Weight loss question

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sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Sep 1, 2010 11:41am
^ You guys are made for each other LOL
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Sep 1, 2010 11:43am
How did you ever get into OSU with your lack of intelligence?
sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Sep 1, 2010 11:49am
Because I spent my time in high school studying instead of grabbing other men's asses and calling it a "sport". LOL
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Sep 1, 2010 11:51am
Hmmm, with your stupidity I just don't see that. Your HS must have done some favors for you.
Sep 1, 2010 12:56pm
like_that;468021 wrote:This is crap. You def lose more than 400-500 calories after a wrestling practice.

Odd. Maybe they are referring to learning techniques, not the cardio involved.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 1, 2010 1:04pm
like_that;468091 wrote:Hmmm, with your stupidity I just don't see that. Your HS must have done some favors for you.
Or, more likely, he did some "favors" for them.
lhslep134's avatar
Posts: 9,774
Sep 1, 2010 1:10pm
like_that;468069 wrote:Its funny how the same people who make such ignorant comments about wrestling, are also fans of MMA...

I've never watched MMA before until this past Saturday, it's fucking awesome.

It also seems to me that to truly succeed in MMA you need a wrestling background or at least be very skilled in the ground game, because it seems thats where fights are won and lost.
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Sep 1, 2010 2:50pm
sleeper;468090 wrote:Because I spent my time in high school studying instead of grabbing other men's asses and calling it a "sport". LOL

I also wanted to add to my previous post. Congrats on proving you are not a well rounded person and couldn't handle a rigorous schedule of school, sports, and friends. I am more impressed with someone who has good grades and participates in extracurricular activities as oppose to someone who has good grades and does nothing but school work. Do you even have friends at school right now? I bet you are one of those guys who stays in on Friday and Saturday nights to study.
Sonofanump;468166 wrote:Odd. Maybe they are referring to learning techniques, not the cardio involved.

I would hope so. My five (and sometimes up to ten) pound practices would disagree with only burning 400-500 calories. I know it's a lot of water weight, but I know what burning 400-500 calories feels like, and it feels great compared to how many calories you burn after wrestling practice.
I Wear Pants;468176 wrote:Or, more likely, he did some "favors" for them.
Let's just say they scratched each other's backs.
lhslep134;468180 wrote:I've never watched MMA before until this past Saturday, it's fucking awesome.

It also seems to me that to truly succeed in MMA you need a wrestling background or at least be very skilled in the ground game, because it seems thats where fights are won and lost.

Most of the top fighters usually have a wrestling background. I think it is easier for top wrestlers to make the transition to MMA than any other background.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 1, 2010 3:16pm
It's because learning jiu-jitsu or other submission techniques are much easier to learn with a wrestling background since you already understand much about body positioning and how to get where you want. That's why there are a lot of guys that start in JJ or another submission discipline and have trouble against wrestlers because they can't control where the fight will be.

Being able to decide where the fight will be is a huge benefit and is why I believe some of the top MMA guys are the ones with wrestling backgrounds. If they want it to be standing they can use their wrestling to defend the takedown. If the other guy is outstriking them they can take it to the ground. It gives you control.
ClayAikenation's avatar
Posts: 89
Sep 1, 2010 4:08pm
sleeper;468056 wrote:Wrestling is the gayest sport of all time. Seriously, grabbing half naked men in tights? Yikes!

I'll pass.

Whats wrong with wrestling with half naked men in tights? Thats what friday nights are for, right boys?
tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Sep 1, 2010 4:18pm
Holy thread hijack, Batman!
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 1, 2010 4:20pm
Just eat right and excercise and you'll lose weight.
bases_loaded's avatar
Posts: 6,912
Sep 1, 2010 7:09pm
Was just kinda trying to figure out the best way to utilize my time...thanks for the first page...
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Sep 1, 2010 7:17pm
bases_loaded;468648 wrote:Was just kinda trying to figure out the best way to utilize my time...thanks for the first page...

