Posts: 128
Dec 28, 2009 4:05pm
Weight: 189
-Rich Ulmer GAL---------------+
(12) 10- 2 |
Bout: 313 |------------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 178 |------------------------------+ |
-Jermaine Springer LS---------+ |
(10) 0- 1 Bout: 493 |------------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 179 |------------------------------+ | |
-Chase Ballard MH-------------+ | | |
6- 6 Bout: 314 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Andrew Shackelford TW--------+ |
(9) 9- 5 |
Bout: 639 |------------------------------+
| |
-Zane Krall LC----------------+ | |
(9) 7- 3 | | |
Bout: 315 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | | |
Bout: 182 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Tyler Ferguson PL------------+ | | |
(10) 3- 3 Bout: 494 |------------------------------+ |
-Bryan Hager AE---------------+ | |
(11) 4- 7 Bout: 183 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 316 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Ryan Sanders STC-------------+ |
(11) 7- 3 |
Bout: 748 |------------------------------
| Champion
-Logan Heiing DSJ-------------+ |
(10) 7- 3 | |
Bout: 317 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 186 |------------------------------+ | |
-Collin Reier SMM-------------+ | |
(10) 2- 4 Bout: 495 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 187 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Ben Williams DH--------------+ | | | |
(11) 7- 7 Bout: 318 |------------------------------+ | |
| | |
-Sam Huston STED--------------+ | |
8- 4 | |
Bout: 640 |------------------------------+
-Taylor Cayot BELL------------+ |
(10) 8- 4 | |
Bout: 319 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 190 |------------------------------+ | |
-Jared Penrod BV--------------+ | |
(12) 5- 5 Bout: 496 |------------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+ |
Bout: 191 |------------------------------+ |
-Napoleon Bell BH-------------+ | |
(10) 1- 7 Bout: 320 |------------------------------+
-Kyle Dotson GM---------------+
(12) 7- 2
-Rich Ulmer GAL---------------+
(12) 10- 2 |
Bout: 313 |------------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 178 |------------------------------+ |
-Jermaine Springer LS---------+ |
(10) 0- 1 Bout: 493 |------------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 179 |------------------------------+ | |
-Chase Ballard MH-------------+ | | |
6- 6 Bout: 314 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Andrew Shackelford TW--------+ |
(9) 9- 5 |
Bout: 639 |------------------------------+
| |
-Zane Krall LC----------------+ | |
(9) 7- 3 | | |
Bout: 315 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | | |
Bout: 182 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Tyler Ferguson PL------------+ | | |
(10) 3- 3 Bout: 494 |------------------------------+ |
-Bryan Hager AE---------------+ | |
(11) 4- 7 Bout: 183 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 316 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Ryan Sanders STC-------------+ |
(11) 7- 3 |
Bout: 748 |------------------------------
| Champion
-Logan Heiing DSJ-------------+ |
(10) 7- 3 | |
Bout: 317 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 186 |------------------------------+ | |
-Collin Reier SMM-------------+ | |
(10) 2- 4 Bout: 495 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 187 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Ben Williams DH--------------+ | | | |
(11) 7- 7 Bout: 318 |------------------------------+ | |
| | |
-Sam Huston STED--------------+ | |
8- 4 | |
Bout: 640 |------------------------------+
-Taylor Cayot BELL------------+ |
(10) 8- 4 | |
Bout: 319 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 190 |------------------------------+ | |
-Jared Penrod BV--------------+ | |
(12) 5- 5 Bout: 496 |------------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+ |
Bout: 191 |------------------------------+ |
-Napoleon Bell BH-------------+ | |
(10) 1- 7 Bout: 320 |------------------------------+
-Kyle Dotson GM---------------+
(12) 7- 2
Posts: 128
Dec 28, 2009 4:06pm
Weight: 215
-Evan Jackson BH--------------+
(11) 10- 2 |
Bout: 321 |------------------------------+
-Wes Shirley ROS--------------+ | |
(12) 0- 5 Bout: 194 |------------------------------+ |
-Brett Mowery DJ--------------+ |
(9) 5- 8 Bout: 497 |------------------------------+
-Andrew Krieger STC-----------+ | |
(12) 5- 8 Bout: 195 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 322 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Tyler Daugherty DH-----------+ |
(11) 9- 6 |
Bout: 641 |------------------------------+
| |
-Joey Fowler SMM--------------+ | |
(10) 5- 2 | | |
Bout: 323 |------------------------------+ | |
-Brooks Gilmore TW------------+ | | | |
(9) 2- 2 Bout: 198 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 498 |------------------------------+ |
-Cheyenne Coyer BELL----------+ | |
(11) 8- 5 Bout: 199 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 324 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Caleb Lovejoy AE-------------+ |
(12) 9- 3 |
Bout: 752 |------------------------------
| Champion
-Allen Sharp LC---------------+ |
(12) 8- 2 | |
Bout: 325 |------------------------------+ |
-Steve VanVliet GAL-----------+ | | |
(11) 0- 2 Bout: 202 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 499 |------------------------------+ |
-Line LS----------------------+ | | |
0- 0 Bout: 203 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | | |
Bout: 326 |------------------------------+ | |
| | |
-Zak Kindell PL---------------+ | |
(12) 6- 3 | |
Bout: 642 |------------------------------+
-Michael Hoy GM---------------+ |
2- 1 | |
Bout: 327 |------------------------------+ |
-Luke Krouskop SPEN-----------+ | | |
(9) 4- 10 Bout: 206 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 500 |------------------------------+
-James Westbrook MH-----------+ |
3- 5 Bout: 207 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 328 |------------------------------+
-Joey Grubenhoff DSJ----------+
(11) 9- 1
-Evan Jackson BH--------------+
(11) 10- 2 |
Bout: 321 |------------------------------+
-Wes Shirley ROS--------------+ | |
(12) 0- 5 Bout: 194 |------------------------------+ |
-Brett Mowery DJ--------------+ |
(9) 5- 8 Bout: 497 |------------------------------+
-Andrew Krieger STC-----------+ | |
(12) 5- 8 Bout: 195 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 322 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Tyler Daugherty DH-----------+ |
(11) 9- 6 |
Bout: 641 |------------------------------+
| |
-Joey Fowler SMM--------------+ | |
(10) 5- 2 | | |
Bout: 323 |------------------------------+ | |
-Brooks Gilmore TW------------+ | | | |
(9) 2- 2 Bout: 198 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 498 |------------------------------+ |
-Cheyenne Coyer BELL----------+ | |
(11) 8- 5 Bout: 199 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 324 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Caleb Lovejoy AE-------------+ |
(12) 9- 3 |
Bout: 752 |------------------------------
| Champion
-Allen Sharp LC---------------+ |
(12) 8- 2 | |
Bout: 325 |------------------------------+ |
-Steve VanVliet GAL-----------+ | | |
(11) 0- 2 Bout: 202 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 499 |------------------------------+ |
-Line LS----------------------+ | | |
0- 0 Bout: 203 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | | |
Bout: 326 |------------------------------+ | |
| | |
-Zak Kindell PL---------------+ | |
(12) 6- 3 | |
Bout: 642 |------------------------------+
-Michael Hoy GM---------------+ |
2- 1 | |
Bout: 327 |------------------------------+ |
-Luke Krouskop SPEN-----------+ | | |
(9) 4- 10 Bout: 206 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 500 |------------------------------+
-James Westbrook MH-----------+ |
3- 5 Bout: 207 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 328 |------------------------------+
-Joey Grubenhoff DSJ----------+
(11) 9- 1
Posts: 128
Dec 28, 2009 4:07pm
Weight: 285
-Tyler Obringer SPEN----------+
(12) 14- 0 |
Bout: 329 |------------------------------+
-Jeremy Sisson PL-------------+ | |
(12) 5- 6 Bout: 210 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ |
Bout: 501 |------------------------------+
-Joe Belford STED-------------+ | |
3- 3 Bout: 211 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 330 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Jordan Dickerson BH----------+ |
(11) 5- 5 |
Bout: 643 |------------------------------+
| |
-Dyln Burley AE---------------+ | |
(12) 5- 4 | | |
Bout: 331 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | | |
Bout: 214 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Line LS----------------------+ | | |
0- 0 Bout: 502 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 215 |------------------------------+ | |
-Brent Danials MH-------------+ | | |
0- 6 Bout: 332 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Caleb Cerwinsky BELL---------+ |
(12) 7- 4 |
Bout: 756 |------------------------------
| Champion
-Chris Pohlman DSJ------------+ |
(11) 4- 1 | |
Bout: 333 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 218 |------------------------------+ | |
-Logan Simons SMM-------------+ | |
(9) 4- 7 Bout: 503 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 219 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | | |
Bout: 334 |------------------------------+ | |
| | |
-Kyle Henry GM----------------+ | |
0- 0 | |
Bout: 644 |------------------------------+
-Zack Sumner DH---------------+ |
(10) 0- 2 | |
Bout: 335 |------------------------------+ |
-Malcolm Byrd AL--------------+ | | |
0- 0 Bout: 222 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 504 |------------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+ |
Bout: 223 |------------------------------+ |
-Cody Hickey ASH--------------+ | |
(11) 3- 7 Bout: 336 |------------------------------+
-Kosta Karageorge TW----------+
(12) 11- 0
-Tyler Obringer SPEN----------+
(12) 14- 0 |
Bout: 329 |------------------------------+
-Jeremy Sisson PL-------------+ | |
(12) 5- 6 Bout: 210 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ |
Bout: 501 |------------------------------+
-Joe Belford STED-------------+ | |
3- 3 Bout: 211 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 330 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Jordan Dickerson BH----------+ |
(11) 5- 5 |
Bout: 643 |------------------------------+
| |
-Dyln Burley AE---------------+ | |
(12) 5- 4 | | |
Bout: 331 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | | |
Bout: 214 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Line LS----------------------+ | | |
0- 0 Bout: 502 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 215 |------------------------------+ | |
-Brent Danials MH-------------+ | | |
0- 6 Bout: 332 |------------------------------+ |
| |
-Caleb Cerwinsky BELL---------+ |
(12) 7- 4 |
Bout: 756 |------------------------------
| Champion
-Chris Pohlman DSJ------------+ |
(11) 4- 1 | |
Bout: 333 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 218 |------------------------------+ | |
-Logan Simons SMM-------------+ | |
(9) 4- 7 Bout: 503 |------------------------------+ |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | |
Bout: 219 |------------------------------+ | | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | | | |
Bout: 334 |------------------------------+ | |
| | |
-Kyle Henry GM----------------+ | |
0- 0 | |
Bout: 644 |------------------------------+
-Zack Sumner DH---------------+ |
(10) 0- 2 | |
Bout: 335 |------------------------------+ |
-Malcolm Byrd AL--------------+ | | |
0- 0 Bout: 222 |------------------------------+ | |
-Bye--------------------------+ | |
Bout: 504 |------------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+ |
Bout: 223 |------------------------------+ |
-Cody Hickey ASH--------------+ | |
(11) 3- 7 Bout: 336 |------------------------------+
-Kosta Karageorge TW----------+
(12) 11- 0
Posts: 30
Dec 28, 2009 4:07pm
It would be nice to see them in bracket form!!!
Posts: 30
Dec 28, 2009 4:22pm
[email protected]topwrestler wrote:if you give me your email, I will send them to u in bracket formarrow1991 wrote: It would be nice to see them in bracket form!!!

Posts: 7,536
Dec 28, 2009 5:34pm
[email protected]
I was having some trouble trying to figure out which matches were which. I tried excel, I tried word... Thanks for the invite with the email.
You da man!
I was having some trouble trying to figure out which matches were which. I tried excel, I tried word... Thanks for the invite with the email.
You da man!
