Brawl at the U.S. Open...

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j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Sep 3, 2010 11:51am
what is the story behind this???
Posts: 6,239
Sep 3, 2010 11:51am
Tennis. Intense stuff.
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Sep 3, 2010 11:56am
Dumbass New Yorkers are calling security for the young guy to be thrown out. Other than probably being obnoxious he did nothing wrong. He kept his composure after the fat bitch slapped him, and he defended himself when the dumbass old guy attacked him.
Posts: 6,239
Sep 3, 2010 11:58am
Check out the guy sitting next to him...when him and the old man scuffle, he just gets up, walks a few rows up and sits down nonchalantly.
Posts: 166
Sep 3, 2010 12:37pm
I noticed that too, he sits down to watch the show like "your on your own bro"
stroups's avatar
Posts: 3,223
Sep 3, 2010 12:40pm
Lol at that old guy...... don't write checks your ass cant cash. That woman should of got in trouble too, I don't care what your age or gender is, if you touch someone like that it's assault.
ClayAikenation's avatar
Posts: 89
Sep 3, 2010 12:51pm
like_that;470445 wrote:Dumbass New Yorkers are calling security for the young guy to be thrown out. Other than probably being obnoxious he did nothing wrong. He kept his composure after the fat bitch slapped him, and he defended himself when the dumbass old guy attacked him.

Should've given the old man, what is referred to in wrestling terms as the ol "butt drag"
Fly4Fun's avatar
Posts: 7,730
Sep 3, 2010 1:25pm
This guy is going to be saved and have reason to press charges against both the woman and the old man for assault. They don't have any ground to stand on between these two videos.
DeyDurkie5's avatar
Posts: 11,324
Sep 3, 2010 1:34pm
I side with teh kid on this one..that dumbass old man shouldn't have went at him
Mohican00's avatar
Posts: 3,394
Sep 3, 2010 1:39pm
The only question I have - who goes to a fucking tennis match?
Posts: 475
Sep 3, 2010 1:40pm
That had to be a discussion about the meaning of "market value".
lhslep134's avatar
Posts: 9,774
Sep 3, 2010 1:53pm
Mohican00;470597 wrote:The only question I have - who goes to a fucking tennis match?

The same people who attend golf tournaments.
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Sep 3, 2010 2:37pm
berry;470598 wrote:That had to be a discussion about the meaning of "market value".

i think that the kid told that woman she shoulda hadd the gabba gool and she took offense.
Posts: 6,239
Sep 3, 2010 4:15pm
I've been wondering who this guy reminds me of all day and I just figured it out: The actor who plays Rocky's son in 'Rocky Balboa'
sherm03's avatar
Posts: 7,349
Sep 3, 2010 5:25pm
Would like to see what happened at the very beginning to bring about the yelling.

But from what I can see (which clearly isn't the whole story)...that bitch and the old guy had that coming.
Heretic's avatar
Posts: 18,820
Sep 3, 2010 5:38pm
Yeah, from the way other people were yelling, the kid must have been an ass, since it seemed like everyone wanted him gone. From reading a Yahoo sport blog, I got this
The New York Times reports that the altercation started pretty much as you'd expect: with the younger guy being loud, crude and obnoxious. No mention of alcohol was made in the Times piece, but it's not a huge leap to make. We've all seen those sorts of fans at games before.
As the story goes, the younger man was cursing and the woman told him to stop. Witnesses said he said something along the lines of "why don't you hit me if you don't like it" and, to his amazement, the woman did. (That's not in the clip above, but is shown in the clip at the bottom of this post). This video starts immediately after the initial hit, which is shown in the AP photo at the top of this post.
I did laugh my ass off at the old dude's attempt to take things into his own hands....and promptly getting owned.
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Sep 3, 2010 11:18pm
Wow, this has to be the first time that the chatter agrees on something. Old guy got what he deserved and the bitch is lucky she didn't get it as well.
Posts: 935
Sep 3, 2010 11:39pm
LOL... I loved the way the punk ass kid justified being a dickhead because he has money on the match. LOL... Kid deserved to have his ass kicked... too bad it didn't happen. Buying a ticket does not permit you to be an ass in public.... sorry, but it just doesn't.
2kool4skool's avatar
Posts: 1,804
Sep 3, 2010 11:40pm
I'm sure the young guy is a complete douchebag and deserves to get his ass kicked, but legally he's not at fault there.

Plus he gets some credit for not reacting when the woman hit him. There's a big difference between talking shit and starting a physical altercation.
Posts: 935
Sep 3, 2010 11:43pm
Legally speaking.. I am sure somewhere in the fine print on the back of the ticket it says... No douchebags allowed that are a pain in the ass to nice polite tennis fans... LOL
Posts: 56
Sep 4, 2010 12:14am
Wow - I thought tennis matches were fairly quiet. How come it took security so long to get involved? Being one that hates foul language being used in a public place, I can sympathize with the girl & her father, but their behavior was way worse. On the video, I thought the old guy was tugging on his daughter's top to settle her down & get her out of the situation. LOL!

Looks like the three are banned for awhile and none of the parties are pressing charges.
Posts: 4,085
Sep 4, 2010 11:30am
Mohican00;470597 wrote:The only question I have - who goes to a fucking tennis match?

I plan on going to Wimbledon some day....
Posts: 4,085
Sep 4, 2010 11:39am
No snow we go!;471152 wrote:LOL... I loved the way the punk ass kid justified being a dickhead because he has money on the match. LOL... Kid deserved to have his ass kicked... too bad it didn't happen. Buying a ticket does not permit you to be an ass in public.... sorry, but it just doesn't.

But the kid understood the rules. In the video he specifically stated that he did not talk during points. The other two need to be charged for assault.
Posts: 2,639
Sep 4, 2010 1:13pm
No snow we go!;471152 wrote:LOL... I loved the way the punk ass kid justified being a dickhead because he has money on the match. LOL... Kid deserved to have his ass kicked... too bad it didn't happen. Buying a ticket does not permit you to be an ass in public.... sorry, but it just doesn't.

Actually, buying a ticket gives you the right to be fan. You are allowed to be vocal.

If they had a problem with it and couldn't resolve it by asking him to stop, they should have sought out secuirity.

If security asked him to stop then he would. If not, then he could leave.

THere is absolutely no reason to have your "ass" beat for being vocal at a sporting event.

You're like a freaking communist. No free speech! Yeah thats the world I wanna live in.