Senate votes to invoke cloture on health care bill

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Posts: 5,703
Dec 23, 2009 12:25pm
What's interesting is that I think there will be, without a doubt, a Constitutional challenge to this bill. Someone is going to sue and say the Feds can't force him/her to buy insurance. With the way the court is now...I think there's a chance it could get knocked down.
Cleveland Buck's avatar
Cleveland Buck
Posts: 5,126
Dec 23, 2009 12:27pm
Let's hope so.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Dec 23, 2009 3:29pm
BoatShoes wrote: What's interesting is that I think there will be, without a doubt, a Constitutional challenge to this bill. Someone is going to sue and say the Feds can't force him/her to buy insurance. With the way the court is now...I think there's a chance it could get knocked down.
I hope you're right. This part of the whole health care "reform" package is one point that particularly grates on my nerves.

The kool-aid drinkers who still believe this bill is not truly government-controlled health care need to try a new beverage.
Hesston's avatar
Posts: 516
Dec 24, 2009 9:19am
Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer = out of control. we are losing all freedoms of choice, Oh I think they call that Socialism.

Liberty-and-Freedom - Senate got the 60 Votes - 48 States have to pay

Vote these Senators out of office.

Two States will be able to ride free on the backs of the other 48 states.

Link to "We The People" video

Link to "Senate Healthcare" Vote by Senator

Their Vote as recording in the US Senate
Daniel Akaka 1 (D-HI), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Baucus 2 (D-MT), Yea
Evan Bayh 3 (D-IN), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Begich 4 (D-AK), Yea
Michael Bennet 5 (D-CO), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Jeff Bingaman 6 (D-NM), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Barbara Boxer 7 (D-CA), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Sherrod Brown 8 (D-OH), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Roland Burris 9 (D-IL), Yea RETIRING
Robert Byrd 10 (D-WV), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Maria Cantwell 11 (D-WA), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Ben Cardin 12 (D-MD), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Tom Carper 13 (D-DE), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Bob Casey Jr. 14 (D-PA), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Kent Conrad 15 (D-ND), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Christopher Dodd 16 (D-CT), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Byron Dorgan 17 (D-ND), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Durbin 18 (D-IL), Yea
Russ Feingold 19 (D-WI), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Dianne Feinstein 20 (D-CA), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Franken 21 (D-MN), Yea
Kirsten Gillibrand 22 (D-NY), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Hagan 23 (D-NC), Yea
Harkin 24 (D-IA), Yea
Daniel Inouye 25 (D-HI), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Johnson 26 (D-SD), Yea
Ted Kaufman 27 (D-DE), Yea RETIRING
Kerry 28 (D-MA), Yea
Kirk 29 (D-MA), Yea
Amy Klobuchar 30 (D-MN), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Herb Kohl 31 (D-WI), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Landrieu 32 (D-LA), Yea
Lautenberg 33 (D-NJ), Yea
Patrick Leahy 34 (D-VT), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Levin 35 (D-MI), Yea
Lieberman 36 (I-CT), Yea
Blanche Lincoln 37 (D-AR), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Claire McCaskill 38 (D-MO), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Bob Menendez 39 (D-NJ), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Merkley 40 (D-OR), Yea
Barbara Mikulski 41 (D-MD), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Patty Murray 42 (D-WA), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Bill Nelson 43 (D-FL), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Ben Nelson 44 (D-NE), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Pryor 45 (D-AR), Yea
Reed 46 (D-RI), Yea
Harry Reid 47 (D-NV), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Rockefeller 48 (D-WV), Yea
Sanders 49 (I-VT), Yea
Chuck Schumer 50 (D-NY), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Shaheen 51 (D-NH), Yea
Arlen Specter 52 (D-PA), Yea Up For reelection 2010
Debbie Stabenow 53 (D-MI), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Jon Tester 54 (D-MT), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Udall 55 (D-CO), Yea
Udall 56 (D-NM), Yea
Warner 57 (D-VA), Yea
Jim Webb 58 (D-VA), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Sheldon Whitehouse 59 (D-RI), Yea Up For reelection 2012
Ron Wyden 60 (D-OR), Yea Up For reelection 2010

The Obamacare bill now has a provision to secure Sen. Ben Nelson
of Nebraska's vote.
His vote will now make 60 votes for the bill.

His vote came at a price for which that ALL the other 49 states will pay.

This price is that the other 49 states will pay for
Nebraska's insurance.
Nebraska state does not have to pay for Obamacare insurance now
or ever in the future.

"Sen. Nelson secured FULL and PERMANENT federal funding
for Nebraska to pay for Medicaid."


Just previously Sen. Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana got a $300 million
deal for her vote. $300 million for those people in Louisiana.
How much will Sen. Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana now ask for and
get in the next version of Obamacare.
Louisiana will get the same privileges as Nebraska - Tax Free.

For all of you in the other 48 TAX PAYING states,
How do you feel now?

