know probably more indepth knowledge to many issues due to me not watching the networks and instead seeking the knowledge myself.

Is the country getting dumber, no. But, the public is not getting the whole picture, the whole indepth, analysis, policy discussion on the important issues, both domestic and foreign policy.

I'd also say that regarding foreign policy, the networks don't know jack shit and always get things wrong.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Feb 6, 2010 12:35pm
fish82 wrote:Top-notch rendering, compadre.
Let me help you with that: It should read, "Top-notch rendering, comrade."
Writerbuckeye wrote:The very classic liberal post that says, "I am so much smarter than all of you."

This condescension is one of the most basic reason I despise the left. They honestly believe they are smarter than anyone else, and know better how to run your life than you do. It is arrogance personified.
Standing O
ptown_trojans_1 wrote: I find the advent of solely left or right wing 24 hour news networks rather sad. News is not news anymore. There is rarely in indepth policy or analysis about the issues. Instead, we are treated to a 2-5 minute soundbite with emphasis on partisan attacks and trying to score political points.

I don't watch the networks and feel that I am better informed because of it. I know probably more indepth knowledge to many issues due to me not watching the networks and instead seeking the knowledge myself.

Is the country getting dumber, no. But, the public is not getting the whole picture, the whole indepth, analysis, policy discussion on the important issues, both domestic and foreign policy.

I'd also say that regarding foreign policy, the networks don't know jack shit and always get things wrong.
Ummmmmm.....when precisely have the networks ever done in-depth policy analysis except those that are usually slanted left?

Until Fox News and AM talk radio, the Big 3 networks and CNN had a corner on "news" dissemination. Now in response to lost market share they have gone over the top on partisanship and have all but entirely abandoned true journalism (if they ever truly practiced it).

At least now there are choices even if those choices are partisan.
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Feb 6, 2010 12:41pm
Since we've gone down this path, an excellent column from the Post asking: Why are liberals so condescending?

It is very well written.
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 6, 2010 12:46pm
Where in that post do I suggest anything about knowing how to run someone's life. That is the last impression I give off. I don't give a shit how anyone else runs their own life nor would I ever have the audacity to pretend that I care. In fact, my politics are to let everyone do whatever the hell they want with no consequence of a government or any entity telling them how to live. No laws, no prisons, no state.

That's the very thing that Fox News inspires. They lie to convince people to live within the boundaries they set. Telling them what to fear and what not to fear. They're all about control, the very thing I'm against.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Feb 6, 2010 12:50pm
Writerbuckeye wrote: Since we've gone down this path, an excellent column from the Post asking: Why are liberals so condescending?

It is very well written.
Good read. Thanks.
This condescension is part of a liberal tradition that for generations has impoverished American debates over the economy, society and the functions of government -- and threatens to do so again today, when dialogue would be more valuable than ever.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Feb 6, 2010 12:52pm
Strapping Young Lad wrote: Where in that post do I suggest anything about knowing how to run someone's life. That is the last impression I give off. I don't give a shit how anyone else runs their own life nor would I ever have the audacity to pretend that I care. In fact, my politics are to let everyone do whatever the hell they want with no consequence of a government or any entity telling them how to live. No laws, no prisons, no state.

That's the very thing that Fox News inspires. They lie to convince people to live within the boundaries they set. Telling them what to fear and what not to fear. They're all about control, the very thing I'm against.
Where in hell do you get this twisted thinking from? If anything the loony left is all about control of our lives. WOW
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 6, 2010 12:55pm
Why are liberals so condescending. Who wrote that? Ann Coulter? Sounds like a broad generalization she would make, while sounding condescending herself.

It makes me laugh when I see ppl. fawning all over one party or the next. You let them turn you against your own country and you fall for it, blindly. They never tell you to work together to solve something, they tell you to despise the other side. And you do it!!!

I could make the same criticism of MSNBC, but I don't waych them, because when I watch the fake news I want to see what the majority of American is falling for and that FOX.
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Feb 6, 2010 1:01pm
How is giving people more control of their OWN lives some form of "control" in your weird logic?

Conservatives want government OUT of our lives. They don't want bureaucrats making decisions for us on health care, gun control, how to educate our kids and tons of other issues. They want people to be able to earn money and KEEP it, rather than have more bureaucrats deciding how it should be spent.

How is that wanting to control people -- as opposed to liberals who seek to EXPAND the number of bureaucrats who would be making those decisions FOR people?

You've got it backwards.

If anything, the commentators on Fox News want you to be able to think and decide these things for yourself. Again, I don't get how that's a bad thing -- yet you want to try and vilify them all the same.

As for why you come across as condescending...I'd say your last statement says it all:

But then I laugh again at the prospect that I may be alive long enough to see the destruction of mankind and they'll realize it was their own stupid ignorant fault. Then I go to sleep smiling.
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 6, 2010 1:10pm
believer wrote:
Strapping Young Lad wrote: Where in that post do I suggest anything about knowing how to run someone's life. That is the last impression I give off. I don't give a shit how anyone else runs their own life nor would I ever have the audacity to pretend that I care. In fact, my politics are to let everyone do whatever the hell they want with no consequence of a government or any entity telling them how to live. No laws, no prisons, no state.

That's the very thing that Fox News inspires. They lie to convince people to live within the boundaries they set. Telling them what to fear and what not to fear. They're all about control, the very thing I'm against.

