Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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OneBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 5,888
Jan 1, 2012 6:55pm
So I killed shadomere today. I fast traveled to the college and fell off the walkway. I read online that if I go to a city and wait 10 days he will respawn.

When I get in a pinch I summon a deadra with the rose or the dark brotherhood guy. If that doesn't work I dual wield two staffs. I cleared out the deadra in the black star quest doing that.
Hb31187's avatar
Posts: 8,534
Jan 1, 2012 9:31pm
Im kinda overwhelmed by how much shit there is available to do in this game. Im level 6 or 7 just slayed that Dragon and now i have no idea what I wanna do next. I wanna go find the assassins guild but I have no idea where that is, and its probably not practical for me to be able to make it to said location being only level 6
hoops23's avatar
Posts: 15,696
Jan 2, 2012 12:10am
Hb31187;1034283 wrote:Im kinda overwhelmed by how much shit there is available to do in this game. Im level 6 or 7 just slayed that Dragon and now i have no idea what I wanna do next. I wanna go find the assassins guild but I have no idea where that is, and its probably not practical for me to be able to make it to said location being only level 6
You can make it anywhere you want, no matter what level you are. Enemies level with you in this game, but if you run across an enemy too tough, just run away and hide... Stay away from Bears and trolls LOL.
hoops23's avatar
Posts: 15,696
Jan 2, 2012 1:47am
hoops23's avatar
Posts: 15,696
Jan 2, 2012 1:49am
Rotinaj's avatar
Posts: 7,699
Jan 2, 2012 8:35am
Just got my smithing up 2 100 and made some dragon armor. Looks pretty sick. now gotta get enchanting the rest of the way from like 72. Anyone know what kind of DLC is supposed to be coming out and when?
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jan 2, 2012 2:05pm
I started a night to remember quest, aka the Hangover quest. After the buckeyes game I'll finish it. Its a daedric quest right?
Hb31187's avatar
Posts: 8,534
Jan 2, 2012 3:28pm
I'm level 8, I need some better weapons and or armor because i continuously get raped by enemies lol. Need to do some side quests and upgrade my smithing
hoops23's avatar
Posts: 15,696
Jan 2, 2012 5:55pm
I've mainly been using my destruction spells with my new character. Upgraded dual-casting and combine it with the Dark Elf's natural power of surrounding himself in fire, and I'm a machine.

I've been dual welding blades as well, which is working pretty good. Can't wait until I get some better weapons though.
Hb31187's avatar
Posts: 8,534
Jan 2, 2012 8:28pm
Joined they thieves guild, pretty cool missions thus far
Fly4Fun's avatar
Posts: 7,730
Jan 2, 2012 11:08pm
Dark Elf Dual/Destro is a good way o go. That's what my character is.

I'm Dark Elf level 44, Dual/Destro at 100. I also have Conjuration about to get 2 antonochs at a time. Alteration and Restoration are also pretty high 70+. At this point I never really get hit and I never run out of mana and generally 2 shot everything.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jan 3, 2012 8:03am
Nord lvl 45. One arm at 91, arch at 50, destruction in the 70s, restoration in the early 50s (almost never have to use it)

I hardly ever use the shouts anymore, the fire breathe doesn't even do half of the damage that a fire ball does. I'll occasionally use the ice one that freezes an opponent.

Yesterday I spent majority of my time trying to clean out some of my misc quests and going through some old quests that I got but neglected at the beginning of the game. I think I'm going to try and finish a guild tonight if I can get enough time before the bowl game tonight.
gorocks99's avatar
Posts: 10,760
Jan 3, 2012 8:34am
As far as shouts go, I basically only use whirlwind sprint and aura whisper (aura whisper I use a ton). Level 37 Redguard, one-handed at 63, sneak at 93, archery at 75, smithing to 100 (finally spent the time yesterday in Whiterun making iron daggers to get it up that high). Basically spend all my time with a legendary ebony bow (will upgrade to daedric soon), and Mehrunes' Razor/Firebolt for close combat.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jan 3, 2012 8:37am
gorocks99;1036606 wrote:As far as shouts go, I basically only use whirlwind sprint and aura whisper (aura whisper I use a ton). Level 37 Redguard, one-handed at 63, sneak at 93, archery at 75, smithing to 100 (finally spent the time yesterday in Whiterun making iron daggers to get it up that high). Basically spend all my time with a legendary ebony bow (will upgrade to daedric soon), and Mehrunes' Razor/Firebolt for close combat.
I didn't go the right side of the smithing tree, is there another way to get a daedric bow?

When I went up the left side of the smithing tree I didn't realize that you couldn't build weapons with dragon bones/scales. I hope they make it so you can perhaps with a DLC. If I had known you couldn't I probably wouldn't have bothered with the left side of the smithing tree.

