Justin, Forgive Me, And Lock This As Well If Necessary.

Serious Business Backup 78 replies 2,905 views
Posts: 625
Dec 14, 2009 11:03pm
Agreed that bellly is/was completely out of line, but it doesn't make some of these posters look any better who are calling him out.

Just ignore the dude, he'll either go away, or clean up his act. Let him make the choice.
DeyDurkie5's avatar
Posts: 11,324
Dec 14, 2009 11:24pm
Hamp89 wrote: Agreed that bellly is/was completely out of line, but it doesn't make some of these posters look any better who are calling him out.

Just ignore the dude, he'll either go away, or clean up his act. Let him make the choice.
doesn't matter about looking good, to call someone out based on the color of their skin is uncalled for.
Posts: 99
Dec 14, 2009 11:32pm
DeyDurkie5 wrote:
Hamp89 wrote: Agreed that bellly is/was completely out of line, but it doesn't make some of these posters look any better who are calling him out.

Just ignore the dude, he'll either go away, or clean up his act. Let him make the choice.
doesn't matter about looking good, to call someone out based on the color of their skin is uncalled for.
And posting pictures and making fun of his appearance is OK? Belly has irked me many times with his pointless diatribes and nonsensical comments, but cut the guy some slack. It is his problem if he feels the need to be a bully. Let's not make it ours.
Posts: 1,095
Dec 14, 2009 11:37pm
I will say that it does no one any service to stoop right down to (or, at least....NEAR) his level, IMO.

For me, my intent was to simply respond to blatant racist comments that were directed towards me, that I didn't have a chance to respond to due to the other thread being locked.

I can't say I feel too bad about the general response, but as far as I go, my aim isn't to really insult, at least not the person. Just the intelligence, and intentions.

Because, at the end of it all, this probably isn't even the worst I'll hear in the next 12 months, or if it is, I consider myself fortunate. As I stated, it's good enough for me to shake my head, feel a bit bad for the person for having those feelings/thoughts, and move on.
HitsRus's avatar
Posts: 9,206
Dec 14, 2009 11:43pm
I said in another thread that freedom (as in 'free' huddle) entails responsibility...and that some people would push the envelope and the limits of decency. This is what I was talking about. At some point you guys are going to have to set limits and enforce them. This would be a good place to start.

I don't necessarily mean locking this thread...light is what darkness most fears.
Posts: 123
Dec 15, 2009 12:22am
Weren't u a moderator on that $12 site? What are you doing here?
3reppom's avatar
Posts: 765
Dec 15, 2009 1:48am
As a general rule I try to stay away from things like this but I can't really do it this time. Freehuddle is a community and as a community there basic mores that everyone abides to. One of them is to refrain from personal attacks, something Belly forgot or didn't care to know. To call someone out based on skin color, ethnicity or religious beliefs is so ridiculous. Freehuddle is a much more relaxed environment; but there is a base level of acceptable human interactions be it in person, over the phone or online. Belly violated the basic requirements to be here and as a result should have two options; be reasonable and act like an adult or get the fuck out of here
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Dec 15, 2009 1:48am
I don't know.

If that many people want Belly (or any other person) banned, it's as simple as putting Belly/anybody on ignore. Take, what? 10 seconds? Then, he is banned from your eyesight.

I think GoChiefs nailed it - it's too easy and then they couldn't complain about it.

*On a side note. Can we put ourselves on ignore? :D
baseball4's avatar
Posts: 279
Dec 15, 2009 3:38am
HitsRus wrote: I said in another thread that freedom (as in 'free' huddle) entails responsibility...and that some people would push the envelope and the limits of decency. This is what I was talking about. At some point you guys are going to have to set limits and enforce them. This would be a good place to start.

I don't necessarily mean locking this thread...light is what darkness most fears.
The "free" isn't for "freedom". It's because the old site decided to screw everyone and start charging again after we paid a "lifetime" membership.

By the way, I never thought LIFETIME would be a word embraced with parenthesis.

And yeah, alwaysafan was a mod on JJ. He is probably here doing some scouting so that they can learn to run an honest business.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Dec 15, 2009 5:29am
I'm not here to defend Belly specifically. But I'd like to weigh-in on a couple of things.

First let's touch on racism. I think we all agree that racism is an ugly thing and certainly needs to be avoided. Nevertheless I think we are ALL lying inside at least a little if we are in denial that we are not or have not been racist to a certain degree at some point in our lives. Does this make it OK? No. But the rants on here about "Belly's a racist but I ain't" is 100% nonsense. I think this great nation is slowly but surely inching towards the day that skin color won't matter. But in the meantime, spare me the "I'm morally above you because you're racist and I'm not" BS. NONE of us are 100% non-racist if we were completely transparent about the issue.

Second it's amazing how "tolerant" we can be on FREEHuddle about things like dropping obscenities all over the forums, or posting near-porn pics on the threads, or slamming people of faith for believing in their fairy tale religions, or a host of other things that some might find offensive. But for some reason it's perfectly fine to swarm on a specific poster and lambaste them for expressing their opinions even if those opinions may not be politically correct. Either FREEHuddle is open and tolerant of opinions across-the-board or it isn't.