Posts: 5
Dec 28, 2009 7:04pm
Posts: 128
Dec 29, 2009 1:44pm
Championship - 1st round
Weight: 103
Weight: 112
Weight: 119
Weight: 125
Kyle Stacey (11), Liberty Center Fall Michael Toriano, Marion Harding, 1:03
Weight: 130
Adam Joy (12), Purcell Marian Dec Zach Poignin (11), Liberty Center, 6-4
Weight: 135
Alex Good (9), Thomas Worthington Fall Aaron Gattshall, Marion Harding, 3:33
Dylan Krendl (10), Delphos St. John's Dec Vince Meinking (10), Purcell Marian, 11-4
Logan Mack (10), Liberty Center Fall Jason Mercier (11), Bishop Hartley, 4:50
Weight: 140
Walter Pippin (9), Liberty Center Fall Austin Hilt (9), Buckeye Valley, 5:47
Rasan Harding (10), Groveport Madison Dec Jason Hunter (11), St. Mary's Memorial, 6-4
Weight: 145
Cameron Johnson (10), Rossford Dec Nick Burton (11), Groveport Madison, 6-5
Michael Kalista (12), Delaware Hayes Dec Chris Sheppard (11), Thomas Worthington, 3-2
Caleb Carter (10), Ashland Fall Devin Sutton, Alter, :30
Kyle Harness (10), Dublin Jerome Forf Forfeit (10), Bellfontaine
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley Dec Nathan Alexander (10), Pleasant, 6-2
Weight: 152
Mack Leibengood, Marion Harding Dec Nate Miller (9), Bellfontaine, 17-13
Brett DiLucia (10), Rossford Fall J Grote (9), Buckeye Valley, 1:31
Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's Dec Alber Davis (10), Bishop Hartley, 11-8
Justin Klee, Elgin Dec Max Macado (9), Allen East, 8-6
Blake Corbin (12), Ashland M-Dec Brandon Peoples (12), Galion, 14-5
Weight: 160
Weight: 171
Dail Checkler (12), Thomas Worthington Fall Alexander Wick (9), Lima Senior, 1:20
Weight: 189
Weight: 215
Brett Mowery (9), Dublin Jerome Forf Forfeit (12), Rossford
Weight: 285
Weight: 103
Weight: 112
Weight: 119
Weight: 125
Kyle Stacey (11), Liberty Center Fall Michael Toriano, Marion Harding, 1:03
Weight: 130
Adam Joy (12), Purcell Marian Dec Zach Poignin (11), Liberty Center, 6-4
Weight: 135
Alex Good (9), Thomas Worthington Fall Aaron Gattshall, Marion Harding, 3:33
Dylan Krendl (10), Delphos St. John's Dec Vince Meinking (10), Purcell Marian, 11-4
Logan Mack (10), Liberty Center Fall Jason Mercier (11), Bishop Hartley, 4:50
Weight: 140
Walter Pippin (9), Liberty Center Fall Austin Hilt (9), Buckeye Valley, 5:47
Rasan Harding (10), Groveport Madison Dec Jason Hunter (11), St. Mary's Memorial, 6-4
Weight: 145
Cameron Johnson (10), Rossford Dec Nick Burton (11), Groveport Madison, 6-5
Michael Kalista (12), Delaware Hayes Dec Chris Sheppard (11), Thomas Worthington, 3-2
Caleb Carter (10), Ashland Fall Devin Sutton, Alter, :30
Kyle Harness (10), Dublin Jerome Forf Forfeit (10), Bellfontaine
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley Dec Nathan Alexander (10), Pleasant, 6-2
Weight: 152
Mack Leibengood, Marion Harding Dec Nate Miller (9), Bellfontaine, 17-13
Brett DiLucia (10), Rossford Fall J Grote (9), Buckeye Valley, 1:31
Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's Dec Alber Davis (10), Bishop Hartley, 11-8
Justin Klee, Elgin Dec Max Macado (9), Allen East, 8-6
Blake Corbin (12), Ashland M-Dec Brandon Peoples (12), Galion, 14-5
Weight: 160
Weight: 171
Dail Checkler (12), Thomas Worthington Fall Alexander Wick (9), Lima Senior, 1:20
Weight: 189
Weight: 215
Brett Mowery (9), Dublin Jerome Forf Forfeit (12), Rossford
Weight: 285
Posts: 128
Dec 29, 2009 1:45pm
39th Marion Harding Wrestling Classic
Marion Harding High School
December 29-30, 2009
Championship - 2nd round
Weight: 103
Adam Suhr (10), St. Charles Forf Forfeit (9), St. Mary's Memorial
Dane Eagle (9), Ashland Dec Tyler Baker (9), Allen East, 13-6
Curt Fedoush (9), Buckeye Valley Fall Caleb Smith (9), Liberty Center, 1:22
Thoryn Jackson (9), Bellfontaine M-Dec Kasey Ackley (9), Thomas Worthington, 11-1
Weight: 112
Josh Alexander (10), Pleasant Fall Ben Hoyt (9), Thomas Worthington, 3:30
Weight: 119
Tyler McCoy (11), Pleasant Fall Darby Newman (9), Bellfontaine, :27
Kevin Colvin (12), St. Charles Dec Gage Brady (10), Galion, 5-0
Logan Davis (10), Dublin Jerome Dec Jesse Quick (10), Buckeye Valley, 2-0
Edgar Bright, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Corey Nedderman (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 1:57
Adam Kemper (12), Purcell Marian Dec Will Buettner (9), Delphos St. John's, 8-6
Colt Lovejoy (10), Allen East Fall Zack Prince (10), Thomas Worthington, 3:34
Weight: 125
Kyle Stacey (11), Liberty Center Fall Pat Bradley (12), Pleasant
Justin McDaniel (10), Galion Forf Forfeit (10), Buckeye Valley
Chris Suozzi (11), St. Charles Dec Tj Washington (12), Purcell Marian, 14-7
Jacob Peterjohn, Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Joey Jewell (9), Groveport Madison, 13-2
Braedon Miller (11), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Cody Scott (9), Rossford, 2:54
Juan Cardenas (9), Thomas Worthington Forf Forfeit (11), Bellfontaine
Brime Grimes (10), Bishop Hartley M-Dec Brock Landrum (10), Ashland, 9-1
Aaron Merschman (11), Delphos St. John's Fall Kyle Sawmiller (9), Spencerville, 2:55
Weight: 130
Brian Merschman (12), Delphos St. John's Fall Bobby Bergstrom (10), Rossford, 1:38
Mike Vertal (12), Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Dan Cannon (11), Ashland, 12-4
Trey Fisher (12), Allen East Fall Josh Gaffney (11), Pleasant, 1:41
Adam Joy (12), Purcell Marian Forf Forfeit, Elgin
Nick Strominger (12), Dublin Jerome Forf Forfeit (11), St. Mary's Memorial
Brady Shafer (11), Lima Senior M-Dec Cory Binkley (9), Spencerville, 17-8
Chris Fusco (12), Bishop Hartley Fall Anthony Nye, Marion Harding, 5:51
Weight: 135
Sean Barnett (12), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Alex Good (9), Thomas Worthington, :49
Micheal Prater (11), Bellfontaine Fall Ian Harter (11), Ashland, 1:07
Ryan Mentzer (10), Buckeye Valley Forf Forfeit (11), Dublin Jerome
Austin Lloyd (9), Allen East Fall Jacob Carlen (9), Rossford, 1:10
Josh Edington (10), Pleasant Fall Dylan Krendl (10), Delphos St. John's, 1:25
Russ Rauber, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Coleton Beltz, Elgin, 1:00
Andreas Williams (9), Lima Senior Forf Forfeit (10), Spencerville
Daniel Latz (12), St. Charles Fall Logan Mack (10), Liberty Center, 2:35
Weight: 140
Richie Barberic, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Walter Pippin (9), Liberty Center, 3:04
Brandon Hoffman (12), Bishop Hartley Dec Taylor Hackworth (12), Purcell Marian, 10-5
Tyler Barlow (9), Pleasant Dec Jack Austin (10), Dublin Jerome, 3-2
Mark Coleman (11), Thomas Worthington Fall Shawn Wittibslagaer, Elgin, :42
Justin Pryer (10), Allen East Forf Forfeit (9), Rossford
Jonas Johnson (11), Spencerville Fall Devonte Wright (12), Lima Senior, 3:57
Zach Carter (10), Ashland Fall Phillip Cutarelli, Marion Harding, 2:28
Ryan Musser (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Rasan Harding (10), Groveport Madison, 11-7
Weight: 145
JR Conyers (10), Allen East Fall Cameron Johnson (10), Rossford, 2:51
Kevin Cook (12), St. Charles Dec Jacob Bohach (12), Galion, 6-3
Michael Kalista (12), Delaware Hayes Dec Tyler Mitchell (10), Purcell Marian, 7-1
Caleb Carter (10), Ashland Fall Cody Knapp (10), Liberty Center, 5:28
Kyle Harness (10), Dublin Jerome Dec Zane Ginter (12), St. Mary's Memorial, 6-1
Logan Looser (10), Delphos St. John's T-Fall Davey Ballard (10), Buckeye Valley, 16-1
Austin Lotz (10), Spencerville M-Dec Josh Bailey, Marion Harding, 18-8
Eric Madson, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley, 9-2
Weight: 152
Robert Dejaco (12), St. Charles Fall Mack Leibengood, Marion Harding, 1:33
Zach Thompson (11), Groveport Madison Fall Tyler Burden (11), Lima Senior, 1:34
Brett DiLucia (10), Rossford Fall Robert Brenneman (12), Spencerville, 5:13
Hunter Goon (12), Pleasant Fall Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's
Joel Calfe (10), Delaware Hayes Dec Justin Klee, Elgin, 8-6
John Holden (11), Dublin Jerome Dec Jared Gillen (9), Liberty Center, 10-9
Tim Mitchell (12), Purcell Marian Fall Devin Roseberry (12), St. Mary's Memorial, 2:30
Dominic Abounader, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Blake Corbin (12), Ashland, 1:57
Weight: 160
John Mackessy (12), St. Charles Fall Joey Haig (11), Thomas Worthington, :29
Jerrod Jenner, Marion Harding Fall Nick Stephens (10), Allen East, 3:53
Garrett Rohr (10), St. Mary's Memorial Forf Forfeit (11), Dublin Jerome
JJ Griffith (11), Ashland Forf Forfeit (9), Rossford
Greg Huffman (12), Bellfontaine Fall Tyler Shumate (10), Spencerville, 1:44
Dominic Scarberry, Lakewood St. Edward T-Fall Dylan Keith (10), Lima Senior, 17-2
Ethan Garner (12), Pleasant Dec Stacey Miracle (10), Groveport Madison, 9-5
Brock Bonifas (9), Delphos St. John's Fall Scott Tatar (11), Buckeye Valley, 1:26
Weight: 171
Jarrod Zang (10), Bishop Hartley Fall Dail Checkler (12), Thomas Worthington, :10
Asher Rumple, Marion Harding Fall Austin Venable (10), Buckeye Valley, 1:13
DJ Recknagel (11), Rossford Fall Jordan Bergfeld (10), Delphos St. John's, :37
Joe Sumner (12), Delaware Hayes T-Fall Jim Sorboro, Lakewood St. Edward, 19-3
Cody Lovejoy (11), Allen East Fall Neil Perry (9), St. Mary's Memorial, 3:09
Ben Kibler, Elgin Fall Donnie Burnett (9), Spencerville, 2:48
Brandon Nalley (11), Ashland Fall Nick Deems (12), Galion, 3:56
Kwan Bailey (12), Groveport Madison T-Fall Matt Price (9), Bellfontaine, 16-0
Weight: 189
Rich Ulmer (12), Galion Forf Jermaine Springer (10), Lima Senior
Andrew Shackelford (9), Thomas Worthington Def Chase Ballard, Marion Harding
Zane Krall (9), Liberty Center Fall Tyler Ferguson (10), Pleasant, :39
Ryan Sanders (11), St. Charles Fall Bryan Hager (11), Allen East, 1:24
Logan Heiing (10), Delphos St. John's Fall Collin Reier (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 1:22
Ben Williams (11), Delaware Hayes Forf Forfeit, Lakewood St. Edward
Taylor Cayot (10), Bellfontaine Dec Jared Penrod (12), Buckeye Valley, 6-4
Kyle Dotson (12), Groveport Madison Dec Napoleon Bell (10), Bishop Hartley, 6-4
Weight: 215
Evan Jackson (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Brett Mowery (9), Dublin Jerome, 3:41
Tyler Daugherty (11), Delaware Hayes Dec Andrew Krieger (12), St. Charles, 8-3
Joey Fowler (10), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Brooks Gilmore (9), Thomas Worthington, 1:53
Caleb Lovejoy (12), Allen East Fall Cheyenne Coyer (11), Bellfontaine, 1:53
Allen Sharp (12), Liberty Center Dec Steve VanVliet (11), Galion, 12-6
Zak Kindell (12), Pleasant Fall Austin Long, Lima Senior, 1:32
Michael Hoy, Groveport Madison Fall Luke Krouskop (9), Spencerville, 1:24
Joey Grubenhoff (11), Delphos St. John's Forf Forfeit, Marion Harding
Weight: 285
Tyler Obringer (12), Spencerville Fall Jeremy Sisson (12), Pleasant, :23
Joe Belford, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Jordan Dickerson (11), Bishop Hartley, 7-3
Dyln Burley (12), Allen East Forf Forfeit, Lima Senior
Caleb Cerwinsky (12), Bellfontaine Fall Brent Danials, Marion Harding, :46
Chris Pohlman (11), Delphos St. John's Fall Logan Simons (9), St. Mary's Memorial, :48
Cody Hickey (11), Ashland Forf Forfeit (10), Delaware Hayes
Kosta Karageorge (12), Thomas Worthington Forf Forfeit, Alter
Marion Harding High School
December 29-30, 2009
