Political View Check In

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Posts: 1,071
Nov 14, 2009 10:53am
Rather than explaining everything I'm a libertarian.
Posts: 1,071
Nov 14, 2009 10:55am
Mike Clark wrote:
believer wrote:
Mike Clark wrote: I have a question for all of you pro-lifers.

What if the girl is a victim of rape or incest??
So killing the INNOCENT and DEFENSELESS baby rights the wrong?

You really would want the mother to have to carry a child she never planned on having??

How about the kid? What happens when she/he is a teenager and finds out that they were the product of a rape or that their grandfather is also their father?? Would you want to put a child through that? I sure wouldn't

The above scenario accounts for less than 1% of abortions, but it is a tricky situation. Why should the child die because he was brought into this world in unfortunate circumstances?

So basically you are saying killing the child is a better alternative to having them find out how they were brought into the world?
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Nov 14, 2009 1:33pm
Mike Clark wrote:You really would want the mother to have to carry a child she never planned on having??

How about the kid? What happens when she/he is a teenager and finds out that they were the product of a rape or that their grandfather is also their father?? Would you want to put a child through that? I sure wouldn't
So murdering the innocent unborn baby to "save" it from post-rape syndrome justifies the abortion? It's flat out immoral to take an innocent human being's life for purposes of convenience.

You lefties amaze me. You fight like hell to save a convicted murdering criminal from the "cruelty" of capital punishment but have no issues with legalized infanticide as long is it makes your own life more convenient.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Nov 14, 2009 1:36pm
I'm not a woman nor have I ever been raped so I don't think I have the perspective to make a choice like that. In scenarios like rape, I think the woman should be the one choosing.
Posts: 151
Nov 14, 2009 3:12pm

And abortion is murder. There is only a couple of instances that it is acceptable, such as when the mother's life is in danger. I like the pro-abortion women argument about having control over their body. They do and they have to pay the consequences and not kill a child because of them wanting to have a fling. It's like me saying I want to eat a Big Mac and not gain any weight.
dwccrew's avatar
Posts: 7,817
Nov 14, 2009 4:59pm
Cleveland Buck wrote: I am for the federal government performing only their role as defined in the Constitution.

I am for free market capitalism with the federal government's only place in the economy to ensure that companies don't become so large that they distort the market.

I don't think the federal government needs any say in social issues.

I am for replacing our current tax system with a consumption tax. I am for lower tax rates and much lower government spending. I am for progressive tax rates that are not excessively progressive.

I am for a strong military, and I do feel it is good to have some bases strategically located around the world, but what we have now is just too much. We could cut our defense spending in half and still maintain the strongest, best equipped military in the world.

I feel that safety net programs like unemployment insurance are necessary to our society, but should come from the states, not the federal government. If the federal government wants to provide money to each state to help pay for programs like these in general (with no strings attached), that is fine as long as we aren't running a deficit to do it. Any money from the federal government that is directed or attached to any specific industry only serves to distort the free market in that industry and does far more harm than good.
No wonder we get along well on here, I agree 100%.
Belly35 wrote: Capitalism
Strong Military ( bring back the draft)
Small Government
Private Sector (Government stays out of the private sector business)
Tort Reform for Medical Profession
Political Term Limits
United States Constitution (do not change or alter)
Drill for Oil
Death Penalty
Send Illegal Back
Shot first at the US Borders ask Question Later
Political Correctness My Ass
Entitlement Go Piss Up a Rope
I agree with everything you have said except the draft. I don't think you can live in a free country, yet force people to serve. That is not a free country IMO. Plus, I think you weaken the military by drafting people that don't necessarily want to be in the military.

A strong military consists of people that volunteer their services to our country IMO.
bman618 wrote: Libertarian/Constitutionalist

And abortion is murder. There is only a couple of instances that it is acceptable, such as when the mother's life is in danger. I like the pro-abortion women argument about having control over their body. They do and they have to pay the consequences and not kill a child because of them wanting to have a fling. It's like me saying I want to eat a Big Mac and not gain any weight.
Good to see you here Bman618!

I just want to ask you though, if you feel abortion is murder, then how can it be right in any situation? (Loaded question)
ICEMAN59's avatar
Posts: 160
Nov 14, 2009 5:04pm
Socially Liberal . . . do what you want as long as it doesn't objectively hurt others. Gay marriage . . . fine, no worries.

Fiscally conservative . . . the market rules and private donations and charity can do more to help people than the government ever could.

Capital Punishment . . . nope, don't believe we have the right to take another life . . . ending and creating lives belongs to a higher power.

Abortion . . . I believe it should be illegal, unless the life of the mother is in danger.

There ya have it.
Posts: 466
Nov 14, 2009 8:54pm
Strong Independent here--I spend quit a bit of time thinking everything out then vote.
Just can understand voting straight ticket
pmoney25's avatar
Posts: 1,787
Nov 14, 2009 10:14pm
Fiscal Conservative
Free Market
Individual Accountability
Pro Life
Small Government

WAR- The Ron Paul Stance, I don't believe we should Police the World. Worry about our own country first.

The only issue I may be somewhat Liberal on is Gay Marriage. Mainly due to a Family Member being Gay and seeing how much they have to go through on a day to day basis just to be able to express themselves how they want to.
Posts: 151
Nov 14, 2009 10:35pm
If the mother can die and the baby is also in danger of not making it, I think abortion can be acceptable. Lives are on the line in either way.
Posts: 151
Nov 14, 2009 10:36pm
I don't care for gay marriage as part of my faith but I don't see where the government has the responsibility to regulate it. Ultimately if you believe in your faith, you believe God will ultimately deliver justice.
Posts: 22
Nov 14, 2009 11:52pm

Reading through the posts in this thread makes me wonder where all of the Obamites are?
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Nov 15, 2009 12:05am
Glad I was able to find all you folks (thanks Clevelandbuck).