Posts: 151
Dec 24, 2009 2:29pm
Does anyone really know who will be making up and enforcing the rules for this health care? It is a committee appointed by Obama and will answer to NO ONE. My advice to all of us.......Hang on to your wallets and stay healthy.
Posts: 7,117
Dec 25, 2009 9:27am
BoatShoes wrote: What's interesting is that I think there will be, without a doubt, a Constitutional challenge to this bill. Someone is going to sue and say the Feds can't force him/her to buy insurance. With the way the court is now...I think there's a chance it could get knocked down.
And they would be correct.
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Dec 25, 2009 10:35am
The headline I saw today was so indicative of where things stand with this bill:

Health Care Bill Passes In Victory For Obama
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Dec 25, 2009 10:43am
Writerbuckeye wrote: The headline I saw today was so indicative of where things stand with this bill:

Health Care Bill Passes In Victory For Obama
Predictable...almost like clockwork. And it's only the beginning. When BHO surrounds himself with Reid, Pelosi, and his media pals during the signing he'll smile and tell us that this farce of a bill is "...a victory for the American people."

The the headlines will then read, "Health Care Bill Victory for American People."

I'll give the mainstream media credit for consistency...they still have their heads up BHO's ass.
ptown_trojans_1's avatar
Posts: 7,632
Dec 26, 2009 7:53pm
Hammerin'Hank wrote: Does anyone really know who will be making up and enforcing the rules for this health care? It is a committee appointed by Obama and will answer to NO ONE. My advice to all of us.......Hang on to your wallets and stay healthy.
IggyPride00's avatar
Posts: 6,482
Dec 26, 2009 8:20pm
The effort to undercut the Republican's united front against healthcare reform as a politically motivated, rather than principle motivated, effort has officially begun.

Here is a link to an AP article questioning how all GOP 24 Senators present in 2003 that voted for the 1.2 Trillion dollar completely unpaid for Medicare expansion giveaway could all vote unanimously against this healthcare expansion.

This was my favorite quote of the article by far I have to say.

Six years ago, "it was standard practice not to pay for things," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. "We were concerned about it, because it certainly added to the deficit, no question." His 2003 vote has been vindicated, Hatch said, because the prescription drug benefit "has done a lot of good."

You can expect the media to start beating that drum heavily as they seek to launch a pre-emptive strike against the Republican plan to use their opposition to HCR as a political winner. The media wants the public to see that the Republicans aren't philosophically opposed to huge govt involvement in HC, they just don't want Democrats doing so.

The administration is banking on the fact that exposing people to the reality that the 2003 Medicare expansion the Republicans passed was more heinous than what the Democrats are doing (because no effort at all was made to pay for it) will keep people from automatically deciding to vote Republican in November if they are angry about HC. People hate hypocrisy, so expect to be hearing more and more about it as this passes and Republicans play the outrage card.

Here is the article for anyone interested.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Dec 27, 2009 12:03am

Thanks for the article. It was quite entertaining for me.

That article can mention the hypocrisy of the republicans all it wants to, as far as I'm concerned. And it still wouldn't change a thing. Mainly because I don't care about the republicans in power at this point, because they have no majority in power.
Furthermore, as a democrat who helped vote the democrats in that are currently in the majority, I can admittedly and without hesitation say that they have their own pockets stuffed with plenty of hypocrisy themselves as well.
I also think it takes alot of nerve for democratic politicians (or news reporters) to, yet again, try and deflect the public scrutiny of the hijinx going on now to what the republicans did six years ago. I suppose it is all in the name of politics.

Speaking of politics...
The effort to undercut the Republican's united front against healthcare reform as a politically motivated, rather than principle motivated
How can any self-respecting democrat buy into this line of bull when considering what the democratic politicians have done this year?
- closed door meetings
- refusual to read/hear any amendments proposed by republicans
- passing the buck as so clearly evidenced this past year and in this article
- ect. and so on
I mean, I cannot say that those ^^^ underhanded and cowardly political displays of "political motivations" are something that I can be proud of. And I certainly can't be proud of the polticians who are currently engaged in those practices.
This is NOT what I expected out of the democrats that I have voted for in the past 2-4 years!

Let's just call this what it is... political "paybacks".

Activities that prepubescents engage in. Or jilted lovers.

Now, other democrats can take great joy in these fruitless displays, smirk, or support this nonsense, but I certainly will not. Until we start demanding better and/or more out of the people we vote in to positions of power, this is the kind of crap we'll be seeing from now on with the democrats and republicans as well.
You can expect the media to start beating that drum heavily as they seek to launch a pre-emptive strike against the Republican plan
And we will NEVER see an improvement in DC with the likes of this going on. The media is supposed to report politics. Not actively engage in it.
The media wants the public to see that the Republicans aren't philosophically opposed to huge govt involvement in HC, they just don't want Democrats doing so.
Oh, I think the public can see what is going on just fine, regardless of how it is portrayed by the media.

It's articles like this that just further exasperates my feelings about my own chosen party!

Seriously. Does anybody else think that that article is pathetic?!