Two Muslims know real reason behind mosque proposal near Ground Zero

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Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Aug 16, 2010 2:25pm
Within NY City proper there are over 30 present location and only 16 block away is a mosque. Expand that location
Posts: 5,703
Aug 16, 2010 2:27pm
Belly35;453206 wrote:I get it now! Out of site out of mind .... go stick your head in the sand

Do you believe, as a general rule, that owners of private property ought to be able to use their property as they reasonably wish without the people through an oppressive and intrusive government breathing down their necks?

All I hear from those on the right is how inviolable property rights are....that the leviathan must remove his greasy palms from the freedom of rational citizens minding their own affairs yet this is suddenly not the case. Perhaps it's in poor taste, which I'm not sure if it is...but maybe so are smut and porno stores across from mosques or places of worship or hallowed grounds and that shit is everywhere. There's a place called "Peep show" right there.

American's are supposed to be free to use their private property generally as they wish and be free to offend people but not harm people...this is the generally libertarian maxim proposed by John Stuart Mill which Conservatives have pretended to adopt but reject at times like this...wallowing in their inconsistency. I mean there's already a Muslim prayer center in lower Manhattan. Should that be torn down?

Connecting all muslims or Mosques to 9/11 would be like connecting all Christians to the hutaree.
ptown_trojans_1's avatar
Posts: 7,632
Aug 16, 2010 2:27pm
Belly35;453219 wrote:Within NY City proper there are over 30 present location and only 16 block away is a mosque. Expand that location

It's NYC. Expanding a place is next to impossible.
Belly35's avatar
Posts: 9,716
Aug 16, 2010 2:55pm
ptown_trojans_1;453223 wrote:It's NYC. Expanding a place is next to impossible.
Cheap excuse ..............

What about the Greek Orthodiox Church that was destroyed on ground zero ...and the probelm they have trying to build..
Let take a look at a church that was at ground zero and the problem they are having and the restriction place on them and the relocation required of them.. and a mosque can just move in .....

Let start following the money trail now... see where this lead to...
Posts: 7,762
Aug 16, 2010 3:06pm
sorry for the experiment but Let me try this again and see what result it gets.

Two Taliban walk into a bar.
They see a woman in a short dress and they say
“Woman you insult the Prophet by dressing as a whore” they lop off her nose
They see a man drinking at the bar and they say
‘”Unbeliever you insult the Prophet by drinking alcohol,” they cut off his hands
They see the bartender holding a bottle of whiskey and they say
“Unbeliever you insult the Prophet by serving this poison, they decapitate him
They see I Wear Pants at the bar and they recognize and say
“Brother, thank you for telling everyone we are not such bad guys,” and they all sit around and drink goats milk.
majorspark's avatar
Posts: 5,122
Aug 16, 2010 3:09pm
Isadore, if you want banned their is a self ban sticky. It would be so much easier.
Posts: 7,762
Aug 16, 2010 3:40pm
majorspark;453254 wrote:Isadore, if you want banned their is a self ban sticky. It would be so much easier.
Hey I was just curious. I wrote this on the McChrystal thread and the next thing its closed. I just wondered if it was my attempt at a joke or the rest of the content of the thread that caused the closing, so I put it on again.
BigAppleBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 2,935
Aug 16, 2010 3:51pm
Just throwing this out there for debate: what if, after the planes hit the Trade Center towers, they found the black box and all you heard from the terrorists on the recording was "Praise Jesus! Death to America!" Then, no church would ever be allowed to be bulit in lower Manhattan. What would your thoughts be then?

For the record, I am totally ok with a mosque being built downtown. Many Muslims died that day as well, and the day we prevent religious freedom is the day NONE of us are Americans any longer.
IggyPride00's avatar
Posts: 6,482
Aug 16, 2010 3:55pm
Dingey Harry has come out just now and said the Mosque should be built somewhere else.
Writerbuckeye's avatar
Posts: 4,745
Aug 16, 2010 3:56pm
BigAppleBuckeye;453308 wrote:Just throwing this out there for debate: what if, after the planes hit the Trade Center towers, they found the black box and all you heard from the terrorists on the recording was "Praise Jesus! Death to America!" Then, no church would ever be allowed to be bulit in lower Manhattan. What would your thoughts be then?

For the record, I am totally ok with a mosque being built downtown. Many Muslims died that day as well, and the day we prevent religious freedom is the day NONE of us are Americans any longer.

