Pet Peeves about women

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ttocs14's avatar
Posts: 279
Dec 11, 2009 1:07am
Dealing with everything with their emotions instead of just using basic logic and reasoning...drives me nuts.
rmolin73's avatar
Posts: 4,278
Dec 11, 2009 4:11am
NNN wrote:
ohiotiger33 wrote: Here is a serious one.

Why do women insist on telling us about their dreams? My GF does this all the time, and it is really the only thing she does that grinds my gears.
You haven't lived until you've had a girl mad at you for three days because you yelled at her, slapped her, or cheated on her.....IN A DREAM!
Yes definitely my girlfriend woke up last week from a dream punches me until I wake up and tells me "you cheated on me". I'm like WTF are you talking about? She says in my dream you cheated on me. I ask her was she hot roll over and go back to sleep:D She did not speak to me for a few days. But I don't think she will ever wake me up with that crap again.

My pet peeve when they get bent out of shape when they assume that you are staring at some other chick. When you didn't even notice the other chick until she said something!
Posts: 12,198
Dec 11, 2009 7:03am
You guys are hangin' with the wrong women.

If someone woke me up telling me about her dream and that I cheated she wouldn't ever have to wake me up again.

If someone tried to "test" me during a game it would the last test she gave me.
power i's avatar
power i
Posts: 1,296
Dec 11, 2009 7:21am
This is some pretty funny stuff. You guys make me lol. :)
nc52's avatar
Posts: 419
Dec 11, 2009 7:24am
i hate when they ask you a question that there is no good answer to. no matter how you answer it you're either wrong or you've pissed them off
rmolin73's avatar
Posts: 4,278
Dec 11, 2009 7:24am
My girlfriend is a keeper no matter how crazy she acts at times:)
hog hauler's avatar
hog hauler
Posts: 18
Dec 11, 2009 9:20am
Hey Power get me beer before I dot your eye!
power i's avatar
power i
Posts: 1,296
Dec 11, 2009 9:34am
^^I think you're supposed to be working.
Posts: 339
Dec 11, 2009 9:58am
One that my wife is really bad about-I'll be watching TV and she will be in the kitchen working (where else would she be?), then she will come out and sit down in the last 10 minutes of the show and ask me questions about what is going on.
Posts: 24,795
Dec 11, 2009 11:03am
^^^you beat me to it...there's a good chance we have the same UPS driver(if S&L's at home),so I was going to bitch that that's the reason my shipments are always so frickin' late!!!
redstreak one's avatar
redstreak one
Posts: 1,152
Dec 11, 2009 11:56am
My favorite, we both have somewhere by ourselves to go. I say, "you go I will stay home with the kids." She says, "thanks" 15 minutes later, she comes back in and says, "youn know what, I didnt really want to go, you go to the game instead." I say, "you sure?" Her, "yes." 2 days later we are in an argument, and she holds it against me for going to the game! WTF! You cant offer someone something and then crap on them later about it, but she tries!
ohiotiger33's avatar
Posts: 1,500
Dec 11, 2009 12:01pm
I don't even mean cheating dreams haha. Just boring ones that have no real point.
Posts: 4,511
Dec 11, 2009 12:33pm
NNN wrote: You haven't lived until you've had a girl mad at you for three days because you yelled at her, slapped her, or cheated on her.....IN A DREAM!
Yeah, I get this from time to time: Why do you have to dream about having sex with other people? As though, I script my dreams and cast people in certain roles.

Unfortunately, when we had our first conversation about this I tried to explain the value of fantasies and asked her, "Don't you ever act like I'm someone else when we're doing it?" You can imagine how that worked out for me.
Drums of War
Posts: 356
Dec 11, 2009 2:13pm
1. Thinking I am a Pcychic. If you want something done, just ask! Dont get pissed off because I did not do something that I had no idea needed done.
2. Having a conversation about me joining/doing something I enjoy (usually a league or class, something that lasts for months) telling me you are all for it because of how happy it makes me, and then shooting me either the "Death Glare", or the "I can't believe you are leaving me" look every time I go to said commitment. If you agree to it, you have no right to get pissy about it!
Apple's avatar
Posts: 2,620
Dec 11, 2009 2:26pm
enigmaax wrote:...I tried to explain the value of fantasies and asked her, "Don't you ever act like I'm someone else when we're doing it?" You can imagine how that worked out for me.
Ooooo.... bad move!

feel for ya, man.
Posts: 24,795
Dec 11, 2009 2:30pm
talking in your sleep--never a good idea :rolleyes:
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Dec 11, 2009 8:25pm
Keebler wrote:
v_falcons wrote: LOL do you actually say that to her?
No, she would kick my ass.
LMOA - that's funny!
mattinctown wrote: Always being late for everything
Actually, I'm always the one waiting around to leave - so this is not mutally exclusive to the female gender.
sleeper wrote: Only 5% of women actually experience symptoms of PMS: Fact!

My pet peeve is women go to vote and act like they are doing their American duty. Little do they know, their American duty is to be in the kitchen cooking and cleaning.
Sleeper, I've long since given up on reacting to your sexist bullshit. I suspect you've got a woman who keeps you well in line. Hence all the "women in the kitchen" comments. ;)