Teacher suspended for keeping it real

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O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 16, 2011 11:00am
dwccrew;680589 wrote:Agreed, why would you do this while at work? More importantly, why would you admit to doing this at work?

If it was a blog, they usually have a posting time next to entries, which means anyone could have put 2 and 2 together anyway.

I don't even care if she posted this at home, though. She would still have earned a ticket to the unemployment line.
krambman's avatar
Posts: 3,606
Feb 16, 2011 11:03am
O-Trap;680594 wrote:If it was a blog, they usually have a posting time next to entries, which means anyone could have put 2 and 2 together anyway.

I don't even care if she posted this at home, though. She would still have earned a ticket to the unemployment line.

Exactly. Let's be honest, no one works 100% of the time while they are at work. It's impossible to actually do 8 hours of work while at work. Most of us are probably commenting on this thread while at work. The school can use that as one of many "just cause" reasons to fire her, but it isn't the main reason she'll be fired.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 16, 2011 11:12am
Indeed. I post between waiting for reports to load in our CRM. Takes like 5 minutes sometimes.
Manhattan Buckeye
Posts: 7,566
Feb 16, 2011 11:12am
dwccrew;680587 wrote:Would that be because of client-attorney privelage though or are you saying in general?

In general, there's nothing privileged about the comment - its just me being a jerk about the people that are paying me for services and have alternative vendors willing and capable to provide the same services, needless to say an employer would NOT like that.

Good rule of thumb, don't blog about work. If you do, anything negative could hurt you eventually. My wife has had major issues with some of her reports that gripe on facebook. It will be noticed, and despite the idiot attorney's comments, it isn't a free speech issue. There isn't a prior restraint or state forced punishment, it is about an employee that is facing disciplinary issues.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 16, 2011 11:15am
Manhattan Buckeye;680610 wrote:Good rule of thumb, don't blog about work. If you do, anything negative could hurt you eventually.

Which is why if you absolutely must blog about work, let NOBODY know who you are or where you work!
tcarrier32's avatar
Posts: 1,497
Feb 16, 2011 12:08pm
sounds like she shouldnt be a teacher. whats wrong with our education system is the abundance of educators who lack the motivational tools to inspire their students. Can't handle the heat? Get the fuck back in the kitchen.

not saying that she is unfounded in her claims, but kids are generally annoying, and to be surprised by this as a teacher is absurd.
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Feb 16, 2011 12:20pm
No, what's wrong with our education system is people expect teachers to be parents. Education starts in the home. I don't care if you have the most talented motivational teacher in the history of teaching, if the parents don't give a crap about education the kids aren't going to either. Parents need to start being parents again. This crap about everyone's equal and not hurting feelings and being friends is what is wrong with this country.
Posts: 4,454
Feb 16, 2011 1:28pm
O-Trap;680567 wrote:Also, for whatever reason, this topic reminded me of this:

Sorry, but free speech means you are protected from being disciplined by a government entity. Doesn't mean your dumbass remarks can't be grounds to fire you. Sorry.

That's funny. Something very similar happened to my wife (she's the boss). She is a nurse manager at the nursing home she works at. Her and the Director fired someone a few weeks ago. Well, that someone went home and started making threats like "The fucking bitch better hope I don't see her in public, cuz I'll kick her fucking ass...." along with a bunch of other stuff of the same nature. Some other employees printed it off and brought it in. My wife's company is now pressing charges on this person for threats or something, I forget, but it's some big deal.

I know where she works as well as other places have been making staff sign these agreements at time of hire that state there will be no slander in nature communication about the company itself or other staff members on any social network sites. I don't know if it's legal or not to prohibit someone from talking about a company or employee of said company on facebook, but it's happening in some places.

I know I'm not allowed to discuss anything about my students on facebook, but that's common sense.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 16, 2011 1:38pm
bigkahuna;680812 wrote:I don't know if it's legal or not to prohibit someone from talking about a company or employee of said company on facebook, but it's happening in some places.
It is indeed legal.
tcarrier32's avatar
Posts: 1,497
Feb 16, 2011 1:42pm
tk421;680692 wrote:No, what's wrong with our education system is people expect teachers to be parents. Education starts in the home. I don't care if you have the most talented motivational teacher in the history of teaching, if the parents don't give a crap about education the kids aren't going to either. Parents need to start being parents again. This crap about everyone's equal and not hurting feelings and being friends is what is wrong with this country.

well, i mean part of the job description is handling kids (ages 5-18), for more hours a day than the kids spend with their parents. I would imagine that some duties usually specified for parents will be taken over by the teachers out of necessity.

also, everyone being equal is crap? nice.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 16, 2011 1:45pm
tcarrier32;680837 wrote:also, everyone being equal is crap? nice.

