Health inspectors shut down 7-year-old's lemonade stand; Demand $120 for license...

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se-alum's avatar
Posts: 13,948
Aug 6, 2010 10:30am
Iliketurtles;443411 wrote:Laws are the laws and everyone must follow them. Why should a 7 year old get special treatment.
Unless you're an illegal immigrant.
j_crazy's avatar
Posts: 8,372
Aug 6, 2010 10:31am
several lapses in judgement here.
1st the inspector doesn't have to be such a hardass on a little girl.
2nd the instigators in the booth adjacent didn't need to instegate anything.

no one is right in this situation.
Shane Falco
Posts: 440
Aug 6, 2010 11:14am
TBone14's avatar
Posts: 6,383
Aug 6, 2010 11:59am
Steel Valley Football;443257 wrote:This was news a week ago.

Good point..remember everyone..we can't have discussion on things that Steel Valley Football has heard of before us or things that have happened a week ago. Thanks for keep up in line.
Aug 6, 2010 12:35pm
Dumb bitch should have just applied for a license.
Steel Valley Football
Posts: 4,548
Aug 6, 2010 12:38pm
TBone14;443586 wrote:Good point..remember everyone..we can't have discussion on things that Steel Valley Football has heard of before us or things that have happened a week ago. Thanks for keep up in line.

My point was better than the dumb shit above this sentence.
TBone14's avatar
Posts: 6,383
Aug 6, 2010 12:57pm
Steel Valley Football;443640 wrote:My point was better than the dumb shit above this sentence.

Your point was that this was news last week. That isn't a point. That's being a douche bag.
Steel Valley Football
Posts: 4,548
Aug 6, 2010 1:36pm
TBone14;443671 wrote:Your point was that this was news last week. That isn't a point. That's being a douche bag.

Good, I fit right in here then. All people do here is make smart-ass comments about other people's posts, you included.

Kinda like when I banged your mom while your dad watched. I would never post that here, though; it's rude.
ts1227's avatar
Posts: 12,319
Aug 6, 2010 1:55pm
Steel Valley Football;443751 wrote:Kinda like when I banged your mom while your dad watched. I would never post that here, though; it's rude.

ernest_t_bass's avatar
Posts: 24,984
Aug 6, 2010 1:59pm
homefield;443457 wrote:You have to wonder if she was a little black girl would she have been shut down?

Who knows, but you know Sharpton and Jackson would be all over it.
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Aug 9, 2010 12:43pm
You, Sir, are an idiot.
redfalcon's avatar
Posts: 1,088
Aug 9, 2010 12:44pm
homefield;443457 wrote:She should file charges of racism if the health inspector is black.

You have to wonder if she was a little black girl would she have been shut down?
You, sir, are an idiot.
Jughead's avatar
Posts: 1,261
Aug 9, 2010 6:47pm
Iliketurtles;443411 wrote:Laws are the laws and everyone must follow them. Why should a 7 year old get special treatment.

Do you honk your horn when you pass someone on the highway?'s the law. In fact, not even police officers follow this law. Can we declare citizen's arrest?

The point of this rant, most laws are ridiculously stupid and should be ignored.
Tigerfan00's avatar
Posts: 3,427
Aug 9, 2010 7:31pm