Definitely a fiscal conservative and a social libertarian. Don't really want the government involved in most of the social issues, except I have no problem with allowing most drug use, prostitution and gambling and simply using the taxes/fees on it to pay for its regulation/policing.

Oh and in favor of the death penalty and strengthening our borders; that and energy independence (drill here, drill now) are national security issues, in my opinion.
Cleveland Buck's avatar
Cleveland Buck
Posts: 5,126
Nov 15, 2009 12:07am
No problem. Welcome to the real huddle.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Nov 15, 2009 12:08am
Fiscal conservative.
More or less a social conservative. Although I can be liberal on a few things. So, I guess a nice mix.

Hey writer, welcome!
Posts: 7,762
Nov 15, 2009 12:32am
you are a fiscal conservative and more or less a social conservative. That is not a mix, that's pat robertson or sarah palin, if she knew what the word fiscal meant. when palin hears the word fiscal, she start do leg lifts and arm curls.
Posts: 9,265
Nov 15, 2009 2:29am
I Wear Pants wrote: I'm not a woman nor have I ever been raped so I don't think I have the perspective to make a choice like that. In scenarios like rape, I think the woman should be the one choosing.
Agreed. I don't think a woman should be forced to bring into this world a conceived human from rape.

Other than that....I'm not cool with abortion at all.
hoops23's avatar
Posts: 15,696
Nov 15, 2009 2:45am
I'm an independent.

IMO, party lines are what has caused such a mess. Instead of creating a common ground of politics with varying opinions, we've created a 'gang war' pretty much. Too much fighting over red or blue and a lot of politicians or voters will shoot down ideas from the other party just out of spite.

I don't believe in the draft, as I don't think any american should be forced to do something. I understand why it was needed then, but not so much now. The military is fine. However, if push came to shove and the military ever needed help, I'm sure you'd see a plethora of new servants lining up. America has always rose to a challenge.

In terms of abortions, I only believe in it if the baby was not conceived consensually. In terms of rape, molestation, or anything else of that matter, the woman should be able to abort.

Gay marriage does not bother me. It doesn't affect my lifestyle if gay people want to get married, nor does it bother anything else.

I HATE political correctness. LAME.

I'm all for small government. It seems over the last 3 or 4 years the government has been sticking their nose where it doesn't really belong. Some aide is ok if needed, but some of these programs are too much.

I'm also for the death penalty and strengthening our borders. No problem if you come here legally, but the illegals are a no go.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Nov 15, 2009 4:09am
Writerbuckeye wrote: Glad I was able to find all you folks (thanks Clevelandbuck).

Definitely a fiscal conservative and a social libertarian. Don't really want the government involved in most of the social issues, except I have no problem with allowing most drug use, prostitution and gambling and simply using the taxes/fees on it to pay for its regulation/policing.

Oh and in favor of the death penalty and strengthening our borders; that and energy independence (drill here, drill now) are national security issues, in my opinion.
Welcome aboard the FREE Huddle Writerbuckeye! Good to see you.
Automatik's avatar
Posts: 14,632
Nov 15, 2009 5:38am
I'm really against identifying myself with a political party. I believe that is the root to many of our current problems, but it I had to I'd say Independent..... although I support some issues on both sides of the political spectrum.

Call me a "socialist" or whatever, but I do believe introducing issues to benefit the greater good, but IMO the US population is much too large and the distribution of wealth too skewed.
RoyalNut's avatar
Posts: 175
Nov 15, 2009 9:05am
Registered Republican Libertarian/conservative

The purpose of government is to protect our freedoms; you cannot make a poor person rich by making a rich person poor; and that the engine of our prosperity has been rugged individualism, not government intervention.

And what we are getting right now is 180 degrees off from that. This administration has embarked on a mission of what they call social justice. Spreading the wealth. Why not just call it what it is. Socialism, but the truth of the matter is socialism is is just short stop on the way to totalitarian communism.

And its time the American people wake up and smell the coffee!

There is no liberal utopia, there never has been and there never will be.

Its time we end the Fed!
Seal the boarders to illegal immigration
Lower the income tax or go to a flat or fair tax, get America back to work.
Tell Al Gore he the liar and buffoon that he is!
And throw these idiotic Progressive Marxists in prison or out of the country-which ever comes first!
Posts: 47
Nov 15, 2009 9:05am
A libertarian leaning conservative here and "all" that implies including a strict constructionalist view of The United STATES Constitution.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Nov 15, 2009 10:11am
isadore wrote: you are a fiscal conservative and more or less a social conservative. That is not a mix, that's pat robertson or sarah palin, if she knew what the word fiscal meant. when palin hears the word fiscal, she start do leg lifts and arm curls.
Don't be hatin', Isa!!!

Also, I say more or less, because I don't follow tight strictures with conservatism when it comes to social ideologues. I'm basically a social conservative but am willing to check out and maybe concede differing points of view.
I don't have to have everything my way. Wait....
GoPens's avatar
Posts: 2,339
Nov 15, 2009 10:18am
Fiscally lean just right of center. Socially lean just left of center.
Swamp Fox
Posts: 2,218
Nov 15, 2009 12:03pm
Raised a conservative, am currently a fiscal moderate leaning toward conservatism in many things, but there are certain social programs that I think are very important. I like to look at every issue that comes along as a separate idea that requires discussion and reason and rationality.