Championship - 2nd round
Weight: 103
Adam Suhr (10), St. Charles Forf Forfeit (9), St. Mary's Memorial
Dane Eagle (9), Ashland Dec Tyler Baker (9), Allen East, 13-6
Curt Fedoush (9), Buckeye Valley Fall Caleb Smith (9), Liberty Center, 1:22
Thoryn Jackson (9), Bellfontaine M-Dec Kasey Ackley (9), Thomas Worthington, 11-1
Weight: 112
Josh Alexander (10), Pleasant Fall Ben Hoyt (9), Thomas Worthington, 3:30
Weight: 119
Tyler McCoy (11), Pleasant Fall Darby Newman (9), Bellfontaine, :27
Kevin Colvin (12), St. Charles Dec Gage Brady (10), Galion, 5-0
Logan Davis (10), Dublin Jerome Dec Jesse Quick (10), Buckeye Valley, 2-0
Edgar Bright, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Corey Nedderman (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 1:57
Adam Kemper (12), Purcell Marian Dec Will Buettner (9), Delphos St. John's, 8-6
Colt Lovejoy (10), Allen East Fall Zack Prince (10), Thomas Worthington, 3:34
Weight: 125
Kyle Stacey (11), Liberty Center Fall Pat Bradley (12), Pleasant
Justin McDaniel (10), Galion Forf Forfeit (10), Buckeye Valley
Chris Suozzi (11), St. Charles Dec Tj Washington (12), Purcell Marian, 14-7
Jacob Peterjohn, Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Joey Jewell (9), Groveport Madison, 13-2
Braedon Miller (11), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Cody Scott (9), Rossford, 2:54
Juan Cardenas (9), Thomas Worthington Forf Forfeit (11), Bellfontaine
Brime Grimes (10), Bishop Hartley M-Dec Brock Landrum (10), Ashland, 9-1
Aaron Merschman (11), Delphos St. John's Fall Kyle Sawmiller (9), Spencerville, 2:55
Weight: 130
Brian Merschman (12), Delphos St. John's Fall Bobby Bergstrom (10), Rossford, 1:38
Mike Vertal (12), Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Dan Cannon (11), Ashland, 12-4
Trey Fisher (12), Allen East Fall Josh Gaffney (11), Pleasant, 1:41
Adam Joy (12), Purcell Marian Forf Forfeit, Elgin
Nick Strominger (12), Dublin Jerome Forf Forfeit (11), St. Mary's Memorial
Brady Shafer (11), Lima Senior M-Dec Cory Binkley (9), Spencerville, 17-8
Chris Fusco (12), Bishop Hartley Fall Anthony Nye, Marion Harding, 5:51
Weight: 135
Sean Barnett (12), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Alex Good (9), Thomas Worthington, :49
Micheal Prater (11), Bellfontaine Fall Ian Harter (11), Ashland, 1:07
Ryan Mentzer (10), Buckeye Valley Forf Forfeit (11), Dublin Jerome
Austin Lloyd (9), Allen East Fall Jacob Carlen (9), Rossford, 1:10
Josh Edington (10), Pleasant Fall Dylan Krendl (10), Delphos St. John's, 1:25
Russ Rauber, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Coleton Beltz, Elgin, 1:00
Andreas Williams (9), Lima Senior Forf Forfeit (10), Spencerville
Daniel Latz (12), St. Charles Fall Logan Mack (10), Liberty Center, 2:35
Weight: 140
Richie Barberic, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Walter Pippin (9), Liberty Center, 3:04
Brandon Hoffman (12), Bishop Hartley Dec Taylor Hackworth (12), Purcell Marian, 10-5
Tyler Barlow (9), Pleasant Dec Jack Austin (10), Dublin Jerome, 3-2
Mark Coleman (11), Thomas Worthington Fall Shawn Wittibslagaer, Elgin, :42
Justin Pryer (10), Allen East Forf Forfeit (9), Rossford
Jonas Johnson (11), Spencerville Fall Devonte Wright (12), Lima Senior, 3:57
Zach Carter (10), Ashland Fall Phillip Cutarelli, Marion Harding, 2:28
Ryan Musser (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Rasan Harding (10), Groveport Madison, 11-7
Weight: 145
JR Conyers (10), Allen East Fall Cameron Johnson (10), Rossford, 2:51
Kevin Cook (12), St. Charles Dec Jacob Bohach (12), Galion, 6-3
Michael Kalista (12), Delaware Hayes Dec Tyler Mitchell (10), Purcell Marian, 7-1
Caleb Carter (10), Ashland Fall Cody Knapp (10), Liberty Center, 5:28
Kyle Harness (10), Dublin Jerome Dec Zane Ginter (12), St. Mary's Memorial, 6-1
Logan Looser (10), Delphos St. John's T-Fall Davey Ballard (10), Buckeye Valley, 16-1
Austin Lotz (10), Spencerville M-Dec Josh Bailey, Marion Harding, 18-8
Eric Madson, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley, 9-2
Weight: 152
Robert Dejaco (12), St. Charles Fall Mack Leibengood, Marion Harding, 1:33
Zach Thompson (11), Groveport Madison Fall Tyler Burden (11), Lima Senior, 1:34
Brett DiLucia (10), Rossford Fall Robert Brenneman (12), Spencerville, 5:13
Hunter Goon (12), Pleasant Fall Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's
Joel Calfe (10), Delaware Hayes Dec Justin Klee, Elgin, 8-6
John Holden (11), Dublin Jerome Dec Jared Gillen (9), Liberty Center, 10-9
Tim Mitchell (12), Purcell Marian Fall Devin Roseberry (12), St. Mary's Memorial, 2:30
Dominic Abounader, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Blake Corbin (12), Ashland, 1:57
Weight: 160
John Mackessy (12), St. Charles Fall Joey Haig (11), Thomas Worthington, :29
Jerrod Jenner, Marion Harding Fall Nick Stephens (10), Allen East, 3:53
Garrett Rohr (10), St. Mary's Memorial Forf Forfeit (11), Dublin Jerome
JJ Griffith (11), Ashland Forf Forfeit (9), Rossford
Greg Huffman (12), Bellfontaine Fall Tyler Shumate (10), Spencerville, 1:44
Dominic Scarberry, Lakewood St. Edward T-Fall Dylan Keith (10), Lima Senior, 17-2
Ethan Garner (12), Pleasant Dec Stacey Miracle (10), Groveport Madison, 9-5
Brock Bonifas (9), Delphos St. John's Fall Scott Tatar (11), Buckeye Valley, 1:26
Weight: 171
Jarrod Zang (10), Bishop Hartley Fall Dail Checkler (12), Thomas Worthington, :10
Asher Rumple, Marion Harding Fall Austin Venable (10), Buckeye Valley, 1:13
DJ Recknagel (11), Rossford Fall Jordan Bergfeld (10), Delphos St. John's, :37
Joe Sumner (12), Delaware Hayes T-Fall Jim Sorboro, Lakewood St. Edward, 19-3
Cody Lovejoy (11), Allen East Fall Neil Perry (9), St. Mary's Memorial, 3:09
Ben Kibler, Elgin Fall Donnie Burnett (9), Spencerville, 2:48
Brandon Nalley (11), Ashland Fall Nick Deems (12), Galion, 3:56
Kwan Bailey (12), Groveport Madison T-Fall Matt Price (9), Bellfontaine, 16-0
Weight: 189
Rich Ulmer (12), Galion Forf Jermaine Springer (10), Lima Senior
Andrew Shackelford (9), Thomas Worthington Def Chase Ballard, Marion Harding
Zane Krall (9), Liberty Center Fall Tyler Ferguson (10), Pleasant, :39
Ryan Sanders (11), St. Charles Fall Bryan Hager (11), Allen East, 1:24
Logan Heiing (10), Delphos St. John's Fall Collin Reier (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 1:22
Ben Williams (11), Delaware Hayes Forf Forfeit, Lakewood St. Edward
Taylor Cayot (10), Bellfontaine Dec Jared Penrod (12), Buckeye Valley, 6-4
Kyle Dotson (12), Groveport Madison Dec Napoleon Bell (10), Bishop Hartley, 6-4
Weight: 215
Evan Jackson (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Brett Mowery (9), Dublin Jerome, 3:41
Tyler Daugherty (11), Delaware Hayes Dec Andrew Krieger (12), St. Charles, 8-3
Joey Fowler (10), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Brooks Gilmore (9), Thomas Worthington, 1:53
Caleb Lovejoy (12), Allen East Fall Cheyenne Coyer (11), Bellfontaine, 1:53
Allen Sharp (12), Liberty Center Dec Steve VanVliet (11), Galion, 12-6
Zak Kindell (12), Pleasant Fall Austin Long, Lima Senior, 1:32
Michael Hoy, Groveport Madison Fall Luke Krouskop (9), Spencerville, 1:24
Joey Grubenhoff (11), Delphos St. John's Forf Forfeit, Marion Harding
Weight: 285
Tyler Obringer (12), Spencerville Fall Jeremy Sisson (12), Pleasant, :23
Joe Belford, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Jordan Dickerson (11), Bishop Hartley, 7-3
Dyln Burley (12), Allen East Forf Forfeit, Lima Senior
Caleb Cerwinsky (12), Bellfontaine Fall Brent Danials, Marion Harding, :46
Chris Pohlman (11), Delphos St. John's Fall Logan Simons (9), St. Mary's Memorial, :48
Cody Hickey (11), Ashland Forf Forfeit (10), Delaware Hayes
Kosta Karageorge (12), Thomas Worthington Forf Forfeit, Alter
Posts: 128
Dec 29, 2009 1:45pm
39th Marion Harding Wrestling Classic
Marion Harding High School
December 29-30, 2009
Consolation - 1st round
Weight: 103
Weight: 112
Weight: 119
Weight: 125
Michael Toriano, Marion Harding Fall Kyle Sawmiller (9), Spencerville, :49
Weight: 130
Zach Poignin (11), Liberty Center Forf Forfeit (11), St. Mary's Memorial
Weight: 135
Logan Mack (10), Liberty Center Fall Aaron Gattshall, Marion Harding, 2:05
Vince Meinking (10), Purcell Marian Fall Jacob Carlen (9), Rossford, 4:51
Jason Mercier (11), Bishop Hartley Dec Alex Good (9), Thomas Worthington, 4-1
Weight: 140
Rasan Harding (10), Groveport Madison Fall Austin Hilt (9), Buckeye Valley, 1:39
Jason Hunter (11), St. Mary's Memorial M-Dec Walter Pippin (9), Liberty Center, 11-1
Weight: 145
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley M-Dec Nick Burton (11), Groveport Madison, 13-4
Chris Sheppard (11), Thomas Worthington Fall Davey Ballard (10), Buckeye Valley, :54
Zane Ginter (12), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Devin Sutton, Alter
Cody Knapp (10), Liberty Center Forf Forfeit (10), Bellfontaine
Cameron Johnson (10), Rossford Dec Nathan Alexander (10), Pleasant, 12-8
Weight: 152
Nate Miller (9), Bellfontaine Fall Blake Corbin (12), Ashland, 3:27
Jared Gillen (9), Liberty Center Dec J Grote (9), Buckeye Valley, 8-6
Alber Davis (10), Bishop Hartley Dec Justin Klee, Elgin, 4-2
Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's Fall Max Macado (9), Allen East, :53
Brandon Peoples (12), Galion Fall Mack Leibengood, Marion Harding, 4:59
Weight: 160
Weight: 171
Matt Price (9), Bellfontaine Fall Alexander Wick (9), Lima Senior, 3:20
Weight: 189
Weight: 215
Weight: 285
Marion Harding High School
December 29-30, 2009
Consolation - 1st round
Weight: 103
Weight: 112
Weight: 119
Weight: 125
Michael Toriano, Marion Harding Fall Kyle Sawmiller (9), Spencerville, :49
Weight: 130
Zach Poignin (11), Liberty Center Forf Forfeit (11), St. Mary's Memorial
Weight: 135
Logan Mack (10), Liberty Center Fall Aaron Gattshall, Marion Harding, 2:05
Vince Meinking (10), Purcell Marian Fall Jacob Carlen (9), Rossford, 4:51
Jason Mercier (11), Bishop Hartley Dec Alex Good (9), Thomas Worthington, 4-1
Weight: 140
Rasan Harding (10), Groveport Madison Fall Austin Hilt (9), Buckeye Valley, 1:39
Jason Hunter (11), St. Mary's Memorial M-Dec Walter Pippin (9), Liberty Center, 11-1
Weight: 145
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley M-Dec Nick Burton (11), Groveport Madison, 13-4
Chris Sheppard (11), Thomas Worthington Fall Davey Ballard (10), Buckeye Valley, :54
Zane Ginter (12), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Devin Sutton, Alter
Cody Knapp (10), Liberty Center Forf Forfeit (10), Bellfontaine
Cameron Johnson (10), Rossford Dec Nathan Alexander (10), Pleasant, 12-8
Weight: 152
Nate Miller (9), Bellfontaine Fall Blake Corbin (12), Ashland, 3:27
Jared Gillen (9), Liberty Center Dec J Grote (9), Buckeye Valley, 8-6
Alber Davis (10), Bishop Hartley Dec Justin Klee, Elgin, 4-2
Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's Fall Max Macado (9), Allen East, :53
Brandon Peoples (12), Galion Fall Mack Leibengood, Marion Harding, 4:59
Weight: 160
Weight: 171
Matt Price (9), Bellfontaine Fall Alexander Wick (9), Lima Senior, 3:20
Weight: 189
Weight: 215
Weight: 285
Posts: 10
Dec 29, 2009 2:35pm
thanks topwrestler for the updates. i really wanted to make this tournament. just not able to.