It didn't happen that way and your point is pointless. Although New Yorkers are certainly free to make all the jokes they like about Christ, Christians and Christianity, but if they did the same thing with Islam, The Prophet and Muslims, they'd find themselves the subject of international scorn and likely death threats.

This isn't about "religious freedom" it's a matter of common sense and respect. If Muslims TRULY respected the feelings of Americans on this issue we wouldn't be having this conversation. That tells me there is something more sinister behind this effort. And of course, the politically correct imbeciles, like the mayor of NY, are going right along with it.
BigAppleBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 2,935
Aug 16, 2010 4:00pm
Writerbuckeye;453318 wrote:It didn't happen that way and your point is pointless. Although New Yorkers are certainly free to make all the jokes they like about Christ, Christians and Christianity, but if they did the same thing with Islam, The Prophet and Muslims, they'd find themselves the subject of international scorn and likely death threats.

This isn't about "religious freedom" it's a matter of common sense and respect. If Muslims TRULY respected the feelings of Americans on this issue we wouldn't be having this conversation. That tells me there is something more sinister behind this effort. And of course, the politically correct imbeciles, like the mayor of NY, are going right along with it.
Yes, Bloomberg is an inbecile, as his status in life clearly shows. Someday, maybe he will see the light and make something of himself.

I didn't make a point, I asked a question. Humor me, and pretend it DID happen that way. How would you feel?
IggyPride00's avatar
Posts: 6,482
Aug 16, 2010 4:05pm
That tells me there is something more sinister behind this effort.
My post about building a Mosque on a site of conquest was laughed at, but that is exactly what is going on.

They can boast about knocking down our tallest buildings and putting a shrine to Allah in its place without so much as a finger lifted in opposition. As I said, it makes a great recruiting tool for Al Qaeda to show their troops they they are making progress and to keep fighting.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Aug 16, 2010 4:10pm
It will be nice to see some names posting to defend Christianity on the next threads created to bash it!!!

CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Aug 16, 2010 4:14pm
IggyPride00;453333 wrote:My post about building a Mosque on a site of conquest was laughed at, but that is exactly what is going on.

They can boast about knocking down our tallest buildings and putting a shrine to Allah in its place without so much as a finger lifted in opposition. As I said, it makes a great recruiting tool for Al Qaeda to show their troops they they are making progress and to keep fighting.
I didn't think it was funny. Interestingly enough, one of my favorite non-fiction books is one that documents the lives of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain. The book is dotted throughout hitting on just this topic.
Ironically, Queen ISA didn't piss around lol
jhay78's avatar
Posts: 1,917
Aug 16, 2010 4:21pm
ptown_trojans_1;453078 wrote:Thanks for the rant.
I don't see the big deal. Honestly. The guy is not affiliated with 9/11 or the attacks and the center will not preach Islam that is inline with al Qaeda.

Ehh, I read all those links a little differently. Of course those sites are bias and I'd like to know where they received their translations of the Qur'an.
I don't care if you believe him or not. I don't think he is a radical like OBL, but a moderate that is needed to advance the dialogue in religious discussions on how to remove the need for radical Islam.
When this "moderate" calls Hamas a terrorist organization, then I will lend some credibility to him advancing religious dialogue.
Hamas first came up in the mosque debate earlier this summer when Abdul Rauf refused to describe the group as a terrorist organization -- despite the State Department listing that identifies it as such.

Tom Brown, a chief opponent of the mosque, said: "This is what we've been saying . . . Imam Rauf is a radical Muslim who will not call Hamas a terror group."

A retired firefighter who was a first responder on 9/11, Brown lost 100 of his FDNY friends at the Twin Towers.

"How much evidence do we need that this guy is a radical Muslim?" he asked.

"If Rauf really were a bridge builder and an interfaith guy and all the things he professes to be, he wouldn't be doing this to people."
And just where is the money coming from to build this mosque, or cultural center, or whatever nice word you want to use for it?
Abdul Rauf raised eyebrows last week when he departed on a State Department-sponsored goodwill mission to the Middle East, despite concerns that the trip may be helping him with the mosque's $100 million fund-raising goal.

The Obama administration insisted the trip, reportedly with stops in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar, was strictly to improve understanding about Muslim communities in the United States.

But a London-based Arabic-language newspaper that interviewed Abdul Rauf reported that he said he would also collect money from Muslim and Arab nations around the world -- raising the possibility that the American government is helping him build contacts in oil-rich states.
ptown_trojans_1;453109 wrote:If he is a threat or even preaching radical jihad Islam, our FBI and IC will be all over him.

