
Serious Business Backup 44 replies 1,379 views
NWIndianNation01's avatar
Posts: 996
Aug 16, 2010 4:53pm
I don't believe that we are in that specific culture...LoL

Thanks Justin...I appreciate it!
Darkon's avatar
Posts: 3,476
Aug 16, 2010 4:53pm
Heretic;453386 wrote:Being crapped on is a sign of respect in some cultures.

Man we have some highly respected posters on this site! LOL
wes_mantooth's avatar
Posts: 17,977
Aug 16, 2010 4:58pm
lol...I cannot believe people are giving a guy shit for trying to help the site out.
BRF's avatar
Posts: 8,748
Aug 16, 2010 5:00pm
Heretic;453386 wrote:Being crapped on is a sign of respect in some cultures.

Ya know, you ARE pretty funny, BTW, for an OLDER guy! ;-)

I just got back from the corner drugstore and got a generic prescription, Q-tips and some band-aids......13.68! When I signed for the prescription, I added "ohiochatter.com"!
Darkon's avatar
Posts: 3,476
Aug 16, 2010 5:02pm
BRF;453404 wrote:Ya know, you ARE pretty funny, BTW, for an OLDER guy! ;-)

I just got back from the corner drugstore and got a generic prescription, Q-tips and some band-aids......13.68! When I signed for the prescription, I added "ohiochatter.com"!

This place needs no more drugs in the mix.
BRF's avatar
Posts: 8,748
Aug 16, 2010 5:04pm
wes_mantooth;453400 wrote:lol...I cannot believe people are giving a guy shit for trying to help the site out.
BRF grants you that nickel for this post! ;-)
BRF's avatar
Posts: 8,748
Aug 16, 2010 5:07pm
Darkon;453407 wrote:This place needs no more drugs in the mix.

LOL!..........they were eye drops, btw! :-)..........although if you could score me some demerol, I would appreciate it! Ha ha!
Murdski99's avatar
Posts: 399
Aug 16, 2010 5:16pm
haha c'mon dont hate on the stoners now
Murdski99's avatar
Posts: 399
Aug 16, 2010 5:18pm
haha c'mon now dont be hating on the stoners
Heretic's avatar
Posts: 18,820
Aug 16, 2010 5:20pm
Darkon;453407 wrote:This place needs better drugs in the mix.

BRF's avatar
Posts: 8,748
Aug 16, 2010 5:30pm
Heretic;453427 wrote:Fix'd.
Nice. And throw in some "How are you IN vicodin", too! Ha Ha!
Aug 17, 2010 8:17am
I was actually just giving NW a hard time...I think he knew that...if not, he does now.
Fly4Fun's avatar
Posts: 7,730
Aug 17, 2010 8:28am
NWIndianNation01;453381 wrote:I know...someone tries to help out and all they get is crapped on.


I know Justin really appreciates your efforts; he has said so multiple times. I think it's awesome you are taking an active approach to trying to help this site grow. It's what people should do if they like talking here.

Just remember for those who are criticizing, it is easier to be a naysayer than to actually go out and do something positive.
NWIndianNation01's avatar
Posts: 996
Aug 17, 2010 10:43am

....man this thread got hi-jacked! LoL
Aug 17, 2010 11:19am
Hi-jacked by shitty business cards. :D
zambrown's avatar
Posts: 1,093
Aug 17, 2010 11:33am
I think they look fine! Way to step up and try to help. Disregard the haters. :)
Posts: 126
Aug 17, 2010 2:28pm
yeah you can def tell who the lame asses around here are.... and some wonder why people don't post often.... KUDOS maybe some people worth discussing things with will show up :)
GoChiefs's avatar
Posts: 16,754
Aug 17, 2010 2:40pm
BRF;453404 wrote:I just got back from the corner drugstore and got a generic prescription, Q-tips and some band-aids.!

Didn't you forget the Geritol?
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Aug 17, 2010 2:51pm
I have a hand drawn picture with justin pissing fire all over the logo for Ohio High. put it in the program for my HS football team.

you're welcome
BRF's avatar
Posts: 8,748
Aug 17, 2010 3:30pm
GoChiefs;454188 wrote:Didn't you forget the Geritol?
Ohhh ho ho! That stuff is nasty!