Where in hell do you get this twisted thinking from? If anything the loony left is all about control of our lives. WOW
Belive it or not there are these things called books (think the Bible) and men and women with great minds have been writing them for ages. You wouldn't believe the things that are out there beyond your television.

It will seem looney at first, but believe me there have been some wonderful things said by people not named O'Rielly or Beck or God.

Dewey, Hume, Locke, Plato, Neitzsche.

Once you see what else is out there, You could actually come up with your own politcs instead of just what your TV tells you to think.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Feb 6, 2010 1:13pm
Strapping Young Lad wrote:Belive it or not there are these things called books (think the Bible) and men and women with great minds have been writing them for ages. You wouldn't believe the things that are out there beyond your television.

It will seem looney at first, but believe me there have been some wonderful things said by people not named O'Rielly or Beck or God.

Dewey, Hume, Locke, Plato, Neitzsche.

Once you see what else is out there, You could actually come up with your own politcs instead of just what your TV tells you to think.
Apparently while you were immersing yourself in "progressive" writings, you missed reading a few spelling books during elementary school.
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 6, 2010 1:17pm
Writerbuckeye wrote: How is giving people more control of their OWN lives some form of "control" in your weird logic?

Conservatives want government OUT of our lives. They don't want bureaucrats making decisions for us on health care, gun control, how to educate our kids and tons of other issues. They want people to be able to earn money and KEEP it, rather than have more bureaucrats deciding how it should be spent.

How is that wanting to control people -- as opposed to liberals who seek to EXPAND the number of bureaucrats who would be making those decisions FOR people?

You've got it backwards.

If anything, the commentators on Fox News want you to be able to think and decide these things for yourself. Again, I don't get how that's a bad thing -- yet you want to try and vilify them all the same.

As for why you come across as condescending...I'd say your last statement says it all:

But then I laugh again at the prospect that I may be alive long enough to see the destruction of mankind and they'll realize it was their own stupid ignorant fault. Then I go to sleep smiling.
Nor do I want government control. I'm for less government control than you are. As in ZERO.

You are the one who assumes I'm just some brainwashed liberal like you are a brainwashed whatever you are. I'm against phony corporations lying to the people. That's what Fox News is, along with many other organizations we encounter daily in America.

I'm against them all, this topic happens to be about one of the most popular of those corporations. They have tremendous influence and I think they are dividing the country with their political agenda. I'm definately not going to support that no matter what political label you place on it.
ptown_trojans_1's avatar
Posts: 7,632
Feb 6, 2010 1:17pm
believer wrote: Ummmmmm.....when precisely have the networks ever done in-depth policy analysis except those that are usually slanted left?

Until Fox News and AM talk radio, the Big 3 networks and CNN had a corner on "news" dissemination. Now in response to lost market share they have gone over the top on partisanship and have all but entirely abandoned true journalism (if they ever truly practiced it).

At least now there are choices even if those choices are partisan.
Never really, and that is the problem. It has only gotten worse. All three networks are guilty as they strive for ratings first, then content second.

Yes, the big 3 and CNN had the corner and now Fox is dominating, but that still doesn't take away from my point, only reinforces it. People go to hear what they want to hear, or to see how crazy the other side is. The networks play to this by emphasizing conflict and the political game, instead of solutions and analysis.

Yes, there is a choice, but there is also a choice to turn them off and seek indepth information and analysis on your own using other methods. Again ,that is what I do and consider myself pretty damn informed, especially in the realm of foreign policy.

Like right now, I am reading a book on the history of the gas centrifuge, the technology that Iran is using to enrich their uranium. You will never hear anything about how a centrifuge works or the long process it takes to enrich uranium to a certain point. Instead, you hear talking points that completely miss the heart of the issues.
ptown_trojans_1's avatar
Posts: 7,632
Feb 6, 2010 1:22pm
believer wrote: Apparently while you were immersing yourself in "progressive" writings, you missed reading a few spelling books during elementary school.
Locke was progressive? Does than mean Jefferson and Madsion were too? Plato progressive? Really? Come on.
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 6, 2010 1:36pm
I think I misspelled O'Reilly, that's why he's so hot. That's blasphemous to ppl. like Believer.
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Feb 6, 2010 2:57pm
Okay, so you aren't progressive or conservative -- and hate control by government or corporations. Care to share your world view so we can have a crack at evaluating your philosophy on an equal footing with you evaluating what you believe is ours?
Strapping Young Lad's avatar
Strapping Young Lad
Posts: 2,453
Feb 6, 2010 3:51pm
I'm for absolute liberty and complete abscence of the state.
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Feb 6, 2010 5:34pm
Uh huh.

I guess I may have seen you at one of those WTO protests on TV.
Posts: 5,703
Feb 6, 2010 5:59pm
Strapping Young Lad wrote: I'm for absolute liberty and complete abscence of the state.
Have you ever read anything by Robert Nozick?
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Feb 6, 2010 7:04pm
Strapping Young Lad wrote: I'm for absolute liberty and complete abscence of the state.
That's "absence" of the state...just helping you out. :P
ptown_trojans_1 wrote:Locke was progressive? Does than mean Jefferson and Madsion were too? Plato progressive? Really? Come on.
That was not the point of my post, but if it makes you feel better I suppose I'm busted.