UPS Sucks and Apple Blows

Serious Business Backup 31 replies 1,046 views
chicago510's avatar
Posts: 5,728
Aug 28, 2010 11:04am
You really think apple doesn't insure their computer shipments? Its on my credit card so I'm not paying shit until I get it. The problem is I work overtime all weekend so I can't get out there til monday anyways.
Posts: 3,949
Aug 28, 2010 11:51am
Doubt they insured it. If they did, you'd be paying for the insurance in the shipping costs.
Posts: 6,239
Aug 28, 2010 2:10pm
$25 in accessories huh. So you'll get like half a bookbag?
chicago510's avatar
Posts: 5,728
Aug 28, 2010 2:13pm
Yeah or like one adapter cord. Fml.
Posts: 15,058
Aug 28, 2010 9:41pm
If Apple is disputing the claim "on your behalf" with UPS, I'd tell them screw that, ship me a new computer! Customer service should not involved you waiting for a resolution to a dispute between Apple and their distributor.

Explain to them that you are cancelling the order and will dispute any charges with your VISA. If you receive this computer, you will immediately be sending it back unopened. Then just submit an order for a new computer with Apple or someone else.
LJ's avatar
Posts: 16,351
Aug 28, 2010 9:45pm
chicago510;462984 wrote:So I ordered a macbook on Monday for med school, and I'm waiting for it to ship via UPS. The free printer and ipod that i got with it have already arrived.

My UPS tracking status has said the following bullshit since Monday night.

Billing Information Received
Shipped To:
Shipped/Billed On:

Apple and UPS both blame it on each other and say call next week if its not in. Well fuck I want my damn laptop before next week. Nobody knows where my $1100 computer is?!?!?!?!

Any words of advice before I murder Steve Jobs and whoever runs UPS?

tk421's avatar
Posts: 8,500
Aug 29, 2010 12:08am
Is that one of yours, LJ? :P