Posts: 128
Dec 29, 2009 2:53pm
Championship - Quarterfinals
Weight: 103
Zon Fields (10), Pleasant Fall Adam Suhr (10), St. Charles, 1:14
Colin Heffernan, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Dane Eagle (9), Ashland, 1:18
Curt Fedoush (9), Buckeye Valley Dec Thoryn Jackson (9), Bellfontaine, 8-2
Seth McCurdy (10), Delaware Hayes Fall Joe MacVeigh, Purcell Marian, 1:16
Weight: 112
John Maurice (10), Bellfontaine T-Fall Josh Alexander (10), Pleasant, 19-2
John Bloss (10), Groveport Madison Fall Wyatt Davis (9), Delaware Hayes, 1:02
Chance Driscoll, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Alec Szanati (10), Buckeye Valley, 2:52
Andrew Hennegan (12), Purcell Marian T-Fall Bennett Comfort (9), Dublin Jerome, 15-0
Weight: 119
Kevin Colvin (12), St. Charles Fall Tyler McCoy (11), Pleasant, 5:11
Ramon Mendoza, Marion Harding Fall Logan Davis (10), Dublin Jerome, :57
Edgar Bright, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Adam Kemper (12), Purcell Marian, 8-2
Colt Lovejoy (10), Allen East M-Dec Daniel Jewell (12), Rossford, 11-1
Weight: 125
Kyle Stacey (11), Liberty Center M-Dec Justin McDaniel (10), Galion, 13-0
Jacob Peterjohn, Lakewood St. Edward T-Fall Chris Suozzi (11), St. Charles, 16-0
Braedon Miller (11), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Juan Cardenas (9), Thomas Worthington, 3:05
Aaron Merschman (11), Delphos St. John's Fall Brime Grimes (10), Bishop Hartley, :59
Weight: 130
Brian Merschman (12), Delphos St. John's Fall Mike Vertal (12), Lakewood St. Edward, 1:58
Trey Fisher (12), Allen East Dec Adam Joy (12), Purcell Marian, 7-0
Jason Allen (10), Thomas Worthington Fall Nick Strominger (12), Dublin Jerome, 3:57
Chris Fusco (12), Bishop Hartley Fall Brady Shafer (11), Lima Senior, 1:41
Weight: 135
Sean Barnett (12), St. Mary's Memorial T-Fall Micheal Prater (11), Bellfontaine, 24-7
Austin Lloyd (9), Allen East Fall Ryan Mentzer (10), Buckeye Valley, 1:59
Russ Rauber, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Josh Edington (10), Pleasant, 5-0
Daniel Latz (12), St. Charles Fall Andreas Williams (9), Lima Senior, 1:27
Weight: 140
Richie Barberic, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Brandon Hoffman (12), Bishop Hartley, 11-7
Mark Coleman (11), Thomas Worthington Fall Tyler Barlow (9), Pleasant, 1:53
Justin Pryer (10), Allen East Dec Jonas Johnson (11), Spencerville, 11-6
Ryan Musser (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Zach Carter (10), Ashland, 6-4
Weight: 145
JR Conyers (10), Allen East Fall Kevin Cook (12), St. Charles, 5:26
Caleb Carter (10), Ashland Dec Michael Kalista (12), Delaware Hayes, 9-4
Logan Looser (10), Delphos St. John's Fall Kyle Harness (10), Dublin Jerome, 4:52
Eric Madson, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Austin Lotz (10), Spencerville, 1:26
Weight: 152
Zach Thompson (11), Groveport Madison Dec Robert Dejaco (12), St. Charles, 6-2
Brett DiLucia (10), Rossford Dec Hunter Goon (12), Pleasant, 10-6
Joel Calfe (10), Delaware Hayes Fall John Holden (11), Dublin Jerome, 1:19
Dominic Abounader, Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Tim Mitchell (12), Purcell Marian, 12-3
Weight: 160
John Mackessy (12), St. Charles Fall Jerrod Jenner, Marion Harding, 4:17
JJ Griffith (11), Ashland Fall Garrett Rohr (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 2:34
Dominic Scarberry, Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Greg Huffman (12), Bellfontaine, 10-1
Brock Bonifas (9), Delphos St. John's Fall Ethan Garner (12), Pleasant, 3:10
Weight: 171
Jarrod Zang (10), Bishop Hartley Fall Asher Rumple, Marion Harding, 3:33
DJ Recknagel (11), Rossford Dec Joe Sumner (12), Delaware Hayes, 4-2
Cody Lovejoy (11), Allen East Dec Ben Kibler, Elgin, 6-2
Kwan Bailey (12), Groveport Madison T-Fall Brandon Nalley (11), Ashland, 18-2
Weight: 189
Rich Ulmer (12), Galion Dec Andrew Shackelford (9), Thomas Worthington, 11-5
Ryan Sanders (11), St. Charles Dec Zane Krall (9), Liberty Center, 3-1
Logan Heiing (10), Delphos St. John's M-Dec Ben Williams (11), Delaware Hayes, 12-3
Kyle Dotson (12), Groveport Madison Fall Taylor Cayot (10), Bellfontaine, 5:11
Weight: 215
Evan Jackson (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Tyler Daugherty (11), Delaware Hayes, 1:16
Caleb Lovejoy (12), Allen East Fall Joey Fowler (10), St. Mary's Memorial, :18
Allen Sharp (12), Liberty Center Fall Zak Kindell (12), Pleasant, 3:08
Joey Grubenhoff (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Michael Hoy, Groveport Madison, 10-6
Weight: 285
Tyler Obringer (12), Spencerville Fall Joe Belford, Lakewood St. Edward, :14
Dyln Burley (12), Allen East Dec Caleb Cerwinsky (12), Bellfontaine, 5-1
Chris Pohlman (11), Delphos St. John's Fall Kyle Henry, Groveport Madison, :51
Kosta Karageorge (12), Thomas Worthington Fall Cody Hickey (11), Ashland, 2:52
Weight: 103
Zon Fields (10), Pleasant Fall Adam Suhr (10), St. Charles, 1:14
Colin Heffernan, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Dane Eagle (9), Ashland, 1:18
Curt Fedoush (9), Buckeye Valley Dec Thoryn Jackson (9), Bellfontaine, 8-2
Seth McCurdy (10), Delaware Hayes Fall Joe MacVeigh, Purcell Marian, 1:16
Weight: 112
John Maurice (10), Bellfontaine T-Fall Josh Alexander (10), Pleasant, 19-2
John Bloss (10), Groveport Madison Fall Wyatt Davis (9), Delaware Hayes, 1:02
Chance Driscoll, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Alec Szanati (10), Buckeye Valley, 2:52
Andrew Hennegan (12), Purcell Marian T-Fall Bennett Comfort (9), Dublin Jerome, 15-0
Weight: 119
Kevin Colvin (12), St. Charles Fall Tyler McCoy (11), Pleasant, 5:11
Ramon Mendoza, Marion Harding Fall Logan Davis (10), Dublin Jerome, :57
Edgar Bright, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Adam Kemper (12), Purcell Marian, 8-2
Colt Lovejoy (10), Allen East M-Dec Daniel Jewell (12), Rossford, 11-1
Weight: 125
Kyle Stacey (11), Liberty Center M-Dec Justin McDaniel (10), Galion, 13-0
Jacob Peterjohn, Lakewood St. Edward T-Fall Chris Suozzi (11), St. Charles, 16-0
Braedon Miller (11), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Juan Cardenas (9), Thomas Worthington, 3:05
Aaron Merschman (11), Delphos St. John's Fall Brime Grimes (10), Bishop Hartley, :59
Weight: 130
Brian Merschman (12), Delphos St. John's Fall Mike Vertal (12), Lakewood St. Edward, 1:58
Trey Fisher (12), Allen East Dec Adam Joy (12), Purcell Marian, 7-0
Jason Allen (10), Thomas Worthington Fall Nick Strominger (12), Dublin Jerome, 3:57
Chris Fusco (12), Bishop Hartley Fall Brady Shafer (11), Lima Senior, 1:41
Weight: 135
Sean Barnett (12), St. Mary's Memorial T-Fall Micheal Prater (11), Bellfontaine, 24-7
Austin Lloyd (9), Allen East Fall Ryan Mentzer (10), Buckeye Valley, 1:59
Russ Rauber, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Josh Edington (10), Pleasant, 5-0
Daniel Latz (12), St. Charles Fall Andreas Williams (9), Lima Senior, 1:27
Weight: 140
Richie Barberic, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Brandon Hoffman (12), Bishop Hartley, 11-7
Mark Coleman (11), Thomas Worthington Fall Tyler Barlow (9), Pleasant, 1:53
Justin Pryer (10), Allen East Dec Jonas Johnson (11), Spencerville, 11-6
Ryan Musser (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Zach Carter (10), Ashland, 6-4
Weight: 145
JR Conyers (10), Allen East Fall Kevin Cook (12), St. Charles, 5:26
Caleb Carter (10), Ashland Dec Michael Kalista (12), Delaware Hayes, 9-4
Logan Looser (10), Delphos St. John's Fall Kyle Harness (10), Dublin Jerome, 4:52
Eric Madson, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Austin Lotz (10), Spencerville, 1:26
Weight: 152
Zach Thompson (11), Groveport Madison Dec Robert Dejaco (12), St. Charles, 6-2
Brett DiLucia (10), Rossford Dec Hunter Goon (12), Pleasant, 10-6
Joel Calfe (10), Delaware Hayes Fall John Holden (11), Dublin Jerome, 1:19
Dominic Abounader, Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Tim Mitchell (12), Purcell Marian, 12-3
Weight: 160
John Mackessy (12), St. Charles Fall Jerrod Jenner, Marion Harding, 4:17
JJ Griffith (11), Ashland Fall Garrett Rohr (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 2:34
Dominic Scarberry, Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Greg Huffman (12), Bellfontaine, 10-1
Brock Bonifas (9), Delphos St. John's Fall Ethan Garner (12), Pleasant, 3:10
Weight: 171
Jarrod Zang (10), Bishop Hartley Fall Asher Rumple, Marion Harding, 3:33
DJ Recknagel (11), Rossford Dec Joe Sumner (12), Delaware Hayes, 4-2
Cody Lovejoy (11), Allen East Dec Ben Kibler, Elgin, 6-2
