Hiland @ Benedictine 1/30

The Rest 36 replies 1,779 views
Posts: 29
Jan 31, 2010 7:15pm
i agree 100% with u majorspark, why can't we get someone like DOVER alot closer a pack house. look at the money they would have made off of that game. then go clear up to Cleveland and not a very safe neighborhood to boot. i was talking to one of the assistant coach's at the game when Bendictine played Massillion fri. night. they said that this was a one year deal with them. so lets pick up someone good but alot closer next year, with the team we have coming back. i also doubt it if we will play Buckeye Local to next year down there with all the seniors they had on the roster,i don't look for them to be that good next year. so please A.D. get someone alot closer to the area.
Posts: 29
Jan 31, 2010 7:32pm
PS i guess something else i wanted to add,i can handle them getting beat by a team like that,but what bother's me the most when play team like that is way more physical then us, is it worth someone getting hurt or injured and maybe losing a player for the season. i would almost bet that we will not run into a team again in D-4 that is that physical,or that quick. they really look like high school college team.
Posts: 188
Feb 1, 2010 7:22am
Hate to break it to you buck, but I'm fairly certain we get them again next year.

You know, when our guards are another year older, they've graduated all of that scoring and just Maybe (although I doubt it) still figuring out who will pick up the slack, and our post defense has gotten a bit stronger. And we get them at home. Such a shame.
Mr. 300's avatar
Mr. 300
Posts: 3,090
Feb 1, 2010 10:04am
I know the Hiland student section is known for their chants at the end of/and or during a game. Curious as to what their chants were Saturday night??? Can anyone help me here??
ricola's avatar
Posts: 855
Feb 1, 2010 11:30am
i would say we were more the "chantees" than the "chanters". personally i thought the Benedictine cheering section was pretty good. very vocal and spirited for a relatively small number, and tho a bit "at us". didn't think it was out of line. nothing we wouldn't have done/cheered in the same situation. (not much to chant when you're getting clubbed by 25 points) maybe we got some ideas from them for future use??
Posts: 6
Feb 1, 2010 12:02pm
Sounds like it was quite a traumatic experience for the Hawks! Glad they got in and out of Cleveland without being harmed. But as you all say - it will make them a better team because there is no DIV team as scary, athletic, talented, etc. Punch that ticket to the Schott! Here come THE HAWKS!!!!!
ricola's avatar
Posts: 855
Feb 1, 2010 1:19pm
yeah..amazing that after all that trauma, and a visit to big Scary Cleveland, they're all back to school without anyone suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

on a (serious) side note to the people at Benedictine: I (hopefully) speak for many at Hiland in that I felt we all felt very welcomed , and the trip there was a positive experience. Hopefully we can be as hospitable to any who make the trip down here next year.
wes_mantooth's avatar
Posts: 17,977
Feb 1, 2010 1:56pm
^^^And the Krispy Kremes at the door were the bomb.
Posts: 490
Feb 1, 2010 2:02pm
Talked to a Hiland player Sunday after church. He said that the scary thing was that he felt if Benedictine had four gears/speeds/intensities they could play at, he sensed they were in 2nd, but if they were seriously threatened, there were a couple of more gears they could take it to. What happened is what I think Coach expected to happen. He'll use it.
ricola's avatar
Posts: 855
Feb 1, 2010 2:58pm
agree with the Krispy Kremes comment!
agree about the several speeds the Bengals seemed to possess.
not sure I agree with Coach expecting this to happen. I think he fully expected us to compete better---maybe not win. He apprently was quite upset after the game with our play, and I can't say that I blame him. He fully realizes (I would think) that we don't thave the horses to match up with them one on one and play aau basketball. But I'm guessing he was upset that we didn't do the things Hiland CAN do...e.g. check out, get loose balls, hit the open man, keep the unforced errors to a minimum, etc. Just my opnion, but thought we didn't necessarily play as smart as we could/should have.
agree he'll use it to make us better.
Mr. 300's avatar
Mr. 300
Posts: 3,090
Feb 1, 2010 3:12pm
One thing Hiland has always done was play well against bigger and more physical teams. They simply beat you to the spot, and frustrate you with hardnosed "D". I think Benedictine simply had too much muscle to be out muscled. Nothing hurt, and I'm sure the men will learn from it. They have to!!!
Posts: 490
Feb 1, 2010 6:19pm
Saturday afternoon Dave S told me that it was a "win, win". I took that as win, lose, play good or bad, Coach scheduled this game for a specific reason and it wasn't to necessarily win the game. This isn't the greatest defensive team Hiland has ever had, but they are better than last year. I sense this team is a year away from making a state run.