"Bullied to death"

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I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Oct 1, 2010 12:57am
ClayAikenation;502672 wrote:If we didn't coddle our current younger pathetic generation, but rather smacked/whipped them for being out of line, showed them how to "be a man", and encouraged real face to face interactions instead of weird encounters on chatroulette, our youngest generation would have a lot more in shape ass kickers, less homosexuals, who knew how to take orders and we would have a better society than the shit hole we currently are in.

Also, technology hasn't improved anyones lives. Don't give in to these electronic/computer companies. Technology and free media (internet) has basically ruined capitalism (example: the US right meow), helped create families who instead of interacting in their homes are each on their own laptops in separate rooms, ruined english prose and short term memory in children/adults, and if an apocalypse occurs, everyone will be so outrageously F-ed that they would die within 2 weeks.
Get the fuck over your past.

Hitting our kids didn't create respecting and well mannered/behaving kids. Good and attentive parents did. Still are today. I've never been hit by either of my parents but I still respect the shit out of people. Just the way I was taught by the people who surround me. Especially my grandpa (just threw him a party for his 60th wedding anniversary).

I'd argue that there are just as many in shape people (probably more) than there has ever been. The same is true for complete fat asses though. Being in incredible shape as well as being incredibly huge and out of shape is easier and more convenient than ever.

Taking orders is something that I'm glad we're getting away from. Questioning the logic and reasoning of something isn't disrespectful unless it's done with disrespect. If someone tells me to do something and I ask why I'm not rude/disrespectful I'm trying to learn something or trying to teach them something (eg: "But why would I go to that recycling center Dad? There's one ten miles closer")
Posts: 534
Oct 1, 2010 1:12am
ClayAikenation;502672 wrote:If we didn't coddle our current younger pathetic generation, but rather smacked/whipped them for being out of line, showed them how to "be a man", and encouraged real face to face interactions instead of weird encounters on chatroulette, our youngest generation would have a lot more in shape ass kickers, less homosexuals, who knew how to take orders and we would have a better society than the shit hole we currently are in.

Also, technology hasn't improved anyones lives. Don't give in to these electronic/computer companies. Technology and free media (internet) has basically ruined capitalism (example: the US right meow), helped create families who instead of interacting in their homes are each on their own laptops in separate rooms, ruined english prose and short term memory in children/adults, and if an apocalypse occurs, everyone will be so outrageously F-ed that they would die within 2 weeks.

Truth is the truth. Well said and well done.

And the poser "I Wear Pants", probably wears a skirt.
Posts: 2,849
Oct 1, 2010 1:36am
Seriously, kids today are so weak, no one committed suicide in the past, what the hell.
dwccrew's avatar
Posts: 7,817
Oct 1, 2010 1:42am
I see examples of cyber bullying on this thread. Hahaha, I hope no one commits suicide though.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Oct 1, 2010 6:58am
Ghmothwdwhso;503170 wrote:Truth is the truth. Well said and well done.

And the poser "I Wear Pants", probably wears a skirt.
That's it! You'll either be getting a certified letter soon or this site will be getting a lot of popularity because one of their posters hung himself with piano wire while his hands were epoxied to his head so as to appear that he ripped his head off.
Steel Valley Football
Posts: 4,548
Oct 1, 2010 11:10am
like_that;503084 wrote:I don't see how HB is an asshole for starting this thread. Its a valid point.

You likely are too if you can't see it.
Hb31187's avatar
Posts: 8,534
Oct 1, 2010 2:19pm
[video=youtube;_B-hVWQnjjM][/video] Ellen disagrees with me, I must be wrong. I wonder if shes biased?
Heretic's avatar
Posts: 18,820
Oct 1, 2010 2:27pm
I Wear Pants;503281 wrote:That's it! You'll either be getting a certified letter soon or this site will be getting a lot of popularity because one of their posters hung himself with piano wire while his hands were epoxied to his head so as to appear that he ripped his head off.

Hopefully the latter! Especially if I can get some TV time out of it.

"WHOA!!!! That's fuggin' awe....uh....I mean, what a senseless tragedy. I, uh, can't comprehend why anyone would do something like that. Yeah...that's what I mean."
Steel Valley Football
Posts: 4,548
Oct 1, 2010 3:22pm

I'm not saying your opinion is wrong. I'm saying your opinion makes you an asshole.
Hb31187's avatar
Posts: 8,534
Oct 1, 2010 3:32pm
So my opinion which is a 100% logical way of thinking makes me an asshole? So a kid kills himself because hes picked on and emotionally and sometimes physically hurt...so the solution is to kill him/herself and in turn put that emotional hurt on his family 10 times over? And im an asshole for not having sympathy for those kids? Right
Steel Valley Football
Posts: 4,548
Oct 1, 2010 3:54pm
Actually, the asshole part comes from making a post complaining about having to hear about these kids' suicides in the media as if it were a "bother" to you or otherwise cumbersome. It also makes you a dickhead. There is truth in the saying "discretion is the better part of valor".
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Oct 1, 2010 4:37pm
Steel Valley Football;503435 wrote:You likely are too if you can't see it.

