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imex99's avatar
Posts: 4,927
Sep 24, 2010 8:36pm
Do you subscribe?

Would u consider netflix if ur not a member?

Netflix considering cheaper, streaming-only package for U.S.

Netflix entered the Canadian market this week with one, simple package costing $7.99. What those eight Canadian dollars get you is the ability to stream Netflix videos to your computer, mobile device, or Netflix connected gadget of choice; it does not include any DVD rentals. Netflix CEO, Reed Hastings, has indicated the company is considering a similar plan for U.S. consumers. “The pricing Netflix is offering in Canada, $7.99 per month, does not include any DVD-by-mail option, and that is why it is cheaper than our $8.99 USA plan which has both DVD-by-mail and streaming in one plan. We are looking at adding a streaming-only option for the USA over the coming months,” said the CEO. To us, it seems to be worth the extra $12 per year to have the ability to order a more recent DVD via snail-mail. But if Netflix were to lower the price to say $5.99 per month, would you bite?
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Sep 24, 2010 9:46pm
for $10.99 I get 1 Blu Ray out and unlimited streaming
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Sep 24, 2010 10:17pm
I've gotten Netflix for a couple of years now. MUCH better than renting at a store or buying first without knowing if you like a movie or not.
TedSheckler's avatar
Posts: 3,974
Sep 24, 2010 10:28pm
Love it. Stream through my WDTV also.
Posts: 7,361
Sep 24, 2010 10:38pm
in kansas when i go to the post office they actually have a special box just for netflix that if you go inside and place it in there they deliever it even faster by skipping the sorting step
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 24, 2010 11:21pm
Love it. Stream from my PCs and when I'm away at school (applies to my siblings as well) and to my 360. Excellent.
Posts: 14
Sep 24, 2010 11:29pm
The service used to be a waste of money but has improved greatly. They offer 1 month free now. I did that and kept paying. Share my account with family members so they can stream on their computers as well as stream on the xbox and wii consoles. Well worth the $8.99/mo.
WCLfan's avatar
Posts: 117
Sep 24, 2010 11:33pm
Best. Thing. Ever
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Sep 24, 2010 11:38pm
Had it before don't currently have a job to get it now. I do remember them not having anything but older movies to watch online? Is it still the same now? I'd go for just streaming if I could get recent movies.
Posts: 6,239
Sep 24, 2010 11:39pm
It's a great service but I hate hate hate how they worked out the deal where they delay Warner Bro's new releases. I'd rather have all new release movies the day they come out instead of an expanded streaming library.
Emmett Brown's avatar
Emmett Brown
Posts: 478
Sep 25, 2010 12:05am
I have it and love it. I have the one blu ray and instant streaming. Its nice on the mornings were the baby won't sleep.
Laley23's avatar
Posts: 29,506
Sep 25, 2010 12:10am
Got it. The live streaming is amazing. Only problem is the limited selection at the moment.
hoops23's avatar
Posts: 15,696
Sep 25, 2010 12:40am
I did have it, but suspended my account for the moment and took out Blockbusters monthly deal until they shut down (lol)...

At the moment, for 11.99 (I think is the price) I get 1 DVD or Blu-ray out at a time and 5 in store swaps a month... But, it also includes Video Games, which is pretty sweet.

I don't have much time to watch movies, so the 5 swaps at the store come in handy because I don't have to wait for a movie to get to me by mail every couple of days..

I do miss the streaming of NetFlix though, especially all the TV episodes. Once Android gets the Netflix app, I'll probably re-activate my account and drop Blockbuster.
Glory Days's avatar
Glory Days
Posts: 7,809
Sep 25, 2010 7:00am
Nope dont have it. If i dont want to see a movie in a theatre, i'll wait till its on tv.
Posts: 12,198
Sep 25, 2010 7:52am
I don't watch enough movies for this to make sense to have.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Sep 25, 2010 9:11am
Con_Alma;496244 wrote:I don't watch enough movies for this to make sense to have.
We typically mainly use it for streaming tv show seasons and the fiancée uses it for yoga videos. We only watch about four discs per month
CinciX12's avatar
Posts: 2,874
Sep 25, 2010 9:23am
I'm not sure how I ever got along without netflix. When it comes to catching up on a tv series that you didnt get into right away, nothing comes close to beating it. Like this summer catching up on every single of Rescue Me instantly on my PS3.
wes_mantooth's avatar
Posts: 17,977
Sep 25, 2010 10:43am
I liked Netflix when I had it, but I figured that paying 0 dollars by getting the torrents before the movie is the way to go.
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Sep 25, 2010 11:16am
wes_mantooth;496307 wrote:I liked Netflix when I had it, but I figured that paying 0 dollars by getting the torrents before the movie is the way to go.

heel023's avatar
Posts: 241
Sep 25, 2010 11:20am
I have nexflix. The kids use it to watch all their shows.
wes_mantooth's avatar
Posts: 17,977
Sep 25, 2010 12:09pm
justincredible;496323 wrote:Criminal.
No....I am all talk. I am always a upstanding, law abiding citizen.
justincredible's avatar
Posts: 32,056
Sep 25, 2010 12:30pm
wes_mantooth;496346 wrote:No....I am all talk. I am always a upstanding, law abiding citizen.

I've already passed along your IP and confession to the authorities. Too late to backtrack now.
Posts: 4,511
Sep 25, 2010 12:37pm
Signed up recently and was mainly interested in the Instant feature on my computer and Wii. Quickly found that there's really very little available that way when it comes to movies. Have been tearing through seasons of TV shows, but I guess eventually I'll have to start using the mail thing if its really going to be valuable.
wes_mantooth's avatar
Posts: 17,977
Sep 25, 2010 12:37pm
justincredible;496366 wrote:I've already passed along your IP and confession to the authorities. Too late to backtrack now.

Me in 30 days...
imex99's avatar
Posts: 4,927
Sep 25, 2010 1:41pm
enigmaax;496374 wrote:Signed up recently and was mainly interested in the Instant feature on my computer and Wii. Quickly found that there's really very little available that way when it comes to movies. Have been tearing through seasons of TV shows, but I guess eventually I'll have to start using the mail thing if its really going to be valuable.

In the past few months, netflix has signed multiple contracts to expand the instant streaming of movies and tv shows. More content is on the way.... They've paid a few billion $$$$$ for these contracts.

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