Firestone caught giving me the switcharoo!

Serious Business Backup 108 replies 3,399 views
Posts: 2,639
Oct 14, 2010 8:04pm
Me: "Hi, I'd like an oil change. What type of oil do you use? I prefer Mobile 1 synthetic. I have it in the car if you do not carry it, I can pay for the labor"

Firestone manager "Sir, we do not carry that, we carry Kendell. However, I may have some Mobile 1 synthetic in the back. What type of oil is it so I can go check?"

Me: "Uhh 0/20"

..manager comes back..

Firestone manager "Yeah we have just enough. Sometimes Enterprise brings their cars in and we do their oil changes. To keep their warranties, they use Mobile 1 synthetic, that's why we have some"

... tech starts working on car..

... tech gets ready to put oil in car...

... firestone manager brings out oil..

... I check the window to see what type..


I then rush out and confront them, and he goes "What are you talking about, I told you we only carry Kendell Oil. It must have been miscommunication"

He then used my Mobile 1 oil and charged me for the labor and oil filter.

As soon as I left I called their hotline.

I am so angry right now.

Again, this is FIRESTONE.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Oct 14, 2010 8:12pm
So after you caught them, you still let them use your Mobile 1 oil, and charge you for labor and you paid? Why when you caught them didn't you just pack up and leave??? I can't see how you win this, I mean don't get me wrong they were wrong based on what you said but then you let them get away with it and your cash!
sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Oct 14, 2010 8:14pm
Yeah if it wasn't Firestone I'd say NBD.
Posts: 2,639
Oct 14, 2010 8:15pm
Well.. I was really angry.. like really angry.. and my fiance and kid was with me, and I knew if I said one thing I would just blow up.. so I didnt want to lose my temper. I don't really "want" anything. I want an apology and I want to let everyone know what happened. They won't get my business ever again and I hope I can discourage others from going there.

He needs to know that some people care enough to watch the mechanic do work, so if your gonna run a dishonest business then watch for people to leave before your screw them.
Polar Bear 73
Posts: 216
Oct 14, 2010 8:15pm
That's not as bad as what they did to my wife's car several years ago. She took her car into the Firestone shop that used to be on Sawmill Road in Dublin for an oil change. When they were finished she drove it about one mile to work and let it sit for about 4 hours. When she came out to leave, she tried to start the car but there was no oil in it and she burnt up the engine. They forgot to tighten the oil pan plug and it fell out as she drove from the shop to work. All of the oil had run out of the car, it was bone dry.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Oct 14, 2010 8:17pm
Polar Bear so what happened did they replace the engine or the car???
Posts: 2,639
Oct 14, 2010 8:18pm
Polar Bear 73;519757 wrote:That's not as bad as what they did to my wife's car several years ago. She took her car into the Firestone shop that used to be on Sawmill Road in Dublin for an oil change. When they were finished she drove it about one mile to work and let it sit for about 4 hours. When she came out to leave, she tried to start the car but there was no oil in it and she burnt up the engine. They forgot to tighten the oil pan plug and it fell out as she drove from the shop to work. All of the oil had run out of the car, it was bone dry.

While that is bad, I have to argue that it is not worse. THat is a mistake, an accident, carelessnes. This guy made up a story and looked at me right in the face and told me he was doing something to my car that he knew he was not doing. I can understand the frustration of stupidity though.

** if they didnt replace the engine or make it right, then yours is worse :)
Posts: 2,639
Oct 14, 2010 8:20pm
sleeper;519755 wrote:Yeah if it wasn't Firestone I'd say NBD.

I dont know what NBD is
Polar Bear 73
Posts: 216
Oct 14, 2010 8:25pm
She had to fight with them for a long time over it. She had an old Honda Civic that she loved and Firestone originally offered to only give her the Blue Book value of the car which would have cost less than replacing the engine. She keep arguing with them and had to go up into their management chain to get them to finally agree to fix her car.

Rydawg, the thing that makes it almost as bad as your story, is that initially Firestone denied having anything to do with it, even though she had it towed back in the same day that they worked on it. I think she actually had to have it towed to a Honda dealer to get them to back up her story.

This happened about 15 or 16 years ago. We were just starting to date at the time, so I don't remember all of the details. I do know that she has never gone back to a Firestone dealer since.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Oct 14, 2010 8:27pm
At least they finally did it, man I would have stomped somebody!
sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Oct 14, 2010 8:32pm
rydawg5;519764 wrote:I dont know what NBD is

No Big Deal
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Oct 14, 2010 8:33pm
rydawg5;519764 wrote:I dont know what NBD is
ZWICK 4 PREZ's avatar
Posts: 7,733
Oct 14, 2010 8:34pm
this is what happens when you're lazy and let monkeys change ur oil.
Posts: 2,639
Oct 14, 2010 8:42pm
ZWICK 4 PREZ;519779 wrote:this is what happens when you're lazy and let monkeys change ur oil.

Pick6's avatar
Posts: 14,946
Oct 14, 2010 8:48pm
how about you guys stop being lazy and change your own oil? Its easy and a 10 minute job
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Oct 14, 2010 8:54pm
How about this, I rent live in an apartment complex where it is not allowed per the lease. Could I do it and not get oil all over the place sure, but too many knuckleheads have messed that up so I can't blame my complex for not wanting oil everywhere with no recepticles for said oil, hence I have to take it to a buddies or just go get it done which in the run is easier.
Pick6's avatar
Posts: 14,946
Oct 14, 2010 8:57pm
Fab1b;519804 wrote:How about this, I rent live in an apartment complex where it is not allowed per the lease. Could I do it and not get oil all over the place sure, but too many knuckleheads have messed that up so I can't blame my complex for not wanting oil everywhere with no recepticles for said oil, hence I have to take it to a buddies or just go get it done which in the run is easier.
and more expensive
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Oct 14, 2010 8:59pm
It really isn't that much more, I pay 18.99 for an oil change up the street. What is 5 qts and a filter cost 12-15 bucks?
Posts: 2,639
Oct 14, 2010 9:07pm
Pick6;519798 wrote:how about you guys stop being lazy and change your own oil? Its easy and a 10 minute job

stfu. First of all, I live in an apartment complex. I don't have ramps and tools in my apartment. I'm not buying ramps and other tools until I have a place with a garage/storage area.