And you are likely a pussy.
Steel Valley Football
Posts: 4,548
Oct 1, 2010 5:30pm
like_that;503728 wrote:And you are likely a pussy.

I bang your mom's pussy. And she likey...
KR1245's avatar
Posts: 4,317
Oct 1, 2010 5:48pm
cbus4life;503184 wrote:Seriously, kids today are so weak, no one committed suicide in the past, what the hell.

Kid are a product of their environment. The adults who criticize these kids are the same ones that are raising them and allowing them to get "soft".

I tend to agree with the people that think kids need to toughen up, at the same time I'm not going to criticize a 13 or 18 year old kid that took his life.
Posts: 6,239
Oct 2, 2010 12:56am
Let me put a different spin on the topic. As anyone noticed more and more people posting the Ellen video on their facebooks? Have people seriously just now woke the fuck up and realized bullying is a problem? Someone I'm friends with posted this on their facebook the other night (along with the Ellen video): After reading about Tyler Clementi, and watching this video, I'm seeing how bullying is a REAL problem, and is something that needs to be addressed in our society, schools, and homes.

....It just seems ridiculous. Bullying was a REAL problem years ago, much before Ellen stuck up for her gay friends. People don't read or watch the news anymore; they get their information from talk shows they follow religiously and based their opinions and priorities accordingly. It's like HB said, I wonder if Ellen is really concerned with suicides, or just the fact that the most recent one was by a gay kid.
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Oct 2, 2010 1:31am
Steel Valley Football;503752 wrote:I bang your mom's pussy. And she likey...

*Yawn* Cool dude, I remember when I was in middle school. I definitely never heard a mom joke before. /sarcasm
Glory Days's avatar
Glory Days
Posts: 7,809
Oct 2, 2010 1:01pm
like_that;504248 wrote:*Yawn* Cool dude, I remember when I was in middle school. I definitely never heard a mom joke before. /sarcasm

yeah, well i banged your mom in middle school.
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Oct 2, 2010 2:04pm
Glory Days;504492 wrote:yeah, well i banged your mom in middle school.

Maybe, I will go kill myself since you guys are pouring it hard on me with the mom jokes.
ClayAikenation's avatar
Posts: 89
Oct 2, 2010 2:17pm
GoPens;502913 wrote:I consider the bold part of your post quite ironic considering your name and avatar. I also nominate that line for the ignorant, moronic post of the year.
Clap clap clap. Your catching on to my shtick my friend....
Posts: 15,058
Oct 2, 2010 10:37pm
Crazy thing is, how much do facebook and the like enable excessive bullying? What possesses these kids to go on their and continue to be ridiculed, set-up and continually abused? That's where the OP has somewhat a valid point (don't agree that people who are extremely depressed or unstable bear sole responsibility for actions brought on by pyschological disorder) in that parents need to either get their kid off facebook or find someone who can help the kid firewall themselves from these attacks.
hoops23's avatar
Posts: 15,696
Oct 2, 2010 11:19pm
Kids are mentally weak today because they learn from their mentally weak parents who let them push them over and have their way with everything.

Then, when push comes to shove, those said kids have learned nothing but to be pushovers themselves.

It's all they know.
Heretic's avatar
Posts: 18,820
Oct 3, 2010 1:17am
hoops23;505452 wrote:Kids are mentally weak today because they learn from their mentally weak parents who let them push them over and have their way with everything.

Then, when push comes to shove, those said kids have learned nothing but to be pushovers themselves.

It's all they know.

Pretty much. Back in the olden days (aka: Great Depression/WWII era), life was tough. My parents were older when they had me (I'm currently 36 and they both were alive during that time and my dad was in WWII) and in retrospect, it's amazing how many "waste not, want not", "a penny saved is a penny earned", "wish in one hand, shit in another..." quotes that basically dealt with being frugal and not having what you wanted I heard.

Which makes me really think that with times better when their kids had kids, the children of that generation took the "my child isn't going to be left wanting like I was" mentality too far, which has created a lot of pampering which is why you have soft kids who get "bullied to death".

The people who deserve the contempt for things like emo pussies and bully-suicides are the parents...they're the ones who made their kids soft little wastes because they didn't want them to have ANY struggles growing up like they endured.