Regular Guy Sports

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karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Oct 6, 2010 3:11pm
Golf usually shoot anywhere from 78-85 depending on course and the day. Not consistent at all.
In bowling league I averaged around 160. High game last year of 255 plus handicap and I ended up with something like a 315 and a nice bit of money. Not consistent there as I am usually a good deal drunk by the time the second game starts.
Softball in Columbus every team I played on won the division. Best finish in Champ of Champs was a semi final loss. Didn't play in leagues this summer because they cost $1300 plus umpires but we did play in a few tourneys a month.
Posts: 13,021
Oct 6, 2010 3:20pm
What team you play for in C of C Lotz? I was with La Dolce Vita for years and we won C of C twice.
Posts: 13,021
Oct 6, 2010 3:32pm
j_crazy;509440 wrote:i wouldn't consider myself a sport fisherman, but i love deep sea fishing. i've always had fun on my trips. i've done 1 tuna 1 snapper and 1 shark fishing trip.
Loooove deep sea fishing. On same trip couple of weeks ago we chummed for shark and got a 40lb black tip and lost a small hammerhead at the boat. It was about 5.5' and Capt. said wouldve topped a 100. I really wanted that hammerhead skull.
karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Oct 6, 2010 3:32pm
Tiernan;509466 wrote:What team you play for in C of C Lotz? I was with La Dolce Vita for years and we won C of C twice.
Gallo's Screaming Banshees.
Posts: 13,021
Oct 6, 2010 3:37pm
Gallo's Bar has had some good teams over the years. Great place to watch Buckeyes when Bo Jr. gets on the microphone.
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Oct 6, 2010 3:48pm
Tiernan;509379 wrote:^^^
also BTW like_that wrestling is definitely a Regular Guy sport albeit a creepy one...but if you are still wrestling after HS or College that crosses the creepy line into full man on man perveration.

LOL, looks like somebody got their panties in a bunch, because no one thinks fishing is a sport. If sitting on my ass and waiting for a fish to bite is a sport, then sitting on my ass waiting for your next fail response is a sport as well.

Wrestling is one of the oldest sports there is. It's one of the toughest sports out there. Thats why most of MMA's top fighters were wrestlers. You know which athletes are represented the most amongst Navy Seals? Wrestling. I guess those guys are perverted.
Posts: 13,021
Oct 6, 2010 4:03pm
Love it whenever some blowhard wants to make the point his sport is the toughest they site the fact that Navy SEALS do it. No question alot of SEALS wrestled but many more played Team Sports. And quite a few are accomplished outdoorsmen that are expert hunters and fishermen. I personally know some SEALS and you sir are not even close to being on their level. Check out blowhard.
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Oct 6, 2010 4:09pm
Tiernan;509524 wrote:Love it whenever some blowhard wants to make the point his sport is the toughest they site the fact that Navy SEALS do it. No question alot of SEALS wrestled but many more played Team Sports. And quite a few are accomplished outdoorsmen that are expert hunters and fishermen. I personally know some SEALS and you sir are not even close to being on their level. Check out blowhard.

Yeah, I forgot you already personally met me. /sarcasm

I never claimed I was on their level, neither is 99% of this country. I was just proving a point on the ignorance of your post. You used the traditional homophobic approach to dissing wrestling.
karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Oct 6, 2010 4:11pm
Tiernan;509485 wrote:Gallo's Bar has had some good teams over the years. Great place to watch Buckeyes when Bo Jr. gets on the microphone.

Yeah there were 3 Gallo's teams in our division the last year we played. The other two were both groups of older guys who didn't like us beating them I don't think. Our team had only been playing together for 3 or 4 years.
thedynasty1998's avatar
Posts: 6,844
Oct 6, 2010 4:15pm
Play bar volleyball at a bar in Hilliard and are usually one of the top few teams. Also play rec basketball at Berliner in Columbus just about year around and are usually always in the Champ of Champs.
thePITman's avatar
Posts: 3,867
Oct 6, 2010 9:58pm
Nothing really cool or amazing, but here's a little list of what I've been up to:

Assistant high school varsity baseball coach for last 4 years, including 2 league championships and a few district runner-ups
Summer league basketball coach for junior high division last 4 years, including champions this past season
Team MVP of Lakewood Recreation league softball team, and key player of 3rd place team in local church league each of last 3 years (15+ teams)
Completed 5-mile race at the Canton Hall of Fame this Summer with an 8:07 per mile pace
Completed 2nd straight Akron Marathon this year (as part of a team relay), this year finishing with an 8:15 per mile team pace
Won regular season poker series championship last year, placed 2nd in championship; Currently 3rd or 4th in standings this year, championship in Nov.
Church league basketball, hit game-winning spot-up 3-pointer at the buzzer in a tournament game
Member of 2nd place golf team at company outing this year
First time ever playing tennis, this past Summer won the first set against my girlfriend who played tennis in college (I then proceeded to get whooped)

Nothing really exciting or championship-worthy (other than this year's summer league basketball team), but still staying involved in all sorts of things.