Kwan Bailey (12), Groveport Madison T-Fall Brandon Nalley (11), Ashland, 18-2
Weight: 189
Rich Ulmer (12), Galion Dec Andrew Shackelford (9), Thomas Worthington, 11-5
Ryan Sanders (11), St. Charles Dec Zane Krall (9), Liberty Center, 3-1
Logan Heiing (10), Delphos St. John's M-Dec Ben Williams (11), Delaware Hayes, 12-3
Kyle Dotson (12), Groveport Madison Fall Taylor Cayot (10), Bellfontaine, 5:11
Weight: 215
Evan Jackson (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Tyler Daugherty (11), Delaware Hayes, 1:16
Caleb Lovejoy (12), Allen East Fall Joey Fowler (10), St. Mary's Memorial, :18
Allen Sharp (12), Liberty Center Fall Zak Kindell (12), Pleasant, 3:08
Joey Grubenhoff (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Michael Hoy, Groveport Madison, 10-6
Weight: 285
Tyler Obringer (12), Spencerville Fall Joe Belford, Lakewood St. Edward, :14
Dyln Burley (12), Allen East Dec Caleb Cerwinsky (12), Bellfontaine, 5-1
Chris Pohlman (11), Delphos St. John's Fall Kyle Henry, Groveport Madison, :51
Kosta Karageorge (12), Thomas Worthington Fall Cody Hickey (11), Ashland, 2:52
Posts: 128
Dec 29, 2009 2:54pm
Consolation - 2nd round
Weight: 103
Kasey Ackley (9), Thomas Worthington Dec Caleb Smith (9), Liberty Center, 11-8
Weight: 112
Weight: 119
Will Buettner (9), Delphos St. John's T-Fall Corey Nedderman (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 15-0
Gage Brady (10), Galion M-Dec Darby Newman (9), Bellfontaine, 19-8
Weight: 125
Brock Landrum (10), Ashland Dec Michael Toriano, Marion Harding, 11-7
Cody Scott (9), Rossford Forf Forfeit (11), Bellfontaine
Joey Jewell (9), Groveport Madison Dec Tj Washington (12), Purcell Marian, 7-6
Pat Bradley (12), Pleasant Forf Forfeit (10), Buckeye Valley
Weight: 130
Anthony Nye, Marion Harding Dec Cory Binkley (9), Spencerville, 12-5
Josh Gaffney (11), Pleasant Forf Forfeit, Elgin
Dan Cannon (11), Ashland Fall Bobby Bergstrom (10), Rossford, 3:16
Weight: 135
Logan Mack (10), Liberty Center Forf Forfeit (10), Spencerville
Dylan Krendl (10), Delphos St. John's Fall Coleton Beltz, Elgin, 6:29
Vince Meinking (10), Purcell Marian Forf Forfeit (11), Dublin Jerome
Jason Mercier (11), Bishop Hartley Dec Ian Harter (11), Ashland, 8-6
Weight: 140
Rasan Harding (10), Groveport Madison Fall Phillip Cutarelli, Marion Harding, 3:48
Devonte Wright (12), Lima Senior Forf Forfeit (9), Rossford
Jack Austin (10), Dublin Jerome Fall Shawn Wittibslagaer, Elgin, :26
Taylor Hackworth (12), Purcell Marian Dec Jason Hunter (11), St. Mary's Memorial, 5-0
Weight: 145
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Josh Bailey, Marion Harding, :49
Chris Sheppard (11), Thomas Worthington Fall Zane Ginter (12), St. Mary's Memorial, 4:24
Tyler Mitchell (10), Purcell Marian Fall Cody Knapp (10), Liberty Center, 4:59
Jacob Bohach (12), Galion Fall Cameron Johnson (10), Rossford, 2:15
Weight: 152
Devin Roseberry (12), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Nate Miller (9), Bellfontaine, 2:12
Alber Davis (10), Bishop Hartley Fall Jared Gillen (9), Liberty Center, 4:35
Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's Fall Robert Brenneman (12), Spencerville, 3:32
Brandon Peoples (12), Galion Dec Tyler Burden (11), Lima Senior, 12-7
Weight: 160
Stacey Miracle (10), Groveport Madison Fall Scott Tatar (11), Buckeye Valley, 3:58
Tyler Shumate (10), Spencerville Fall Dylan Keith (10), Lima Senior, 2:57
Nick Stephens (10), Allen East Fall Joey Haig (11), Thomas Worthington, 1:00
Weight: 171
Matt Price (9), Bellfontaine Dec Nick Deems (12), Galion, 7-1
Neil Perry (9), St. Mary's Memorial Dec Donnie Burnett (9), Spencerville, 13-11
Jim Sorboro, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Jordan Bergfeld (10), Delphos St. John's, 1:13
Austin Venable (10), Buckeye Valley DQ Dail Checkler (12), Thomas Worthington
Weight: 189
Napoleon Bell (10), Bishop Hartley Dec Jared Penrod (12), Buckeye Valley, 5-2
Collin Reier (10), St. Mary's Memorial Forf Forfeit, Lakewood St. Edward
Bryan Hager (11), Allen East Fall Tyler Ferguson (10), Pleasant, :42
Chase Ballard, Marion Harding Forf Jermaine Springer (10), Lima Senior
Weight: 215
Luke Krouskop (9), Spencerville Forf Jermaine Springer (10), Forfeit
Steve VanVliet (11), Galion Fall Austin Long, Lima Senior, 2:08
Cheyenne Coyer (11), Bellfontaine Fall Brooks Gilmore (9), Thomas Worthington, :18
Andrew Krieger (12), St. Charles Dec Brett Mowery (9), Dublin Jerome, 3-2 OT
Weight: 285
Brent Danials, Marion Harding Forf Forfeit, Lima Senior
Jeremy Sisson (12), Pleasant Dec Jordan Dickerson (11), Bishop Hartley, 6-4
Weight: 103
Kasey Ackley (9), Thomas Worthington Dec Caleb Smith (9), Liberty Center, 11-8
Weight: 112
Weight: 119
Will Buettner (9), Delphos St. John's T-Fall Corey Nedderman (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 15-0
Gage Brady (10), Galion M-Dec Darby Newman (9), Bellfontaine, 19-8
Weight: 125
Brock Landrum (10), Ashland Dec Michael Toriano, Marion Harding, 11-7
Cody Scott (9), Rossford Forf Forfeit (11), Bellfontaine
Joey Jewell (9), Groveport Madison Dec Tj Washington (12), Purcell Marian, 7-6
Pat Bradley (12), Pleasant Forf Forfeit (10), Buckeye Valley
Weight: 130
Anthony Nye, Marion Harding Dec Cory Binkley (9), Spencerville, 12-5
Josh Gaffney (11), Pleasant Forf Forfeit, Elgin
Dan Cannon (11), Ashland Fall Bobby Bergstrom (10), Rossford, 3:16
Weight: 135
Logan Mack (10), Liberty Center Forf Forfeit (10), Spencerville
Dylan Krendl (10), Delphos St. John's Fall Coleton Beltz, Elgin, 6:29
Vince Meinking (10), Purcell Marian Forf Forfeit (11), Dublin Jerome
Jason Mercier (11), Bishop Hartley Dec Ian Harter (11), Ashland, 8-6
Weight: 140
Rasan Harding (10), Groveport Madison Fall Phillip Cutarelli, Marion Harding, 3:48
Devonte Wright (12), Lima Senior Forf Forfeit (9), Rossford
Jack Austin (10), Dublin Jerome Fall Shawn Wittibslagaer, Elgin, :26
Taylor Hackworth (12), Purcell Marian Dec Jason Hunter (11), St. Mary's Memorial, 5-0
Weight: 145
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Josh Bailey, Marion Harding, :49
Chris Sheppard (11), Thomas Worthington Fall Zane Ginter (12), St. Mary's Memorial, 4:24
Tyler Mitchell (10), Purcell Marian Fall Cody Knapp (10), Liberty Center, 4:59
Jacob Bohach (12), Galion Fall Cameron Johnson (10), Rossford, 2:15
Weight: 152
Devin Roseberry (12), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Nate Miller (9), Bellfontaine, 2:12
Alber Davis (10), Bishop Hartley Fall Jared Gillen (9), Liberty Center, 4:35
Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's Fall Robert Brenneman (12), Spencerville, 3:32
Brandon Peoples (12), Galion Dec Tyler Burden (11), Lima Senior, 12-7
Weight: 160
Stacey Miracle (10), Groveport Madison Fall Scott Tatar (11), Buckeye Valley, 3:58
Tyler Shumate (10), Spencerville Fall Dylan Keith (10), Lima Senior, 2:57
Nick Stephens (10), Allen East Fall Joey Haig (11), Thomas Worthington, 1:00
Weight: 171
Matt Price (9), Bellfontaine Dec Nick Deems (12), Galion, 7-1
Neil Perry (9), St. Mary's Memorial Dec Donnie Burnett (9), Spencerville, 13-11
Jim Sorboro, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Jordan Bergfeld (10), Delphos St. John's, 1:13
Austin Venable (10), Buckeye Valley DQ Dail Checkler (12), Thomas Worthington
Weight: 189
Napoleon Bell (10), Bishop Hartley Dec Jared Penrod (12), Buckeye Valley, 5-2
Collin Reier (10), St. Mary's Memorial Forf Forfeit, Lakewood St. Edward
Bryan Hager (11), Allen East Fall Tyler Ferguson (10), Pleasant, :42
Chase Ballard, Marion Harding Forf Jermaine Springer (10), Lima Senior
Weight: 215
Luke Krouskop (9), Spencerville Forf Jermaine Springer (10), Forfeit
Steve VanVliet (11), Galion Fall Austin Long, Lima Senior, 2:08
Cheyenne Coyer (11), Bellfontaine Fall Brooks Gilmore (9), Thomas Worthington, :18
Andrew Krieger (12), St. Charles Dec Brett Mowery (9), Dublin Jerome, 3-2 OT
Weight: 285
Brent Danials, Marion Harding Forf Forfeit, Lima Senior
Jeremy Sisson (12), Pleasant Dec Jordan Dickerson (11), Bishop Hartley, 6-4
Posts: 1
Dec 29, 2009 3:37pm
Any Team Results? Also Brian Merschman of Delphos St. John's won his Quarter Final Match againest St. Ed's in the 130 weight class. I think you have I miss print

Posts: 91
Dec 29, 2009 4:00pm
I'm having trouble following this. Example- It appears that Daniel Jewell-119(Rossford), comes out of nowhere to make the quarters.
Posts: 356
Dec 29, 2009 5:08pm
litlguysdad--that means he had a bye in the 1st and 2nd round. If there were less than 8 matches in the Championship-2nd Round that means come people got byes into the quarterfinals.