Of course he's not going to preach radical Islam- then his true intentions are discovered. That's why I'm curious about taqiyya and the Koran.
Posts: 6,567
Aug 16, 2010 4:27pm
I think its interesting that this imam has another mosque just about 10 blocks down the road but feels the need to open this one as well.
jhay78's avatar
Posts: 1,917
Aug 16, 2010 4:29pm
BigAppleBuckeye;453326 wrote:Yes, Bloomberg is an inbecile, as his status in life clearly shows. Someday, maybe he will see the light and make something of himself.

I didn't make a point, I asked a question. Humor me, and pretend it DID happen that way. How would you feel?
Your comparison is weak. There are a whole lot more (a way, way, way, whole-lot more) than 19 wacked-out hijackers who claim allegiance to Islam. I don't have time, but I could type for hours the individuals in the US and terrorist acts around the world, all of which have in common they claim allegiance to Islam.

And please, stop with the religious freedom BS. Nobody's being denied the right to practice their religion. Americans deserve to know A) who this imam really is B) where's the money coming from.

Nothing like leftists all of a sudden harping on private property rights.
BigAppleBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 2,935
Aug 16, 2010 4:35pm
jhay78;453353 wrote:Your comparison is weak. There are a whole lot more (a way, way, way, whole-lot more) than 19 wacked-out hijackers who claim allegiance to Islam. I don't have time, but I could type for hours the individuals in the US and terrorist acts around the world, all of which have in common they claim allegiance to Islam.

And please, stop with the religious freedom BS. Nobody's being denied the right to practice their religion. Americans deserve to know A) who this imam really is B) where's the money coming from.

Nothing like leftists all of a sudden harping on private property rights.

Yet, you fail to answer the question ... seems like a lot of defensive people on here, when all I asked was a simple question. I also see you come from the school of Belly -- "you leftist!" ... try using your brain sometimes, and don't lump me into what you deem to be a leftist. I have liberal and conservative viewpoints, and don't feel compelled to act a certain way cause a party tells me so.
Posts: 313
Aug 16, 2010 4:49pm
They can't make an arguement against "praising Jesus" . Thats the point.

Heres an entertaining thought -- is building it LEGAL ? Good little Rs ought to be able to make a patriotic comment on that, lol
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Aug 16, 2010 4:51pm
BigAppleBuckeye;453308 wrote:Just throwing this out there for debate: what if, after the planes hit the Trade Center towers, they found the black box and all you heard from the terrorists on the recording was "Praise Jesus! Death to America!"

Well since we're involved in a hypthetical world with this question, I don't have a problem answering it.

I would most likely think they were fanatical zealouts (which happens in all religions and even non-religions) and would not feel bad for them or theirs. I would probably also want the powers that be to track down the rest of the maggots and make sure they died, too.

I have no problems with those people who never give, and only take away,(such as the people who carried out 911 in the real world) .... dying.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Aug 16, 2010 4:52pm
Paladin;453383 wrote:They can't make an arguement against "praising Jesus" . Thats the point.
ooops! You posted too soon.
BigAppleBuckeye's avatar
Posts: 2,935
Aug 16, 2010 4:53pm
CenterBHSFan;453385 wrote:Well since we're involved in a hypthetical world with this question, I don't have a problem answering it.

I would most likely think they were fanatical zealouts (which happens in all religions and even non-religions) and would not feel bad for them or theirs. I would probably also want the powers that be to track down the rest of the maggots and make sure they died, too.

I have no problems with those people who never give, and only take away,(such as the people who carried out 911 in the real world) .... dying.

I respect your post Center ... but would you perturbed if a church project in lower Manhattan was being contested because of these specific maggots?
IggyPride00's avatar
Posts: 6,482
Aug 16, 2010 4:59pm
The liberal blogs are on blazing hot fire right now that Dingey Harry has come out against building the Mosque at the proposed location. They are totally outraged. How shocking.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Aug 16, 2010 4:59pm
BigAppleBuckeye;453392 wrote:I respect your post Center ... but would you perturbed if a church project in lower Manhattan was being contested because of these specific maggots?

But, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't question the motives of why they would want to build a church right there. Because I would. I think anybody with common sense, and perhaps a little historical knowledge, would be interested in that aspect.
Just like in real life.
CenterBHSFan's avatar
Posts: 6,115
Aug 16, 2010 5:02pm
Incidently, my stepfather who is alot more conservative than I am, is whole-heartedly against the mosque proposal.
Of course, he's very patriotic - and hasn't opened up his mind so much that part of his brains fell out, either. :)