Also, a cheap oil change at a place is about 18.99.. go to autozone and buy your shit and (5 qts oil and oil filter) and its about 18.99.

In this case, I had bought my stuff to have my trusted mechanic to do but I am driving to nashville this weekend and needed to make sure this got done right away.

Sorry, but when they offer me a synthetic service for $53.99 and tell me they are using a certain oil that is more expensive then what they try to put in it..

It is called stealing... And Mobile 1 synthetic that I buy was $7.99 quart.. so $53 isn't that bad of a deal
Pick6's avatar
Posts: 14,946
Oct 14, 2010 9:23pm
rydawg5;519818 wrote:stfu. First of all, I live in an apartment complex. I don't have ramps and tools in my apartment. I'm not buying ramps and other tools until I have a place with a garage/storage area.

Also, a cheap oil change at a place is about 18.99.. go to autozone and buy your shit and (5 qts oil and oil filter) and its about 18.99.

In this case, I had bought my stuff to have my trusted mechanic to do but I am driving to nashville this weekend and needed to make sure this got done right away.

Sorry, but when they offer me a synthetic service for $53.99 and tell me they are using a certain oil that is more expensive then what they try to put in it..

It is called stealing... And Mobile 1 synthetic that I buy was $7.99 quart.. so $53 isn't that bad of a deal

first off,you dont need can easily change your oil with your car jack. the only tools you need are a wrench and an oil filter wrench.You cant go to your parents or a buddies house to do that or get the tools?Second, you are going to autozone to buy your oil. Walmart's brand and any of their oil filters(not fram) are just as good and cheaper than Penzoil, Mobile 1, whatever. Do you really think shops are going to change your oil and not make any money? Im going to guess you are one of them who changes their oil every 3000 miles too just because the mechanic says so? Im not saying what they did is right, nor am i some motorhead..but come on man
Posts: 2,639
Oct 14, 2010 9:29pm
Pick6;519826 wrote:first off,you dont need can easily change your oil with your car jack. the only tools you need are a wrench and an oil filter wrench.You cant go to your parents or a buddies house to do that or get the tools?Second, you are going to autozone to buy your oil. Walmart's brand and any of their oil filters(not fram) are just as good and cheaper than Penzoil, Mobile 1, whatever. Do you really think shops are going to change your oil and not make any money? Im going to guess you are one of them who changes their oil every 3000 miles too just because the mechanic says so? Im not saying what they did is right, nor am i some motorhead..but come on man

justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Oct 14, 2010 9:30pm
I used to change my oil but it's a bitch to change in my truck and I am rolling in OC money so I just pay to have it done.
Posts: 2,639
Oct 14, 2010 9:31pm
I don't have to justify to you take my oil to get changed. It has nothing to do with being lazy. It's well worth the $5 savings to me to not deal with it. I do expect and demand a business to not lie to my face.
Fab1b's avatar
Posts: 12,949
Oct 14, 2010 9:31pm
I am not one that changes my oil every 3000 on the nose, usually about 4000 - 4500 but I check it to make sure it still filled and looks okay every so ofter if I go over 3000. 2nd like I said for me to drive to a buddys and get the oil and filter its gonna push me to the 18.99 with supplies, gas, and time compared to going to the place less than a mile from my apartment!
bo shemmy3337
Posts: 962
Oct 14, 2010 9:32pm
Pick6;519826 wrote:first off,you dont need can easily change your oil with your car jack. the only tools you need are a wrench and an oil filter wrench.You cant go to your parents or a buddies house to do that or get the tools?Second, you are going to autozone to buy your oil. Walmart's brand and any of their oil filters(not fram) are just as good and cheaper than Penzoil, Mobile 1, whatever. Do you really think shops are going to change your oil and not make any money? Im going to guess you are one of them who changes their oil every 3000 miles too just because the mechanic says so? Im not saying what they did is right, nor am i some motorhead..but come on man

Even though I don't agree with what you are saying for the most part. I do know that you don't need to change your oil every 3000 miles lol.

For this guy to change his own oil he has to spend the time to go get it, get the filter, drive to mom's or buddys, then put in the 30 mins to do it, Your talking about at least 1 and 1/2 hours of time to save little to no money IMO.

Me and my dad change my oil in the 2003 VW jetta vr6. If you think your going to be able to change my oil for less than 20 dollars your insane. It takes 6 and a 1/4 quarts of oil first off and the only company who has my filter is purolator and it is only at advanced auto for 13 dollars. I get mobile one fully synthetic oil (7 quartz) and change my oil every 10,000 miles. Usually it costs me around 50 bucks unless the oil is on sale which depends on what month it is at Advanced Auto. We have used this oil and done the 10,000 mile changes for years and have never had a problem. My sisters honda had 165,000 miles on it when we finally got rid of it and my jetta has 75,000 miles on it now(it had 6666 miles on it when I got it, I know creeps me out lol). Also my old truck I had had 95K on it. That every 3000 miles crap is a huge money pit. Just buy synthetic and you can go at least 5ooo miles IMO.