Posts: 128
Dec 29, 2009 5:28pm
1 105.00 Delphos St. John's
2 100.00 Lakewood St. Edward
3 95.00 Allen East
4 63.00 St. Charles
5 60.00 Bishop Hartley
60.00 Groveport Madison
7 58.00 Thomas Worthington
8 50.00 Ashland
50.00 Liberty Center
50.00 Pleasant
11 49.50 St. Mary's Memorial
12 38.50 Bellfontaine
38.50 Delaware Hayes
14 34.50 Purcell Marian
15 31.00 Rossford
31.00 Marion Harding
17 29.00 Galion
29.00 Spencerville
19 24.00 Dublin Jerome
20 20.00 Buckeye Valley
21 13.00 Lima Senior
22 8.00 Elgin
23 0.00 Alter
2 100.00 Lakewood St. Edward
3 95.00 Allen East
4 63.00 St. Charles
5 60.00 Bishop Hartley
60.00 Groveport Madison
7 58.00 Thomas Worthington
8 50.00 Ashland
50.00 Liberty Center
50.00 Pleasant
11 49.50 St. Mary's Memorial
12 38.50 Bellfontaine
38.50 Delaware Hayes
14 34.50 Purcell Marian
15 31.00 Rossford
31.00 Marion Harding
17 29.00 Galion
29.00 Spencerville
19 24.00 Dublin Jerome
20 20.00 Buckeye Valley
21 13.00 Lima Senior
22 8.00 Elgin
23 0.00 Alter
Posts: 128
Dec 29, 2009 5:31pm
103 Zon Fields, Pleasant 10 12- 0
Colin Heffernan, Lakewood St. Edward 8- 1
103 Curt Fedoush, Buckeye Valley 9 11- 1
Seth McCurdy, Delaware Hayes 10 13- 1
112 John Maurice, Bellfontaine 10 12- 0
John Bloss, Groveport Madison 10 8- 2
112Chance Driscoll, Lakewood St. Edward 10- 1
Andrew Hennegan, Purcell Marian 12 8- 0
119 Kevin Colvin, St. Charles 12 10- 5
Ramon Mendoza, Marion Harding 11- 2
119Edgar Bright, Lakewood St. Edward 14- 0
Colt Lovejoy, Allen East 10 12- 3
125 Kyle Stacey, Liberty Center 11 7- 6
Jacob Peterjohn, Lakewood St. Edward 3- 4
125 Braedon Miller, St. Mary's Memorial 11 6- 2
Aaron Merschman, Delphos St. John's 11 10- 2
130 Brian Merschman, Delphos St. John's 12 10- 2
Trey Fisher, Allen East 12 14- 2
130 Jason Allen, Thomas Worthington 10 13- 2
Chris Fusco, Bishop Hartley 12 12- 1
135 Sean Barnett, St. Mary's Memorial 12 11- 2
Austin Lloyd, Allen East 9 13- 1
135 Russ Rauber, Lakewood St. Edward 12- 1
Daniel Latz, St. Charles 12 10- 5
140 Richie Barberic, Lakewood St. Edward 11- 1
Mark Coleman, Thomas Worthington 11 10- 2
140 Justin Pryer, Allen East 10 6- 1
Ryan Musser, Delphos St. John's 11 10- 2
145 JR Conyers, Allen East 10 10- 3
Caleb Carter, Ashland 10 9- 5
145 Logan Looser, Delphos St. John's 10 9- 3
Eric Madson, Lakewood St. Edward 11- 1
152 Zach Thompson, Groveport Madison 11 9- 2
Brett DiLucia, Rossford 10 4- 4
152 Joel Calfe, Delaware Hayes 10 7- 0
Dominic Abounader, Lakewood St. Edward 17- 0
160 John Mackessy, St. Charles 12 12- 2
JJ Griffith, Ashland 11 11- 3
160 Dominic Scarberry, Lakewood St. Edward 11- 4
Brock Bonifas, Delphos St. John's 9 10- 2
171 Jarrod Zang, Bishop Hartley 10 12- 1
DJ Recknagel, Rossford 11 7- 1
171 Cody Lovejoy, Allen East 11 14- 0
Kwan Bailey, Groveport Madison 12 2- 0
189 Rich Ulmer, Galion 12 12- 2
Ryan Sanders, St. Charles 11 9- 3
189 Logan Heiing, Delphos St. John's 10 9- 3
Kyle Dotson, Groveport Madison 12 9- 2
215 Evan Jackson, Bishop Hartley 11 12- 2
Caleb Lovejoy, Allen East 12 11- 3
215 Allen Sharp, Liberty Center 12 10- 2
Joey Grubenhoff, Delphos St. John's 11 11- 1
285 Tyler Obringer, Spencerville 12 16- 0
Dyln Burley, Allen East 12 7- 4
285 Chris Pohlman, Delphos St. John's 11 6- 1
Kosta Karageorge, Thomas Worthington 12 13- 0
103 Zon Fields, Pleasant 10 12- 0
Colin Heffernan, Lakewood St. Edward 8- 1
103 Curt Fedoush, Buckeye Valley 9 11- 1
Seth McCurdy, Delaware Hayes 10 13- 1
112 John Maurice, Bellfontaine 10 12- 0
John Bloss, Groveport Madison 10 8- 2
112Chance Driscoll, Lakewood St. Edward 10- 1
Andrew Hennegan, Purcell Marian 12 8- 0
119 Kevin Colvin, St. Charles 12 10- 5
Ramon Mendoza, Marion Harding 11- 2
119Edgar Bright, Lakewood St. Edward 14- 0
Colt Lovejoy, Allen East 10 12- 3
125 Kyle Stacey, Liberty Center 11 7- 6
Jacob Peterjohn, Lakewood St. Edward 3- 4
125 Braedon Miller, St. Mary's Memorial 11 6- 2
Aaron Merschman, Delphos St. John's 11 10- 2
130 Brian Merschman, Delphos St. John's 12 10- 2
Trey Fisher, Allen East 12 14- 2
130 Jason Allen, Thomas Worthington 10 13- 2
Chris Fusco, Bishop Hartley 12 12- 1
135 Sean Barnett, St. Mary's Memorial 12 11- 2
Austin Lloyd, Allen East 9 13- 1
135 Russ Rauber, Lakewood St. Edward 12- 1
Daniel Latz, St. Charles 12 10- 5
140 Richie Barberic, Lakewood St. Edward 11- 1
Mark Coleman, Thomas Worthington 11 10- 2
140 Justin Pryer, Allen East 10 6- 1
Ryan Musser, Delphos St. John's 11 10- 2
145 JR Conyers, Allen East 10 10- 3
Caleb Carter, Ashland 10 9- 5
145 Logan Looser, Delphos St. John's 10 9- 3
Eric Madson, Lakewood St. Edward 11- 1
152 Zach Thompson, Groveport Madison 11 9- 2
Brett DiLucia, Rossford 10 4- 4
152 Joel Calfe, Delaware Hayes 10 7- 0
Dominic Abounader, Lakewood St. Edward 17- 0
160 John Mackessy, St. Charles 12 12- 2
JJ Griffith, Ashland 11 11- 3
160 Dominic Scarberry, Lakewood St. Edward 11- 4
Brock Bonifas, Delphos St. John's 9 10- 2
171 Jarrod Zang, Bishop Hartley 10 12- 1
DJ Recknagel, Rossford 11 7- 1
171 Cody Lovejoy, Allen East 11 14- 0
Kwan Bailey, Groveport Madison 12 2- 0
189 Rich Ulmer, Galion 12 12- 2
Ryan Sanders, St. Charles 11 9- 3
189 Logan Heiing, Delphos St. John's 10 9- 3
Kyle Dotson, Groveport Madison 12 9- 2
215 Evan Jackson, Bishop Hartley 11 12- 2
Caleb Lovejoy, Allen East 12 11- 3
215 Allen Sharp, Liberty Center 12 10- 2
Joey Grubenhoff, Delphos St. John's 11 11- 1
285 Tyler Obringer, Spencerville 12 16- 0
Dyln Burley, Allen East 12 7- 4
285 Chris Pohlman, Delphos St. John's 11 6- 1
Kosta Karageorge, Thomas Worthington 12 13- 0

Posts: 91
Dec 29, 2009 9:28pm
I see Bright-119(St Ed) is 14-0
I copied a result from a week or 2 ago that says he lost;
119 — Haas (M) dec. Bright, 7-5.
I'm guessing this is the same Bright?
I copied a result from a week or 2 ago that says he lost;
119 — Haas (M) dec. Bright, 7-5.
I'm guessing this is the same Bright?
Posts: 129
Dec 30, 2009 7:33am
Hey topwrestler, what time are the finals today?
Posts: 128
Dec 30, 2009 8:04am
Finals will start one hour after the last round.ChampsDad wrote: Hey topwrestler, what time are the finals today?
Posts: 128
Dec 30, 2009 11:10am
Consolation - 3rd round
Weight: 103
Dane Eagle (9), Ashland Fall Kasey Ackley (9), Thomas Worthington, 2:00
Thoryn Jackson (9), Bellfontaine T-Fall Tyler Baker (9), Allen East, 19-3
Joe MacVeigh, Purcell Marian Forf Forfeit (9), St. Mary's Memorial
Weight: 112
Bennett Comfort (9), Dublin Jerome M-Dec Ben Hoyt (9), Thomas Worthington, 11-3
Weight: 119
Tyler McCoy (11), Pleasant Fall Zack Prince (10), Thomas Worthington, 1:47
Will Buettner (9), Delphos St. John's Fall Logan Davis (10), Dublin Jerome, :52
Adam Kemper (12), Purcell Marian Fall Jesse Quick (10), Buckeye Valley, 1:35
Daniel Jewell (12), Rossford Fall Gage Brady (10), Galion, 1:57
Weight: 125
Justin McDaniel (10), Galion M-Dec Brock Landrum (10), Ashland, 17-4
Chris Suozzi (11), St. Charles Dec Cody Scott (9), Rossford, 6-4
Joey Jewell (9), Groveport Madison T-Fall Juan Cardenas (9), Thomas Worthington, 17-2
Pat Bradley (12), Pleasant Dec Brime Grimes (10), Bishop Hartley, 7-6
Weight: 130
Mike Vertal (12), Lakewood St. Edward Dec Anthony Nye, Marion Harding, 2-1
Adam Joy (12), Purcell Marian Dec Zach Poignin (11), Liberty Center, 7-2
Josh Gaffney (11), Pleasant Forf Nick Strominger (12), Dublin Jerome
Dan Cannon (11), Ashland Fall Brady Shafer (11), Lima Senior, 2:00
Weight: 135
Micheal Prater (11), Bellfontaine M-Dec Logan Mack (10), Liberty Center, 11-2
Ryan Mentzer (10), Buckeye Valley M-Dec Dylan Krendl (10), Delphos St. John's, 13-4
Josh Edington (10), Pleasant Fall Vince Meinking (10), Purcell Marian, 3:41
Jason Mercier (11), Bishop Hartley T-Fall Andreas Williams (9), Lima Senior, 17-0
Weight: 140
Brandon Hoffman (12), Bishop Hartley T-Fall Rasan Harding (10), Groveport Madison, 23-7
Devonte Wright (12), Lima Senior Fall Tyler Barlow (9), Pleasant, 2:58
Jonas Johnson (11), Spencerville M-Dec Jack Austin (10), Dublin Jerome, 15-5
Zach Carter (10), Ashland Dec Taylor Hackworth (12), Purcell Marian, 16-5
Weight: 145
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Kevin Cook (12), St. Charles, 2:36
Michael Kalista (12), Delaware Hayes Dec Chris Sheppard (11), Thomas Worthington, 7-6
Kyle Harness (10), Dublin Jerome Dec Tyler Mitchell (10), Purcell Marian, 7-4
Jacob Bohach (12), Galion Fall Austin Lotz (10), Spencerville, 1:49
Weight: 152
Robert Dejaco (12), St. Charles Fall Devin Roseberry (12), St. Mary's Memorial, 1:48
Hunter Goon (12), Pleasant M-Dec Alber Davis (10), Bishop Hartley, 14-2
Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's Fall John Holden (11), Dublin Jerome, :46
Tim Mitchell (12), Purcell Marian Fall Brandon Peoples (12), Galion, :38
Weight: 160
Stacey Miracle (10), Groveport Madison M-Dec Jerrod Jenner, Marion Harding, 10-2
Garrett Rohr (10), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Tyler Shumate (10), Spencerville, 2:59
Greg Huffman (12), Bellfontaine Forf Tyler Shumate (10), Forfeit
Ethan Garner (12), Pleasant Fall Nick Stephens (10), Allen East, 2:00
Weight: 171
Asher Rumple, Marion Harding T-Fall Matt Price (9), Bellfontaine, 20-2
Joe Sumner (12), Delaware Hayes Fall Neil Perry (9), St. Mary's Memorial, 2:35
Jim Sorboro, Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Ben Kibler, Elgin, 12-4
Brandon Nalley (11), Ashland T-Fall Austin Venable (10), Buckeye Valley, 17-2
Weight: 189
Andrew Shackelford (9), Thomas Worthington Dec Napoleon Bell (10), Bishop Hartley, 6-0
Zane Krall (9), Liberty Center Fall Collin Reier (10), St. Mary's Memorial, :38
Bryan Hager (11), Allen East Dec Ben Williams (11), Delaware Hayes, 11-6
Taylor Cayot (10), Bellfontaine Dec Chase Ballard, Marion Harding, 10-3
Weight: 215
Tyler Daugherty (11), Delaware Hayes T-Fall Luke Krouskop (9), Spencerville, 15-0