Hit the ignore button, don't read their posts, or do whatever you need to do but censorship and personal attacks are no better than the ugliness of racism.
believer's avatar
Posts: 8,153
Dec 15, 2009 5:30am
baseball4 wrote:And yeah, alwaysafan was a mod on JJ. He is probably here doing some scouting so that they can learn to run an honest business.
Trust me on this and you can take this to the bank...AAF is not here scouting.
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Dec 15, 2009 6:04am
LMAO..yeah..not the real AAF.
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Dec 15, 2009 7:58am
I agree I should be ban
Looking back I did cross that line Yes very much but was it intentional. Not really
The inability to articulate my words and to express my feel in a more coherent matter is difficult for me. How some of you took my comments is justified. But the poor writing skill is not an excuse. I said what I said and that can not be altered.
I have take this same type of bashing before because of my unwillingness to waver my feeling of what is right in that given situation however it was a reversal from this situation. My daughter and I being the only whites to support a black player and family. Does that good deed justify a wrong my wrong now…No
Am I a racist and and a bigot at times Yes I can’t hide the fact that I have strong feeling about something and speak what is on my mind. ….in General No ….I’m a caring individual and give of myself in time and money and support to all. I don’t hide under the political correctness banner. That is the other additional down fall to this situation.
I look at the over all picture of a situation and make my judgment call..does that racist or bigot make the final decision NO…..it tries not to and I make the decision based on what I deem is right, fair and justified.
In this situation right, fair and justified ..it is an to ban me.

I’m not pleading for forgiveness just the understand on an individual to whom you don’t know. Is that a form of racist and bigotry?
That this same mentality that created this situation.

I have sent PM to some please read i would like to stay in communication with you on this matter.
se-alum's avatar
Posts: 13,948
Dec 15, 2009 8:03am
It's nearly impossible to make sense of that post.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Dec 15, 2009 8:06am
Belly, I understand the whole "comprehension" thing when you type, but does the same principle apply when it comes to proofreading? Serious question.
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Dec 15, 2009 8:35am
ernest_t_bass wrote: Belly, I understand the whole "comprehension" thing when you type, but does the same principle apply when it comes to proofreading? Serious question.

Being dyslexic and with poor grammar and reading skills (both at a seventh grade level) is a problem but the biggest problem is not taking my time. Thinking faster than I type and typing poorly than I spell the combo make for a hard time to communicate on the typed word.
At work I record everything and someone else types and does the letter writing.
As I have stated before I don’t get paid to type or send out the written word I get paid to make decision and to make things happen to make companies successful.

How in the hell did he graduate from college….
In 1971 I bought a Mac SE system (all most $4000.00 the system was better that the college) and was able to tap into the internet ..

Reports, research, term papers everything I needed to …..
Work smart not hard …find a way to achieve
Chesapeake's avatar
Posts: 1,603
Dec 15, 2009 8:47am
Belly35 wrote:I have sent PM to some please read i would like to stay in communication with you on this matter.
Are you looking to settle this out of court? ;)
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Dec 15, 2009 8:55am
Chesapeake wrote:
Belly35 wrote:I have sent PM to some please read i would like to stay in communication with you on this matter.
Are you looking to settle this out of court? ;)

No I'm looking to demostrate, understand and gain knowlege from some of those who bashed me. I face my situation I don't hide from anything.
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Dec 15, 2009 9:02am
Chesapeake wrote:
Belly35 wrote:I have sent PM to some please read i would like to stay in communication with you on this matter.
Are you looking to settle this out of court? ;)
No but those who alter my picture and posted it could find themself in a problem for copy rigth violation and slander. Plus this site could also have legal problems. I dislike lawyer to being with so why feed them
Plus I'm not that type of a person until I get piss off and that take a lot to do.

I will take what has happen ...wrong is wrong
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Dec 15, 2009 9:10am
Belly, thanks for chiming in. We're giving you a two week "vacation" from freehuddle for stepping over the line. Don't let it happen again or your vacation will be permanent.

I am also curious what legal problems this site (i.e. me) could have?
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Dec 15, 2009 9:11am
BTW, point out where a picture of you was altered and I will remove it from the site.
ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Dec 15, 2009 9:12am
Belly35 wrote:No, but those who altered my picture and posted it could find themselves in a problem for copyright violation and slander. Plus this site could also have legal problems. I dislike lawyers to begin with, so why feed them?

Plus I'm not that type of a person until I get pissed off, and that takes a lot to do.

I will take what has happened ...wrong is wrong
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Dec 15, 2009 9:17am
If you're referring to my pictures don't worry I'll take them down myself (except on the thread that is locked, a mod will have to do that).

But Belly I want you to know that what you said offended me, and I'm white. I have a family member who converted to judaism and to have you say what you did really pissed me off. You should also know that until 12.11.2009 at 02:23 PM (when you made the initial post) I had nothing but respect for you. But at 02:28 PM on 12.11.2009 (when you replied to my question), I lost all respect for you and didn't care if you were slandered.
BigAppleBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 2,935
Dec 15, 2009 9:24am
Belly35 wrote:
How in the hell did he graduate from college….
In 1971 I bought a Mac SE system (all most $4000.00 the system was better that the college) and was able to tap into the internet ..
Wow, besides a talent to insult African-Americans without forming a complete sentence, you seem to have developed the skill of time-travel. Wasn't the internet invented in the late 80s?
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Dec 15, 2009 9:27am
BigAppleBuckeye wrote: Wow, besides a talent to insult African-Americans without forming a complete sentence, you seem to have developed the skill of time-travel. Wasn't the internet invented in the late 80s?
ARPANET was around in the 60s.

Per wiki:
In March, 1970, the ARPANET reached the U.S. East Coast, when an IMP at BBN itself was joined up to the network. Thereafter, the network grew quickly: 9 IMPs by June 1970, and 13 by December; 18 by September, 1971 (at which point 23 hosts, at universities and government research centers, were connected to the ARPANET); 29 by August, 1972, and 40 by September, 1973.