I just checked my Lakewood softball team's stats, and I finished the following on our team: (the league had statisticians at every game and keeps them online)
1st in Home Runs, Batting Average, On Base Percentage, and Slugging Percentage
2nd in Hits, Doubles, and Triples
3rd in Runs Scored, Walks, and Long Hitting Streak
4th in RBI's
Posts: 13,021
Oct 6, 2010 11:13pm
Thats some worthy Regular Guy Sports Pitman! U da man.
karen lotz's avatar
karen lotz
Posts: 22,284
Oct 6, 2010 11:17pm
haha I wish we had someone keep stats for softball. It would be good for the psyche and also hilarious to see it. One guy did keep it just for averages for half a season and wanted to send out a weekly email but he stopped after he realized he wasn't as good as he thought. I'm still amazed at how people can't hit AT LEAST .500. I'm equally amazed at people striking out either looking or swinging.

I have hit a few walk off HR's though, one of which was in the league championship game to get us into Champ of Champs. It was on one of the front fields at Berliner.
Posts: 13,021
Oct 6, 2010 11:29pm
Regular Guy Sports Olympics would have to include Softball, Golf, Bowling, 1 on 1 B-ball, Poker, Hunting (and / or) Fishing, Bar Volleyball and Pool. Any others?
Posts: 12,198
Oct 7, 2010 6:49am
Finished numerous marathons and ultramarathons...the longest to date was the JFK 50 miler.
thePITman's avatar
Posts: 3,867
Oct 7, 2010 8:13am
Tiernan;510198 wrote:Regular Guy Sports Olympics would have to include Softball, Golf, Bowling, 1 on 1 B-ball, Poker, Hunting (and / or) Fishing, Bar Volleyball and Pool. Any others?

I forgot poker. My friend hosts a poker series where we play once a month and keep stats (place finish, who knocks out who when, # of knockouts, cash ratio, etc etc... all sorts of things). Then at the end of the season there is a championship. As long as you participate in 4 events on the year, you qualify. The final point ratio/standings determine the starting chip count of each person. Last year I won the regular season and finished 2nd in the final championship tournament in November. This year I'm 3rd or 4th in the standings right now and have the championship coming up.
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Oct 7, 2010 11:43am
Over the years I have been on few a golf league and softball (almost pitched a no hitter in softball) 1 hitter (2 out and the left fielder missed a short fly ball ( he would have never missed that type of fly ball in a million year but that day and that moment he did)

In the last five years:

Tennis single and mix doubles (wife and I)
Throwing my tomahawk ..not a sport but someday I may have to use it.. ( goal is to kill a deer with it)
Practicing to shoot competitive pistol .. want to be good not just a average
Corn hole ..... very very competitive
Dam good euchre player
I do a little scouting for girls tennis and help local families and players with recruiting for college
Posts: 439
Oct 7, 2010 12:27pm
Downed a pint of Guinness in under 4 seconds at Irish Kevins in Key West. Won a T-shirt out of the deal
Team MVP for my Dodgeball team (I can throw really hard, not all that good with the dodging aspect though)

Not much else to add, I play on a few softball teams, but my defense at third has been getting worse each year, and we always end up choking in the playoffs anyways...
thedynasty1998's avatar
Posts: 6,844
Oct 7, 2010 1:06pm
thePITman;510090 wrote:Team MVP of Lakewood Recreation league softball team, and key player of 3rd place team in local church league each of last 3 years (15+ teams)

Looks like you are pretty involved in stuff, but was curious as to who voted on this?
thePITman's avatar
Posts: 3,867
Oct 7, 2010 1:12pm
thedynasty1998;510584 wrote:Looks like you are pretty involved in stuff, but was curious as to who voted on this?

Our team
Belly35;510478 wrote:Dam good euchre player
I used to play euchre all the time; but it's a game where once you know exactly what to do with every set of cards with the same partner, there are only so many ways you can plan the cards correctly. Basically, when you get to a point, you cannot get any "better" in the game of euchre. Spades offers many more scenarios and almost always is different every hand, so I'm trying to get into that... but I don't have many opportunities to play.
se-alum's avatar
Posts: 13,948
Oct 7, 2010 1:14pm
Any dart throwers out here?? I'm pretty good at Cricket(the dart version).
Laley23's avatar
Posts: 29,506
Oct 7, 2010 2:01pm
I pretty much left my sporting career in HS. Stayed in shape through college for intramurals. Then lost my ability to run without getting tired lol.

Since then Im back in pretty good shap. Playing in a Y basektball league and for a soccer team in Toledo. We play a ton of the HS teams (scrimmage) and travel as far as Trinidad and Tobego for tourneys (usually only as far as Virginia).

Golf, best round is 73. Usually around 80. Broke 80 21 times this summer, and only shot over 85, 7 times. But my handicap is still at about a 9 (81).
UA5straightin2008's avatar
Posts: 3,246
Oct 7, 2010 2:53pm
I'm coaching the DG powder puff team here at school lol
Posts: 242
Oct 7, 2010 5:50pm
First place in my flag football league... not much else i just got outta high school
Shabaka Bashaarat's avatar
Shabaka Bashaarat
Posts: 43
Oct 7, 2010 9:34pm
Tiernan;510198 wrote:Regular Guy Sports Olympics would have to include Softball, Golf, Bowling, 1 on 1 B-ball, Poker, Hunting (and / or) Fishing, Bar Volleyball and Pool. Any others?

No on poker, hunting, fishing, and pool.