Steve VanVliet (11), Galion M-Dec Joey Fowler (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 12-2
Zak Kindell (12), Pleasant Fall Cheyenne Coyer (11), Bellfontaine, 3:00
Michael Hoy, Groveport Madison T-Fall Andrew Krieger (12), St. Charles, 20-4
Weight: 285
Joe Belford, Lakewood St. Edward Forf Andrew Krieger (12), Forfeit
Caleb Cerwinsky (12), Bellfontaine Fall Logan Simons (9), St. Mary's Memorial, :59
Kyle Henry, Groveport Madison Fall Brent Danials, Marion Harding, 1:36
Cody Hickey (11), Ashland Fall Jeremy Sisson (12), Pleasant, 2:53
Weight: 103
Dane Eagle (9), Ashland Fall Kasey Ackley (9), Thomas Worthington, 2:00
Thoryn Jackson (9), Bellfontaine T-Fall Tyler Baker (9), Allen East, 19-3
Joe MacVeigh, Purcell Marian Forf Forfeit (9), St. Mary's Memorial
Weight: 112
Bennett Comfort (9), Dublin Jerome M-Dec Ben Hoyt (9), Thomas Worthington, 11-3
Weight: 119
Tyler McCoy (11), Pleasant Fall Zack Prince (10), Thomas Worthington, 1:47
Will Buettner (9), Delphos St. John's Fall Logan Davis (10), Dublin Jerome, :52
Adam Kemper (12), Purcell Marian Fall Jesse Quick (10), Buckeye Valley, 1:35
Daniel Jewell (12), Rossford Fall Gage Brady (10), Galion, 1:57
Weight: 125
Justin McDaniel (10), Galion M-Dec Brock Landrum (10), Ashland, 17-4
Chris Suozzi (11), St. Charles Dec Cody Scott (9), Rossford, 6-4
Joey Jewell (9), Groveport Madison T-Fall Juan Cardenas (9), Thomas Worthington, 17-2
Pat Bradley (12), Pleasant Dec Brime Grimes (10), Bishop Hartley, 7-6
Weight: 130
Mike Vertal (12), Lakewood St. Edward Dec Anthony Nye, Marion Harding, 2-1
Adam Joy (12), Purcell Marian Dec Zach Poignin (11), Liberty Center, 7-2
Josh Gaffney (11), Pleasant Forf Nick Strominger (12), Dublin Jerome
Dan Cannon (11), Ashland Fall Brady Shafer (11), Lima Senior, 2:00
Weight: 135
Micheal Prater (11), Bellfontaine M-Dec Logan Mack (10), Liberty Center, 11-2
Ryan Mentzer (10), Buckeye Valley M-Dec Dylan Krendl (10), Delphos St. John's, 13-4
Josh Edington (10), Pleasant Fall Vince Meinking (10), Purcell Marian, 3:41
Jason Mercier (11), Bishop Hartley T-Fall Andreas Williams (9), Lima Senior, 17-0
Weight: 140
Brandon Hoffman (12), Bishop Hartley T-Fall Rasan Harding (10), Groveport Madison, 23-7
Devonte Wright (12), Lima Senior Fall Tyler Barlow (9), Pleasant, 2:58
Jonas Johnson (11), Spencerville M-Dec Jack Austin (10), Dublin Jerome, 15-5
Zach Carter (10), Ashland Dec Taylor Hackworth (12), Purcell Marian, 16-5
Weight: 145
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Kevin Cook (12), St. Charles, 2:36
Michael Kalista (12), Delaware Hayes Dec Chris Sheppard (11), Thomas Worthington, 7-6
Kyle Harness (10), Dublin Jerome Dec Tyler Mitchell (10), Purcell Marian, 7-4
Jacob Bohach (12), Galion Fall Austin Lotz (10), Spencerville, 1:49
Weight: 152
Robert Dejaco (12), St. Charles Fall Devin Roseberry (12), St. Mary's Memorial, 1:48
Hunter Goon (12), Pleasant M-Dec Alber Davis (10), Bishop Hartley, 14-2
Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's Fall John Holden (11), Dublin Jerome, :46
Tim Mitchell (12), Purcell Marian Fall Brandon Peoples (12), Galion, :38
Weight: 160
Stacey Miracle (10), Groveport Madison M-Dec Jerrod Jenner, Marion Harding, 10-2
Garrett Rohr (10), St. Mary's Memorial Fall Tyler Shumate (10), Spencerville, 2:59
Greg Huffman (12), Bellfontaine Forf Tyler Shumate (10), Forfeit
Ethan Garner (12), Pleasant Fall Nick Stephens (10), Allen East, 2:00
Weight: 171
Asher Rumple, Marion Harding T-Fall Matt Price (9), Bellfontaine, 20-2
Joe Sumner (12), Delaware Hayes Fall Neil Perry (9), St. Mary's Memorial, 2:35
Jim Sorboro, Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Ben Kibler, Elgin, 12-4
Brandon Nalley (11), Ashland T-Fall Austin Venable (10), Buckeye Valley, 17-2
Weight: 189
Andrew Shackelford (9), Thomas Worthington Dec Napoleon Bell (10), Bishop Hartley, 6-0
Zane Krall (9), Liberty Center Fall Collin Reier (10), St. Mary's Memorial, :38
Bryan Hager (11), Allen East Dec Ben Williams (11), Delaware Hayes, 11-6
Taylor Cayot (10), Bellfontaine Dec Chase Ballard, Marion Harding, 10-3
Weight: 215
Tyler Daugherty (11), Delaware Hayes T-Fall Luke Krouskop (9), Spencerville, 15-0
Steve VanVliet (11), Galion M-Dec Joey Fowler (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 12-2
Zak Kindell (12), Pleasant Fall Cheyenne Coyer (11), Bellfontaine, 3:00
Michael Hoy, Groveport Madison T-Fall Andrew Krieger (12), St. Charles, 20-4
Weight: 285
Joe Belford, Lakewood St. Edward Forf Andrew Krieger (12), Forfeit
Caleb Cerwinsky (12), Bellfontaine Fall Logan Simons (9), St. Mary's Memorial, :59
Kyle Henry, Groveport Madison Fall Brent Danials, Marion Harding, 1:36
Cody Hickey (11), Ashland Fall Jeremy Sisson (12), Pleasant, 2:53
Posts: 128
Dec 30, 2009 1:50pm
Championship - Semifinals
Weight: 103
Colin Heffernan, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Zon Fields (10), Pleasant, 14-3
Seth McCurdy (10), Delaware Hayes Fall Curt Fedoush (9), Buckeye Valley, :31
Weight: 112
John Maurice (10), Bellfontaine Forf John Bloss (10), Groveport Madison
Chance Driscoll, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Andrew Hennegan (12), Purcell Marian, 3-1
Weight: 119
Ramon Mendoza, Marion Harding M-Dec Kevin Colvin (12), St. Charles, 11-3
Edgar Bright, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Colt Lovejoy (10), Allen East, 7-2
Weight: 125
Jacob Peterjohn, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Kyle Stacey (11), Liberty Center, 6-3
Aaron Merschman (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Braedon Miller (11), St. Mary's Memorial, 6-3
Weight: 130
Brian Merschman (12), Delphos St. John's Dec Trey Fisher (12), Allen East, 6-1
Chris Fusco (12), Bishop Hartley M-Dec Jason Allen (10), Thomas Worthington, 14-1
Weight: 135
Austin Lloyd (9), Allen East Dec Sean Barnett (12), St. Mary's Memorial, 11-8
Russ Rauber, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Daniel Latz (12), St. Charles, 2-1
Weight: 140
Richie Barberic, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Mark Coleman (11), Thomas Worthington, 8-5
Ryan Musser (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Justin Pryer (10), Allen East, 5-1
Weight: 145
JR Conyers (10), Allen East Fall Caleb Carter (10), Ashland, 2:39
Eric Madson, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Logan Looser (10), Delphos St. John's, 1:12
Weight: 152
Zach Thompson (11), Groveport Madison M-Dec Brett DiLucia (10), Rossford, 14-2
Dominic Abounader, Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Joel Calfe (10), Delaware Hayes, 13-0
Weight: 160
John Mackessy (12), St. Charles M-Dec JJ Griffith (11), Ashland, 14-5
Dominic Scarberry, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Brock Bonifas (9), Delphos St. John's, 4:24
Weight: 171
DJ Recknagel (11), Rossford Dec Jarrod Zang (10), Bishop Hartley, 8-6
Kwan Bailey (12), Groveport Madison Dec Cody Lovejoy (11), Allen East, 9-2
Weight: 189
Rich Ulmer (12), Galion Dec Ryan Sanders (11), St. Charles, 13-7
Kyle Dotson (12), Groveport Madison Fall Logan Heiing (10), Delphos St. John's, 7:28
Weight: 215
Evan Jackson (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Caleb Lovejoy (12), Allen East, 2:44
Joey Grubenhoff (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Allen Sharp (12), Liberty Center, 7-5
Weight: 285
Tyler Obringer (12), Spencerville Fall Dyln Burley (12), Allen East, :17
Kosta Karageorge (12), Thomas Worthington Fall Chris Pohlman (11), Delphos St. John's, 1:09
Weight: 103
Colin Heffernan, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Zon Fields (10), Pleasant, 14-3
Seth McCurdy (10), Delaware Hayes Fall Curt Fedoush (9), Buckeye Valley, :31
Weight: 112
John Maurice (10), Bellfontaine Forf John Bloss (10), Groveport Madison
Chance Driscoll, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Andrew Hennegan (12), Purcell Marian, 3-1
Weight: 119
Ramon Mendoza, Marion Harding M-Dec Kevin Colvin (12), St. Charles, 11-3
Edgar Bright, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Colt Lovejoy (10), Allen East, 7-2
Weight: 125
Jacob Peterjohn, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Kyle Stacey (11), Liberty Center, 6-3
Aaron Merschman (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Braedon Miller (11), St. Mary's Memorial, 6-3
Weight: 130
Brian Merschman (12), Delphos St. John's Dec Trey Fisher (12), Allen East, 6-1
Chris Fusco (12), Bishop Hartley M-Dec Jason Allen (10), Thomas Worthington, 14-1
Weight: 135
Austin Lloyd (9), Allen East Dec Sean Barnett (12), St. Mary's Memorial, 11-8
Russ Rauber, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Daniel Latz (12), St. Charles, 2-1
Weight: 140
Richie Barberic, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Mark Coleman (11), Thomas Worthington, 8-5
Ryan Musser (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Justin Pryer (10), Allen East, 5-1
Weight: 145
JR Conyers (10), Allen East Fall Caleb Carter (10), Ashland, 2:39
Eric Madson, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Logan Looser (10), Delphos St. John's, 1:12
Weight: 152
Zach Thompson (11), Groveport Madison M-Dec Brett DiLucia (10), Rossford, 14-2
Dominic Abounader, Lakewood St. Edward M-Dec Joel Calfe (10), Delaware Hayes, 13-0
Weight: 160
John Mackessy (12), St. Charles M-Dec JJ Griffith (11), Ashland, 14-5
Dominic Scarberry, Lakewood St. Edward Fall Brock Bonifas (9), Delphos St. John's, 4:24
Weight: 171
DJ Recknagel (11), Rossford Dec Jarrod Zang (10), Bishop Hartley, 8-6
Kwan Bailey (12), Groveport Madison Dec Cody Lovejoy (11), Allen East, 9-2
Weight: 189
Rich Ulmer (12), Galion Dec Ryan Sanders (11), St. Charles, 13-7
Kyle Dotson (12), Groveport Madison Fall Logan Heiing (10), Delphos St. John's, 7:28
