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Trueblue23's avatar
Posts: 7,463
Aug 7, 2010 10:03pm
Why do you need my cell number, you can contact me via PM and PSN anytime.
Posts: 163
Aug 7, 2010 10:30pm
Trueblue23;445069 wrote:Why do you need my cell number, you can contact me via PM and PSN anytime.

We use it to keep everyone up to date. Its a lot easier to send a text and know that someone gets the message than leave a message on the Playstation and then wait till they get online to get it.

On another note Akron is now 2-0! The defense has been playing great and I have something like 5 fumble recoveries already in 2 games! The offense is being run by 2 QBs right now, neither has shown consistency yet. It will be interesting to see if one prevails or if it will be a 2 quarterback system all season.
imex99's avatar
Posts: 4,927
Aug 7, 2010 10:32pm
Trueblue23;445069 wrote:Why do you need my cell number, you can contact me via PM and PSN anytime.

Smeltz beat me again.... With the answer though!

The commish usually gets everyones cell number so he can help setup user games and the commish won't give your number out to anyone else if you request it that way...
I have everyone s cell because I usually run the dynasties but let bucks run it this year.....It just helps things run smoother and dynasty advances also.

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darbypitcher22's avatar
Posts: 8,000
Aug 7, 2010 11:41pm
I'll play my 2nd game tomorrow
Tiger2003's avatar
Posts: 15,421
Aug 8, 2010 10:40am
Trust me I don't want your number because you are a Michigan fan and want to see if you hang out....
TBone14's avatar
Posts: 6,383
Aug 8, 2010 1:55pm
Pick6;444058 wrote:Hahaa..I dont know TBone....I think im gonna have to stick with Toledo, for now

Enjoy playing me, Bucks, Smitty and Imex back to back to back to back weeks next season.
Posts: 163
Aug 8, 2010 1:59pm
TBone14;445406 wrote:Enjoy playing me, Bucks, Smitty and Imex back to back to back to back weeks next season.

That could get ugly.....
TBone14's avatar
Posts: 6,383
Aug 8, 2010 2:04pm
Smeltz_11;445407 wrote:That could get ugly.....

I won't do that to him, but I wanted my RRRRRockets.
Pick6's avatar
Posts: 14,946
Aug 8, 2010 2:07pm
TBone14;445411 wrote:I won't do that to him, but I wanted my RRRRRockets.

psst..switch you and put smeltz in and i might be intimidated...nah but really if you want Toledo, you can have em even though im 0-2..I dont really have enough time for 3 dynasties and you gave me an extra day to get my tulsa vs fsu game in.
TBone14's avatar
Posts: 6,383
Aug 8, 2010 2:17pm
Pick6;445413 wrote:psst..switch you and put smeltz in and i might be intimidated.../

He's not in my dynasty or I would have put him in there. I'm already in 3 dynasties..I don't have time for a 4th right now, anyways.
darbypitcher22's avatar
Posts: 8,000
Aug 8, 2010 2:47pm
I'm planning on getting my game played around 5:00 so people can advance
imex99's avatar
Posts: 4,927
Aug 8, 2010 3:23pm
Pick6;445413 wrote:psst..switch you and put smeltz in and i might be intimidated...nah but really if you want Toledo, you can have em even though im 0-2..I dont really have enough time for 3 dynasties and you gave me an extra day to get my tulsa vs fsu game in.

shit, suck it up...

I have full time job(plus work overtime), have a 7 month old baby and house was just damaged by the storms ($3,000) and i'm in 6 dynasties....
TBone14's avatar
Posts: 6,383
Aug 8, 2010 4:38pm
Trueblue23;445069 wrote:Why do you need my cell number, you can contact me via PM and PSN anytime.
We could also use your address, a credit card number with expiration date and security code on the back, social security number, credit score, and yearly income.
imex99;445480 wrote:shit, suck it up...

I have full time job(plus work overtime), have a 7 month old baby and house was just damaged by the storms ($3,000) and i'm in 6 dynasties....

LoL..that's dedication. You still in the daily advance dynasty?
Tiger2003's avatar
Posts: 15,421
Aug 8, 2010 4:43pm
imex99;445480 wrote:shit, suck it up...

I have full time job(plus work overtime), have a 7 month old baby and house was just damaged by the storms ($3,000) and i'm in 6 dynasties....

Shut up Im in the same boat but I have one less leg then you....ha
darbypitcher22's avatar
Posts: 8,000
Aug 8, 2010 5:58pm
Bowling Green falls to Oklahoma, 41-10. BG could not stop the powerful Oklahoma offense.

Does it seem like the computer breaks a hell of a lot of tackles in this year's game? I seem to have that happen a ton, I make a stop for 2 or 3 yards and 3 or 4 broken tackles in the same play and its a 1st down and keeps a drive moving, very frustrating some time
imex99's avatar
Posts: 4,927
Aug 8, 2010 7:38pm
TBone14;445602 wrote:We could also use your address, a credit card number with expiration date and security code on the back, social security number, credit score, and yearly income.

LoL..that's dedication. You still in the daily advance dynasty?

Yes but they been slacking and advancing every one or two days....

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imex99's avatar
Posts: 4,927
Aug 8, 2010 7:39pm
Tiger2003;445612 wrote:Shut up Im in the same boat but I have one less leg then you....ha

Damn, they castrate your dick? Haha

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Pick6's avatar
Posts: 14,946
Aug 8, 2010 7:59pm
darbypitcher22;445677 wrote:Bowling Green falls to Oklahoma, 41-10. BG could not stop the powerful Oklahoma offense.

Does it seem like the computer breaks a hell of a lot of tackles in this year's game? I seem to have that happen a ton, I make a stop for 2 or 3 yards and 3 or 4 broken tackles in the same play and its a 1st down and keeps a drive moving, very frustrating some time

yes..i just set my hard hitting or whatever it is to conservative..it helps some
Tiger2003's avatar
Posts: 15,421
Aug 8, 2010 8:44pm
imex99;445742 wrote:Damn, they castrate your dick? Haha

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That so wrong....
imex99's avatar
Posts: 4,927
Aug 8, 2010 11:29pm
Tiger2003;445802 wrote:That so wrong....

haha, j/k bro
Posts: 163
Aug 9, 2010 11:44pm
So the post moved to the second page so I had to post something to get it back on the 1st page..

When are we advancing? I think there was only a couple gms left to be played
Trueblue23's avatar
Posts: 7,463
Aug 9, 2010 11:49pm
PSN is being gay for me right now.

Give me some time.
imex99's avatar
Posts: 4,927
Aug 9, 2010 11:56pm
I'm all caught up I all six of my online dynasties.... Night all.

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darbypitcher22's avatar
Posts: 8,000
Aug 10, 2010 12:23am
BG drops ia squeaker to BYU 52-14
jpake1's avatar
Posts: 2,389
Aug 10, 2010 1:57am
I would have accepted if I would have got the invite. I only got a friend request, not a dynasty request.