I'm going to go out on a limb, but I'm willing to bet he means treating unequals equally (grades, athletics, etc.), which would be cognitively dishonest. I could be wrong on what he meant, though.
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Feb 16, 2011 1:45pm
tcarrier32;680837 wrote:well, i mean part of the job description is handling kids (ages 5-18), for more hours a day than the kids spend with their parents. I would imagine that some duties usually specified for parents will be taken over by the teachers out of necessity.

also, everyone being equal is crap? nice.
Yes, it is crap. There are some people who are smarter than others. Trying to dumb down school to the lowest common denominator is a terrible idea.
Mulva's avatar
Posts: 13,650
Feb 16, 2011 2:07pm
So a rude, annoying whiner who spent her time blogging at work (too lazy/disengaged to actually teach?) is now complaining about being suspended for calling her students lazy, disengaged, rude, annoying whiners who complain about everything.

Does that about sum it up?
Heretic's avatar
Posts: 18,820
Feb 16, 2011 2:07pm
Concerned your kid is automaton, as she just sits there emotionless for an entire 90 minutes, staring into the abyss, never volunteering to speak or do anything.
Man...did I have this teacher in high school?
krambman's avatar
Posts: 3,606
Feb 16, 2011 2:32pm
tcarrier32;680837 wrote:well, i mean part of the job description is handling kids (ages 5-18), for more hours a day than the kids spend with their parents. I would imagine that some duties usually specified for parents will be taken over by the teachers out of necessity.

also, everyone being equal is crap? nice.

Everyone isn't equal. Everyone should be given equal opportunities to learn and succeed, but not everyone is equal. Some are more naturally gifted, some come from better circumstances, some try harder. They should all be given an equal chance, but they are by no means equal.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 16, 2011 2:33pm
krambman;680920 wrote:Everyone isn't equal. Everyone should be given equal opportunities to learn and succeed, but not everyone is equal. Some are more naturally gifted, some come from better circumstances, some try harder. They should all be given an equal chance, but they are by no means equal.

Indeed. Equals should be treated equally, and inequals should be treated unequally. THAT is fair.
osudarby08's avatar
Posts: 734
Feb 16, 2011 2:52pm
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Thread Bomber's avatar
Thread Bomber
Posts: 1,851
Feb 16, 2011 3:01pm
She has EVERY right to write this and they have EVERY right to fire her.

Hell, If my wife is acting like a cunt, I'm smart enough not to call her one....
Little Danny's avatar
Little Danny
Posts: 4,288
Feb 16, 2011 5:44pm
At least she didn't mention how many members of the football team she has done this year. :D
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 16, 2011 5:56pm
Thread Bomber;680982 wrote:She has EVERY right to write this and they have EVERY right to fire her.

It can't be put any simpler and still be accurate, I don't think. Concise, and well-put.
darbypitcher22's avatar
Posts: 8,000
Feb 16, 2011 6:19pm
there are some things that could be thought but never should be written or said.... this is one of those times
september63's avatar
Posts: 5,789
Feb 16, 2011 6:31pm
Didnt an employee write disparaging remarks about her boss on FB recently and get fired? Only to sue and win an undisclosed amount of money and the company agreed to revise their policies? This teachers only downfall might be if she was blogging during the school day.
Manhattan Buckeye
Posts: 7,566
Feb 16, 2011 6:40pm
september63;681204 wrote:Didnt an employee write disparaging remarks about her boss on FB recently and get fired? Only to sue and win an undisclosed amount of money and the company agreed to revise their policies? This teachers only downfall might be if she was blogging during the school day.

Big difference between talking about your work conditions and talking about your clients/customers. If someone wants to roll the dice on a lawsuit they are certainly able to do so, but for instances where the person received an undisclosed settlement (and still lost her job) in that situation, there are probably many more that lost their job and couldn't even make a claim.
O-Trap's avatar
Posts: 14,994
Feb 16, 2011 6:41pm
september63;681204 wrote:Didnt an employee write disparaging remarks about her boss on FB recently and get fired? Only to sue and win an undisclosed amount of money and the company agreed to revise their policies? This teachers only downfall might be if she was blogging during the school day.

One of my early posts in this topic is about that.
Apple's avatar
Posts: 2,620
Feb 16, 2011 7:00pm
She definitely could have been more anonymous in her rants. That is her main offense, not using the correct method of delivering her comments. Being a teacher, I would think she would be smart enough to express her comments with more stealth than being able to be identified as the person making the comments. People have written books, papers, articles etc. under anonymous names for centuries. Why was she not smart enough to do the same?