Weight: 215
Evan Jackson (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Caleb Lovejoy (12), Allen East, 2:44
Joey Grubenhoff (11), Delphos St. John's Dec Allen Sharp (12), Liberty Center, 7-5
Weight: 285
Tyler Obringer (12), Spencerville Fall Dyln Burley (12), Allen East, :17
Kosta Karageorge (12), Thomas Worthington Fall Chris Pohlman (11), Delphos St. John's, 1:09
Posts: 128
Dec 30, 2009 1:51pm
Consolation - 4th round
Weight: 103
Dane Eagle (9), Ashland Dec Adam Suhr (10), St. Charles, 12-10
Thoryn Jackson (9), Bellfontaine T-Fall Joe MacVeigh, Purcell Marian, 17-0
Weight: 112
Josh Alexander (10), Pleasant Fall Wyatt Davis (9), Delaware Hayes, :53
Bennett Comfort (9), Dublin Jerome Fall Alec Szanati (10), Buckeye Valley, 2:44
Weight: 119
Tyler McCoy (11), Pleasant M-Dec Will Buettner (9), Delphos St. John's, 12-2
Daniel Jewell (12), Rossford Dec Adam Kemper (12), Purcell Marian, 3-2
Weight: 125
Chris Suozzi (11), St. Charles Dec Justin McDaniel (10), Galion, 10-3
Pat Bradley (12), Pleasant M-Dec Joey Jewell (9), Groveport Madison, 14-2
Weight: 130
Mike Vertal (12), Lakewood St. Edward Dec Adam Joy (12), Purcell Marian, 7-2
Josh Gaffney (11), Pleasant Dec Dan Cannon (11), Ashland, 9-7
Weight: 135
Micheal Prater (11), Bellfontaine Fall Ryan Mentzer (10), Buckeye Valley, 2:20
Josh Edington (10), Pleasant Fall Jason Mercier (11), Bishop Hartley, 2:09
Weight: 140
Brandon Hoffman (12), Bishop Hartley Dec Devonte Wright (12), Lima Senior, 4-2
Zach Carter (10), Ashland Dec Jonas Johnson (11), Spencerville, 7-1
Weight: 145
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley Dec Michael Kalista (12), Delaware Hayes, 6-2
Jacob Bohach (12), Galion Fall Kyle Harness (10), Dublin Jerome, 2:57
Weight: 152
Robert Dejaco (12), St. Charles Fall Hunter Goon (12), Pleasant, 2:52
Tim Mitchell (12), Purcell Marian Dec Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's, 8-6
Weight: 160
Stacey Miracle (10), Groveport Madison Fall Garrett Rohr (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 4:47
Greg Huffman (12), Bellfontaine M-Dec Ethan Garner (12), Pleasant, 12-2
Weight: 171
Joe Sumner (12), Delaware Hayes Dec Asher Rumple, Marion Harding, 5-0
Jim Sorboro, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Brandon Nalley (11), Ashland, 5-4
Weight: 189
Zane Krall (9), Liberty Center Dec Andrew Shackelford (9), Thomas Worthington, 6-0
Bryan Hager (11), Allen East Fall Taylor Cayot (10), Bellfontaine, 5:46
Weight: 215
Tyler Daugherty (11), Delaware Hayes Dec Steve VanVliet (11), Galion, 3-1
Michael Hoy, Groveport Madison Dec Cheyenne Coyer (11), Bellfontaine, 10-3
Weight: 285
Joe Belford, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Caleb Cerwinsky (12), Bellfontaine, 7-5
Cody Hickey (11), Ashland Fall Kyle Henry, Groveport Madison, 1:34
Weight: 103
Dane Eagle (9), Ashland Dec Adam Suhr (10), St. Charles, 12-10
Thoryn Jackson (9), Bellfontaine T-Fall Joe MacVeigh, Purcell Marian, 17-0
Weight: 112
Josh Alexander (10), Pleasant Fall Wyatt Davis (9), Delaware Hayes, :53
Bennett Comfort (9), Dublin Jerome Fall Alec Szanati (10), Buckeye Valley, 2:44
Weight: 119
Tyler McCoy (11), Pleasant M-Dec Will Buettner (9), Delphos St. John's, 12-2
Daniel Jewell (12), Rossford Dec Adam Kemper (12), Purcell Marian, 3-2
Weight: 125
Chris Suozzi (11), St. Charles Dec Justin McDaniel (10), Galion, 10-3
Pat Bradley (12), Pleasant M-Dec Joey Jewell (9), Groveport Madison, 14-2
Weight: 130
Mike Vertal (12), Lakewood St. Edward Dec Adam Joy (12), Purcell Marian, 7-2
Josh Gaffney (11), Pleasant Dec Dan Cannon (11), Ashland, 9-7
Weight: 135
Micheal Prater (11), Bellfontaine Fall Ryan Mentzer (10), Buckeye Valley, 2:20
Josh Edington (10), Pleasant Fall Jason Mercier (11), Bishop Hartley, 2:09
Weight: 140
Brandon Hoffman (12), Bishop Hartley Dec Devonte Wright (12), Lima Senior, 4-2
Zach Carter (10), Ashland Dec Jonas Johnson (11), Spencerville, 7-1
Weight: 145
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley Dec Michael Kalista (12), Delaware Hayes, 6-2
Jacob Bohach (12), Galion Fall Kyle Harness (10), Dublin Jerome, 2:57
Weight: 152
Robert Dejaco (12), St. Charles Fall Hunter Goon (12), Pleasant, 2:52
Tim Mitchell (12), Purcell Marian Dec Kyle Neumeier (10), Delphos St. John's, 8-6
Weight: 160
Stacey Miracle (10), Groveport Madison Fall Garrett Rohr (10), St. Mary's Memorial, 4:47
Greg Huffman (12), Bellfontaine M-Dec Ethan Garner (12), Pleasant, 12-2
Weight: 171
Joe Sumner (12), Delaware Hayes Dec Asher Rumple, Marion Harding, 5-0
Jim Sorboro, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Brandon Nalley (11), Ashland, 5-4
Weight: 189
Zane Krall (9), Liberty Center Dec Andrew Shackelford (9), Thomas Worthington, 6-0
Bryan Hager (11), Allen East Fall Taylor Cayot (10), Bellfontaine, 5:46
Weight: 215
Tyler Daugherty (11), Delaware Hayes Dec Steve VanVliet (11), Galion, 3-1
Michael Hoy, Groveport Madison Dec Cheyenne Coyer (11), Bellfontaine, 10-3
Weight: 285
Joe Belford, Lakewood St. Edward Dec Caleb Cerwinsky (12), Bellfontaine, 7-5
Cody Hickey (11), Ashland Fall Kyle Henry, Groveport Madison, 1:34
Posts: 128
Dec 30, 2009 1:51pm
Consolation - Semifinals
Weight: 103
Curt Fedoush (9), Buckeye Valley M-Dec Dane Eagle (9), Ashland, 11-0
Zon Fields (10), Pleasant T-Fall Thoryn Jackson (9), Bellfontaine, 24-8
Weight: 112
Andrew Hennegan (12), Purcell Marian Fall Josh Alexander (10), Pleasant, 2:08
Bennett Comfort (9), Dublin Jerome Forf John Bloss (10), Groveport Madison
Weight: 119
Colt Lovejoy (10), Allen East Dec Tyler McCoy (11), Pleasant, 10-4
Kevin Colvin (12), St. Charles Dec Daniel Jewell (12), Rossford, 7-1
Weight: 125
Braedon Miller (11), St. Mary's Memorial M-Dec Chris Suozzi (11), St. Charles, 13-3
Kyle Stacey (11), Liberty Center Fall Pat Bradley (12), Pleasant, 1:18
Weight: 130
Mike Vertal (12), Lakewood St. Edward Dec Jason Allen (10), Thomas Worthington, 3-0
Trey Fisher (12), Allen East Fall Josh Gaffney (11), Pleasant, 1:48
Weight: 135
Daniel Latz (12), St. Charles Fall Micheal Prater (11), Bellfontaine, 3:45
Sean Barnett (12), St. Mary's Memorial M-Dec Josh Edington (10), Pleasant, 10-2
Weight: 140
Justin Pryer (10), Allen East Dec Brandon Hoffman (12), Bishop Hartley, 4-1
Zach Carter (10), Ashland Dec Mark Coleman (11), Thomas Worthington, 9-5
Weight: 145
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Logan Looser (10), Delphos St. John's, 2:04
Jacob Bohach (12), Galion Dec Caleb Carter (10), Ashland, 6-0
Weight: 152
Robert Dejaco (12), St. Charles Fall Joel Calfe (10), Delaware Hayes, 1:36
Tim Mitchell (12), Purcell Marian M-Dec Brett DiLucia (10), Rossford, 14-3
Weight: 160
Brock Bonifas (9), Delphos St. John's Fall Stacey Miracle (10), Groveport Madison, 3:45
JJ Griffith (11), Ashland Dec Greg Huffman (12), Bellfontaine, 9-4
Weight: 171
Cody Lovejoy (11), Allen East Dec Joe Sumner (12), Delaware Hayes, 4-2
Jarrod Zang (10), Bishop Hartley Fall Jim Sorboro, Lakewood St. Edward, 2:02
Weight: 189
Zane Krall (9), Liberty Center Fall Logan Heiing (10), Delphos St. John's, 2:26
Ryan Sanders (11), St. Charles Fall Bryan Hager (11), Allen East, 2:04
Weight: 215
Allen Sharp (12), Liberty Center Fall Tyler Daugherty (11), Delaware Hayes, :59
Caleb Lovejoy (12), Allen East Fall Michael Hoy, Groveport Madison, 3:46
Weight: 285
Chris Pohlman (11), Delphos St. John's Fall Joe Belford, Lakewood St. Edward, 1:50
Dyln Burley (12), Allen East Fall Cody Hickey (11), Ashland, 1:37
Weight: 103
Curt Fedoush (9), Buckeye Valley M-Dec Dane Eagle (9), Ashland, 11-0
Zon Fields (10), Pleasant T-Fall Thoryn Jackson (9), Bellfontaine, 24-8
Weight: 112
Andrew Hennegan (12), Purcell Marian Fall Josh Alexander (10), Pleasant, 2:08
Bennett Comfort (9), Dublin Jerome Forf John Bloss (10), Groveport Madison
Weight: 119
Colt Lovejoy (10), Allen East Dec Tyler McCoy (11), Pleasant, 10-4
Kevin Colvin (12), St. Charles Dec Daniel Jewell (12), Rossford, 7-1
Weight: 125
Braedon Miller (11), St. Mary's Memorial M-Dec Chris Suozzi (11), St. Charles, 13-3
Kyle Stacey (11), Liberty Center Fall Pat Bradley (12), Pleasant, 1:18
Weight: 130
Mike Vertal (12), Lakewood St. Edward Dec Jason Allen (10), Thomas Worthington, 3-0
Trey Fisher (12), Allen East Fall Josh Gaffney (11), Pleasant, 1:48
Weight: 135
Daniel Latz (12), St. Charles Fall Micheal Prater (11), Bellfontaine, 3:45
Sean Barnett (12), St. Mary's Memorial M-Dec Josh Edington (10), Pleasant, 10-2
Weight: 140
Justin Pryer (10), Allen East Dec Brandon Hoffman (12), Bishop Hartley, 4-1
Zach Carter (10), Ashland Dec Mark Coleman (11), Thomas Worthington, 9-5
Weight: 145
Drake Jones (11), Bishop Hartley Fall Logan Looser (10), Delphos St. John's, 2:04
Jacob Bohach (12), Galion Dec Caleb Carter (10), Ashland, 6-0
Weight: 152
Robert Dejaco (12), St. Charles Fall Joel Calfe (10), Delaware Hayes, 1:36
Tim Mitchell (12), Purcell Marian M-Dec Brett DiLucia (10), Rossford, 14-3
Weight: 160
Brock Bonifas (9), Delphos St. John's Fall Stacey Miracle (10), Groveport Madison, 3:45
JJ Griffith (11), Ashland Dec Greg Huffman (12), Bellfontaine, 9-4
Weight: 171
Cody Lovejoy (11), Allen East Dec Joe Sumner (12), Delaware Hayes, 4-2
Jarrod Zang (10), Bishop Hartley Fall Jim Sorboro, Lakewood St. Edward, 2:02
Weight: 189
Zane Krall (9), Liberty Center Fall Logan Heiing (10), Delphos St. John's, 2:26
Ryan Sanders (11), St. Charles Fall Bryan Hager (11), Allen East, 2:04
Weight: 215
Allen Sharp (12), Liberty Center Fall Tyler Daugherty (11), Delaware Hayes, :59
Caleb Lovejoy (12), Allen East Fall Michael Hoy, Groveport Madison, 3:46
Weight: 285
Chris Pohlman (11), Delphos St. John's Fall Joe Belford, Lakewood St. Edward, 1:50
Dyln Burley (12), Allen East Fall Cody Hickey (11), Ashland, 1:37