Mixing it up is not a bad idea. I used to do the cross trainer (some call it elliptical) all the time for an hour a day. It was working great for some time, but i realized my body started to plateau. I just recently started mixing it up with p90x and realized I wasn't in as good as shape as i thought I was haha. I am already getting better results doing a different workout every day.

Try eating 6 small meals a day, and obviously not shit food. If you are into calorie counting, try this website http://www.myfitnesspal.com/. Very good site for keeping track of calories, and also factors in the calories you burn after working out. It also helps you eat the proper amount of calories depending on how much weight you want to lose per week.
Posts: 4,558
Sep 1, 2010 7:20pm
If you enjoy the elliptical stick with it, it's a great way to lose weight without beating up your body. Good luck.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 1, 2010 7:30pm
Yeah, if you like something stick with it. Because in the end the workout that you'll keep doing is the best one.
sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Sep 2, 2010 9:19am
I also wanted to add to my previous post. Congrats on proving you are not a well rounded person and couldn't handle a rigorous schedule of school, sports, and friends. I am more impressed with someone who has good grades and participates in extracurricular activities as oppose to someone who has good grades and does nothing but school work. Do you even have friends at school right now? I bet you are one of those guys who stays in on Friday and Saturday nights to study.
You'll learn this when you're older, money is more important than friends. Look at Bill Gates, if he was poor, no one would care about him. I have plenty of money, friends will come later, enjoy your 9-5 everyday, I'll be on a beach somewhere sippin' Mai Tais and watching the sunrise and sunset.
I Wear Pants
Posts: 16,223
Sep 2, 2010 10:58am
I care about Bill Gates because he made sweet operating systems and was an excellent executive. I couldn't give a shit if he has money. Donald Trump or that russian that bought the Nets have tons of money but I don't give a shit about them because they're douchebags.
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Sep 2, 2010 11:02am
sleeper;469229 wrote:You'll learn this when you're older, money is more important than friends. Look at Bill Gates, if he was poor, no one would care about him. I have plenty of money, friends will come later, enjoy your 9-5 everyday, I'll be on a beach somewhere sippin' Mai Tais and watching the sunrise and sunset.

You are in for a rude awakening if you think that's what the future holds for you.
sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Sep 2, 2010 11:06am
like_that;469336 wrote:You are in for a rude awakening if you think that's what the future holds for you.

Pretty sure my trust fund has more zero's than you could even count. LOL

Enjoy mediocrity!
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Sep 2, 2010 11:15am
sleeper;469347 wrote:Pretty sure my trust fund has more zero's than you could even count. LOL

Enjoy mediocrity!

Zero is a good number for you. It's the amount of friends you probably have, the amount of times you probably have been laid, and the amount of times you have told the truth about your financial status.

If you ever step out of your delusional world, and make enough money to pay for a prostitute, be sure to remember the penis enters the vagina (or actually ass hole for your case).
like_that's avatar
Posts: 26,625
Sep 2, 2010 11:16am
sleeper;469347 wrote:Pretty sure my trust fund has more zero's than you could even count. LOL

Enjoy mediocrity!

Zero is a good number for you. It's the amount of friends you probably have, the amount of times you probably have been laid, and the amount of times you have told the truth about your financial status.

If you ever step out of your delusional world, and make enough money to pay for a prostitute, be sure to remember the penis enters the vagina (or actually ass hole for your case).
sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Sep 2, 2010 11:20am
I don't measure my life in meaningless things such as how many friends I have, or how many girls I've laid, I measure my life in how much money I have in my bank account. Be skeptical, I don't care, I'm set for life at a very young age, and you will have to work for 50 years with an average wife and at an average job with average kids. Have fun with that!
Scarlet_Buckeye's avatar
Posts: 5,264
Sep 2, 2010 11:29am
Sleeper, I'm just curious as to what your occupation is?
sleeper's avatar
Posts: 27,879
Sep 2, 2010 11:31am
Scarlet_Buckeye;469387 wrote:Sleeper, I'm just curious as to what your occupation is?
