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Ironman92's avatar
Posts: 49,363
Sep 5, 2010 9:41pm
Possibly a cool story bro.....but it really was pretty cool

My daughter is in high school biology and has to find a caterpiller and gets bonus points for any extras...must stay alive. After dinner and the Reds game we are all bored and decide to go try and find a caterpillar. We have little idea where to look and I drive to a nearby bike path along a creek bed. We walk, and walk, and walk and then look around trees, milk weed, plants etc. After nearly and hour of searching to no avail whatsoever and on our way back towards the car while still checking in 7 year old son (who is one of the most innocent, pure, creative well-rounded kids you'll meet) stops on the walking path, drops to his knees and starts to he gets through about 10 words I start to make fun of him and before I could finish my insult my daughter finds a was unbelievable. Especially since my kid has never been to Sunday school or church.

I then dropped down to my knees and asked for a million dollars......nothing yet.
Ironman92's avatar
Posts: 49,363
Sep 5, 2010 9:54pm
you need directions to hell by chance?
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Sep 5, 2010 9:58pm
Ironman92;472741 wrote: I then dropped down to my knees and asked for a million dollars......nothing yet.

This is stupid. Should have had the boy pray.
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Sep 5, 2010 10:20pm
I was going to make a joke about the Catholic church and being an altar boy, but then you said he's never been to church. Oh well. :D
Ironman92's avatar
Posts: 49,363
Sep 5, 2010 10:22pm
I figured he used up his prayer....I should've saved mine for the Steeler's games
DeyDurkie5's avatar
Posts: 11,324
Sep 5, 2010 10:24pm
Murdski99's avatar
Posts: 399
Sep 5, 2010 10:40pm
Hahahahaha......but nobody cares
Ironman92's avatar
Posts: 49,363
Sep 5, 2010 10:50pm
and it's easy to see some of the problems with this site

some just can't handle free reign
Murdski99's avatar
Posts: 399
Sep 5, 2010 11:46pm
na sir your story was juss pretty damn weak
Tiger2003's avatar
Posts: 15,421
Sep 6, 2010 12:15am
I actually thought it was pretty cool story....Why do some people just have to be asses.
Ironman92's avatar
Posts: 49,363
Sep 6, 2010 10:04pm
that's all they have

soory to broaden the direction of this particular forum

The only thing weak about the story was that it involved homework, a 7 year old and an immediatley answered prayer.....I'm sorry that some of you aren't to the point in your lives where you can appreciate anything of value. I guarantee if you weren't so tough and cool and had been there you would've shook your head in disbelief and smiled......but again I apologize for the weak story that makes everyone gay for reading it.
Ironman92's avatar
Posts: 49,363
Sep 6, 2010 10:05pm
^^^^^cool story grandpa
Posts: 166
Sep 6, 2010 11:24pm
i enjoyed it bro nice family.
Posts: 935
Sep 6, 2010 11:46pm
Very nice story... sorry it got blasted by some sad, sad people.
Apple's avatar
Posts: 2,620
Sep 7, 2010 12:08am
Great story Ironman!!!... and thanks for sharing it, even if it did open you up to sophomore-ish ridicule. Some day they will have kids and want to share their stories too.

Oh Shit! I can't believe I actually said OC posters may actually reproduce! THAT is a scary thought! :p
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Sep 7, 2010 7:48am
Ironman92;473884 wrote:that's all they have

soory to broaden the direction of this particular forum

The only thing weak about the story was that it involved homework, a 7 year old and an immediatley answered prayer.....I'm sorry that some of you aren't to the point in your lives where you can appreciate anything of value. I guarantee if you weren't so tough and cool and had been there you would've shook your head in disbelief and smiled......but again I apologize for the weak story that makes everyone gay for reading it.

Ironman92 I think one aspect of your story is that sometimes little things that happen in this world are signal of the future, a direction sign kinda... (Especially since my kid has never been to Sunday school or church.) In a small way you have seen the power of pray ...maybe you should go to Church ...

As for those on here that assume they are tough and cool because that can make rude comments without the fear of getting the shit beat out of them .... They are nothing to know one and will have very little later in life... Again small signs of our future are presented to us in our every day life, we just have to understand and be aware of what is going on around us... Then react to those signs and direction that are presented.

I once was selling our house (For Sale by Owner) to get a bigger home (we had already bought and the closing was to weeks away). We took a small vacation, came home ..I did not put the sign out the next day. My 9 year old daughter said, Dad if you pray to sell the house and God know it, how are those who don’t know God suppose to know it.
I put out the sign that night. I went to work my wife calls me at noon tells me I have to come home ASAP. Why? Because there is a lady in our living room who want to buy our home. I come home (30 minute drive) this lady what to buy our home for the asking price, signed to contract, close the deal in one week (she had cash from her father estate) and was able to close the deal on our bigger home the following week… Pray works
Posts: 6,567
Sep 7, 2010 8:21am
I thought it was a cool story, but then again I have a 7 year old, and am pretty spiritual myself, oh, and I'm not a jerk (usually) :).
sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Sep 7, 2010 8:32am
I think the story was pretty cool until the insinuation that this somehow proves that God or prayer works. People pray a lot for a lot of stuff, but we never hear about the times they don't get anything, rather only the once in awhile it actually happens. Coincidence? Yes, coincidence.
ZWICK 4 PREZ's avatar
Posts: 7,733
Sep 7, 2010 8:45am
Ironman92;472741 wrote:as he gets through about 10 words I start to make fun of him

that was my favorite part.
sherm03's avatar
Posts: 7,349
Sep 7, 2010 8:55am
That was a pretty cool story Ironman. There have been a few times in my life where I've been stressed about something and said a prayer and they came to a quick resolution. I've never had my prayers answered that quick, though. LOL.
Posts: 6,567
Sep 7, 2010 8:56am
sleeper;474494 wrote:I think the story was pretty cool until the insinuation that this somehow proves that God or prayer works. People pray a lot for a lot of stuff, but we never hear about the times they don't get anything, rather only the once in awhile it actually happens. Coincidence? Yes, coincidence.

I don't think he insinuated that prayer working is a fact. He even made fun of his kick then mockingly prayed for a million dollars. I think
Bigred1995's avatar
Posts: 1,042
Sep 7, 2010 10:00am
jmog;474507 wrote:I don't think he insinuated that prayer working is a fact. He even made fun of his kick then mockingly prayed for a million dollars. I think
Yeah, I gotta agree with jmog here! He never in fact attributed the actual find to the prayer and the fact his son has never been to church or Sunday school, at least to me, is an indication that he's not that type to think that of all the prayers to be answered, help with home work would be a priority!

And some people are just plain ignorant and to think that the first one to post such a reply is a high school teacher!
heel023's avatar
Posts: 241
Sep 7, 2010 3:54pm
Cool story. I can tell you first hand that kids pray for some weirdest things, well least my boys do lol
Iliketurtles's avatar
Posts: 8,191
Sep 7, 2010 7:30pm
I'm not regilious but this story was kinda cool it also made me think of a saying I always heard in high school.

"As long as there are tests, there will always be prayer in school." I guess this could just go for homework as well.
se-alum's avatar
Posts: 13,948
Sep 7, 2010 8:12pm
ccrunner609;472743 wrote:Is your wife and daughter good at dropping to their knees?
Really?? This coming from a "teacher".