I have a hard time deciding which trees to fill up next, I'm at level 45 and have about 4 or 5 perk points to use. I can't decide which way I want to go. What do you think is the most helpful?
gorocks99's avatar
Posts: 10,760
Jan 3, 2012 8:40am
Commander of Awesome;1036608 wrote:I didn't go the right side of the smithing tree, is there another way to get a daedric bow?
Nope, not that I know of. I found that out the hard way though, I thought I could just go from Dragon to Daedric on the tree but nope, you have to go around the right-hand side to get it. Luckily I had a bunch of upgrades saved up so on my next upgrade I'll be getting the daedric armor/weapons.
OneBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 5,888
Jan 3, 2012 8:45am
Did the same thing. So annoying. What a waste of perks.

I would fill up all the alchemy and enchanting bonuses you can. (the ones at the bottom you can do like five times) I wouldn't try and fill trees just get the ones that do the most for what you use. I am only doing the mace portion of one handed because that is all I use. Keeps it simple that way.
Rotinaj's avatar
Posts: 7,699
Jan 3, 2012 8:46am
Fly4Fun;1036338 wrote:Dark Elf Dual/Destro is a good way o go. That's what my character is.

I'm Dark Elf level 44, Dual/Destro at 100. I also have Conjuration about to get 2 antonochs at a time. Alteration and Restoration are also pretty high 70+. At this point I never really get hit and I never run out of mana and generally 2 shot everything.
How is it that you dont run out of mana often? Do you have everything dual enchanted w a lot of mana regen or something? Also what destro spells do you use most often?
OneBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 5,888
Jan 3, 2012 8:50am
Rotinaj;1036612 wrote:How is it that you dont run out of mana often? Do you have everything dual enchanted w a lot of mana regen or something? Also what destro spells do you use most often?

You can also have stuff with a destruction cost x% less and cast destruction for free. This is the best way to do it.
gorocks99's avatar
Posts: 10,760
Jan 3, 2012 8:53am
Yeah, whenever I want to go all badass destruction I just put on the archmage's robes (magicka replenishes 100% faster) and Morokai (magicka replenishes 100% faster) and basically as soon as you cast a spell you're back to full again.
Rotinaj's avatar
Posts: 7,699
Jan 3, 2012 9:33am
gorocks99;1036616 wrote:Yeah, whenever I want to go all badass destruction I just put on the archmage's robes (magicka replenishes 100% faster) and Morokai (magicka replenishes 100% faster) and basically as soon as you cast a spell you're back to full again.
I was using both of them but not having ANY armor rating(getting killed very quick when they could catch me) i decided 2 get my smithing up 2 100 2 make some dragon armor. I guess ill probably just have 2 suffer through it until i get my enchanting up 2 100(its at like 73 now) and am able 2 dual enchant the stuff w magic regen up the ass.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jan 3, 2012 10:04am
Enchanting would be a possible tree for me, two perks on all of my armor and weapons would be nice. Damage plus soul stealing on a weapon would be pretty awesome.
Fly4Fun's avatar
Posts: 7,730
Jan 3, 2012 12:22pm
My robe is 100% regen with 20% off all spells, use a helm with 100% regen. ALso have rings and other items with % off spells or extra magic. In addition to that... if the fight is a bit longer, I also use a spell that converts health to magic, then use 1 heal to get back up to full.

Also there is a talent in the restoration tree that adds another 50% regen.
McFly1955's avatar
Posts: 1,441
Jan 3, 2012 12:35pm
It sucks for you guys, but I'm glad I read that stuff about the left side of the smithing tree today.

I just hadn't gotten around to researching if you could go up the left side and loop around to the right, or if you had to go up both sides of the tree.

I've horded 6 or 7 points for that reason. That's really dumb that they did that, I was very close to cruising up the left side with plans to curl around.
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Jan 4, 2012 8:36am
I spent a couple of hours last night by just doing Misc quest. I think I completed about 7 or 8 and still have at least 15 or so to do. I did the forbidden legend quest last night which was a lot longer than I thought it would be. The Gauldur Amulet you get for completing it is pretty awesome. It increases your health, magicka and stamina by 30 pt and doubt I'll ever be taking this off/find something better.
OneBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 5,888
Jan 4, 2012 8:41am
Commander of Awesome;1038181 wrote:I spent a couple of hours last night by just doing Misc quest. I think I completed about 7 or 8 and still have at least 15 or so to do. I did the forbidden legend quest last night which was a lot longer than I thought it would be. The Gauldur Amulet you get for completing it is pretty awesome. It increases your health, magicka and stamina by 30 pt and doubt I'll ever be taking this off/find something better.
I did that last nigth too. I'm still not done with it, I still need to refoge the amulet, got distracted by the scUM game and a bunch of forsworn.

I wear the mages amulet right now which increases my majika by 50. I also wear a ring for +20 health. I will probably need to switch it up after i get Gauldur amulet.