OMG die ESPN... DIE IN A FIRE!!@#@!#$!$!@#

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darbypitcher22's avatar
Posts: 8,000
Aug 24, 2010 9:58pm
I thought it was a pretty neat story
Posts: 15,058
Aug 24, 2010 11:17pm
RelsonGracieBJJ;461017 wrote:if ESPN sucks . Why do you continue to watch it?
I have pretty much stopped watching it.....The occasional bits and pieces of Mike & Mike and NFL highlights. That's pretty much it.
Ender Wiggin's avatar
Ender Wiggin
Posts: 1,124
Aug 25, 2010 12:05am
Anyone have a link to the story? Sounds funny.
Posts: 24,795
Aug 25, 2010 8:29am
gut;460998 wrote: Mike & Mike is the only decent show they have.
IF Greenberg & Golic are actually on together...also,listening to them for 9 minutes,followed by 6 minutes of commercials,for the entire show get's very annoying--I know it's how their salaries are paid,but it seems there has to be a better way...
Commander of Awesome's avatar
Commander of Awesome
Posts: 23,151
Aug 25, 2010 8:31am
See sig.
-Society-'s avatar
Posts: 1,348
Aug 25, 2010 9:11am
I'm amazed that someone the age of the fly4fun still uses "OMG".

Here's a definition I found at Urban Dictionary:
3. OMG
Used by retarded teenagers.
They say it stands for OH MY GOD, but they really mean it stands for OBSERVE MY GAYNESS
Rotinaj's avatar
Posts: 7,699
Aug 25, 2010 9:26am
Posts: 12,198
Aug 25, 2010 9:59am
vball10set;461188 wrote:IF Greenberg & Golic are actually on together...also,listening to them for 9 minutes,followed by 6 minutes of commercials,for the entire show get's very annoying--I know it's how their salaries are paid,but it seems there has to be a better way...

There is a point of diminishing return with advertising and to me they have reached it. Too many advertisements and the audience will leave.
Posts: 6,239
Aug 25, 2010 11:39am
HEY they're getting ready to interview the couple to see how the date went. The girl is actually pretty hot. The guy has the appearance of a douchebag, but I'll wait for the interview to confirm. Standby.
TBone14's avatar
Posts: 6,383
Aug 25, 2010 11:42am
I thought the story was funny. Good for the ball boy. In regards to ESPN, they single handedly made College Football what it is today and play more CFB than every other network combined. They give us games on Tues, Wed, Thurs nights..hell sometimes Friday nights and all day Saturday. For this, I am grateful and will gladly suffer through a story about a ball boy mackin on a honey in the crowd. Its August 25th, what exactly do you want them to talk about?
Posts: 6,239
Aug 25, 2010 11:43am
Nah, he's not a douchebag. Looks like a good kid. Good for him...because she's definitely hot.
Posts: 24,795
Aug 25, 2010 11:45am
friendfromlowry;461288 wrote:Nah, he's not a douchebag. Looks like a good kid. Good for him...because she's definitely hot.
any chance you can post pics??
TBone14's avatar
Posts: 6,383
Aug 25, 2010 11:48am
TBone14's avatar
Posts: 6,383
Aug 25, 2010 11:50am
Another one of the ball boy...looking for more of her, though.

Posts: 6,239
Aug 25, 2010 11:50am

That's a small snippet of their appearance on ESPN.

Haha, love the Gatorade picture.
TBone14's avatar
Posts: 6,383
Aug 25, 2010 11:52am
Posts: 15,058
Aug 25, 2010 12:35pm
She's way out of his league.

"Once I realized he's just a ball boy and doesn't actually play for the team, I had no interest in going out with the guy...but I will enjoy my 15 minutes of fame before dumping him"
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Aug 25, 2010 12:39pm
In the one picture it looks as though he is enjoying a glass of champange. Does he even look old enough to drink? I hope he got carded.
Posts: 24,795
Aug 25, 2010 12:40pm
you never know--they may end up married!!!
Posts: 15,058
Aug 25, 2010 12:41pm
THE4RINGZ;461345 wrote:In the one picture it looks as though he is enjoying a glass of champange. Does he even look old enough to drink? I hope he got carded.

LOL....I noticed that, too, and did a quick search. He is 21. Didn't see what her age was.

One of the articles was joking around that it was a pretty expensive restaurant and the bullpen should chip in for the tab.

Champagne? Kid has no game.
THE4RINGZ's avatar
Posts: 16,816
Aug 25, 2010 12:44pm
She is a cute girl for sure. He might have to pick up a paper route to suppliment his income if he is going to keep chasing tail like that.
Posts: 12,198
Aug 25, 2010 1:04pm
It's certainly possible but highly unlikely they were drinking Champagne.

If it was sparkling wine most of them are nasty. I have never understood the fascination with them.
Fly4Fun's avatar
Posts: 7,730
Aug 25, 2010 3:06pm
I usually don't say OMG... but I didn't want to put OMFG in the title as to not hint at curse words in title (playing it safe because I'm a moderator). But thanks for commenting on something completely unrelated and pointless.

Also, the whole title was over the top stupid internet speak to begin with. The point was to be excessive and pointless in the title... it's the way of the internet.

I apologize that you weren't able to grasp the fact that the title is not how I normally type or talk in any situation unless it is one that I'm trying to be ridiculous.
krambman's avatar
Posts: 3,606
Aug 25, 2010 4:20pm
Fly4Fun;460879 wrote:Seriously...

ESPN currently has on some stupid segment about a ballboy giving a ball to a girl and getting a date. And no, it's not a quick 10 second story. This is at least a 2 minute piece. They are now discussing the intricacies of the date.

I got a text about this story from my cousin yesterday, which seemed random, but then I found out that the girl is my cousin's girlfriend's best friend.